Map Changes in 2.0.4

so they are basing the changes to the map system on how the maps have been used in the leagues? even though most the people doing this are playing in standard?
Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World
Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening
Streaming @
Ghudda broke the game.
Love the game and glad to attempts to make it better but....

In order to eliminate confusion, tiers is not better. Simply naming maps for each level or range of levels would be much much better..
For example, 82 level maps become 90 - 100 level maps, basically use the level range the levels that wont incur xp penalties down to the level a player should be before attempting.

As far as Zana goes, please add high level maps to lvl 8 zana for purchase and for missions... That would overcome the rng barrier that mapping has become, especially for more casual players like myself.

Please fix the spiking in lag when playing on lockstep or even better make both the server and the player not move during those lag events. I cannot even consider hard core on lockstep because of these lag spikes lock my character in place and the the game goes into super turbo before I can play and I die, rinse and repeat....rinse and repeat...
Is it really necessary to make it more difficult to get to 100? As many have said, most people just level to 80-90 anyway. I've been playing off and on a couple years now with 1000+ hours play time and have zero level 100 characters. It would be nice to have at least one, but this makes it highly unlikely.

Also, there has to be a better way to handle mapping, besides the tier system.
My highest level character is 93 and I've been playing since 2013. I avoid any streamer that's doing a lvl 100 "challenge." As it's more accurate to call it a waste of time. Why are you devoting resources to shit most people never see?

A map tier is as arbitrary as a map monster level, since we don't actually know what any of your numbers are for scaling. You realize a player won't know how difficult a tier 10 map is just as much as a lvl 77 map when they are 80.

Please fix the spiking in lag when playing on lockstep or even better make both the server and the player not move during those lag events.

How would that work? The server spends most of its time waiting for requests from the client. Hardly any time would pass.
rip the grind to 100
the dream
Chris wrote:
It takes approximately twice as long to reach 100 from 99 as it did previously, and the difference in experience between the top-tier maps is around 15% per tier, rather than 35%. It's far less important to be running a level 82 map for experience than it was before.

Am I understanding this correctly to essentially mean that levelling past character level 90 will be generally easier, all the way up to 99 inclusive, and that only 99-100 will see a significant reduced-gain impact?
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Sep 24, 2015, 12:12:21 AM
tier level is a bad change, is just makes things more confusing to people.
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_

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