Map Changes in 2.0.4

NBlackLotusN wrote:
I don't understand how GGG is working, and it seems GGG doing their best to make the top 5% including streamers happy while ignoring everyone else.

The problem isn't that they cater to the "No Lifers", it's that they are trying to make a game that accommodates everyone. The problem is that the range of player activity is huge. A small number of people play 16 hours everyday "No lifers", while some play a few hours on the weekend "Casual", and everything in between.

If the content is designed around Casual player activity, then the No Lifers crush all of the relevant content in no time. If the content is designed around No Lifer activity, then a large portion of the content is not accessible to most players.

Detrimental effects of addressing these issues occur when GGG accounts for No Lifer activity by implementing changes that effect everyone. For instance, making endgame maps ridiculously rare, or decreasing experience given by high maps. These fixes are painful for casual players, and quite frankly, turn a lot of people off to the game.

They want the race to 100 to last longer. That's understandable, it maintains interest in the game for some people. However, decreasing the experience given in maps is not the appropriate way to make this happen. When you decrease experience given in maps, you are punishing the casual player that is just trying to get his character to lvl 90. The appropriate thing to do would be to increase the total experience levels required to achieve levels beyond, say, 95. This would not impact most players, but it would impact those that have the time to race to 100. It's a win-win. Of course, there would be some complications dealing with characters in standard that are already 95+, but who cares, Standard is BS anyway.

Last edited by Cherd on Sep 26, 2015, 11:20:44 PM
Cherd wrote:
The appropriate thing to do would be to increase the total experience levels required to achieve levels beyond, say, 95. This would not impact most players, but it would impact those that have the time to race to 100. It's a win-win. Of course, there would be some complications dealing with characters in standard that are already 95+, but who cares, Standard is BS anyway.

that solution will not affect the no-lifers, they will just overcome that easily, but at the same time casuals who wanted to lvl pass 95+ will severally affected.

the correct way to slowdown no-lifers is to introduce a fatigue system into leveling. if a player leveling their character too fast, a exp fatigue will occur, he will get exp penalty on that character. Some MMO actually already have this kind of system to stop power levelers.

each of the extra penalty will stack on top of each other & on top of the current map exp penalty.

the counter will only reset 1 penalty each day, that means if u gain multiple levels and get multiple fatigue penalty at the same day, it will take a few days for u to reset the penalty completely

with this u can slow down the no-lifer, who tried to power level their characters easily. And have little to no affect to casual since casual are generally play less hours & level much slower per day.
Last edited by Darkkrows on Sep 26, 2015, 11:50:09 PM
Darkkrows wrote:
the correct way to slowdown no-lifers is to introduce a fatigue system into leveling. if a player leveling their character too fast, a exp fatigue will occur, he will get exp penalty on that character. Some MMO actually already have this kind of system to stop power levelers.

Another option (which wouldn't feel as punishing for the top players) is to do what major roguelikes have done for decades, and support handicaps.

Let players choose handicaps when they start a character. Handicaps can be very simple (e.g. a simple multiplicative factor that just makes enemies stronger), or (if the want to invest more time into designing the system) they could offer a selection of various stuff, each affecting different elements of gameplay.

Then change the ladders so that they don't just count experience, but score. Score is the same as level, but gets a multiplier if you've chosen handicaps.

- Top players' races for top ladder spots will last much longer than before, because now, reaching level 100 is not the un-toppable maximum achievement. There's always an incentive to start a new char with a bigger handicap, to take the first spot in the ladder.
- Other players won't be affected at all, and reaching level 100 becomes a worthwhile and achievable goal.
Cherd wrote:
All I know is that the current map drop rates are infuriating. Between Tempest and WB I've leveled 4 characters to 90+. In that time I've had a total of 1 80+ map drop. I've put in the time, I've made the characters, but I can't run the maps. What's wrong with this picture?

4 characters 80+. Ran lots of 100+ quantity 78s and 79s. I looted ONE level 80 map. What the hell is the point of level 78s and 79s if they dont drop level 80s. Where do level 80 maps even drop. I saw a bucnh of them drop in 81s and 82s from Streamers. Nice catch 22 there GGG. Level 80+ maps only drop in 80+ maps but you cant loot 80+ maps so you cant get any 80+ maps
IGN: DabrixRN
Last edited by Thomasmgp on Sep 27, 2015, 3:45:16 AM
Chris wrote:

In order to resolve this confusion, maps now display a tier rather than a level. The level can easily be calculated. Tier 1 is level 68 (or level 66 if it's an old map graphic).

having to calculate is even more confusing! wth!

btw, this post is a tier 7 post, you can calculate easily how much experience is gained by reading it, when you are over lvl 9000

Cherd wrote:
The problem isn't that they cater to the "No Lifers"....

I always knew there were two versions of this game!
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Pokora22 wrote:
Riiiiight... so I can say bye to trying to lvl 100 at all. It was already quite a grind before. There was no challange at all involved in it. It just took long, and now it's going to take twice as much time? (from 99 to 100 at very least, don't feel like calculating differences on lower levels)

We've also gained 2 more levels in maps overall. So the highest level map back then gave 100% of its exp. According to GGG, the next level above that map would give 35% more than that. So the map that was one level higher than the highest level map back then gives 135% of its exp. The next level after that also gives 35%, which means we're up to the newest highest level map giving 182% more exp. This means they almost cut the 99 to 100 grind in half.

Basically, if they cut it in half it won't mean it'll take twice as long to go from 99 to 100, it'll take more like 9% longer than before. I'm not 100% sure on how long it took before, but let's say it takes a week to get from 99 to 100 while you're playing something like 8 hours/day. We're looking at 56 hours. A 9% increase would take us to 61. 61-56 = 5. So you'd have to play for a little bit more than half a day more. And that is if my assumption that 7 days with 8 hours put into it each are correct.

I don't like grinding out exp at all mind you, leveling from 90 to 91 was a pain for me, I can't even begin to imagine how 99 to 100 would feel.
Last edited by LankeOnLuck Yesterday, 2016 11:26 AM
As i told long time ago poe isn't game where its creators wanna make you happy. It's a game where you should suffer. Nothing will change here.
crashdown wrote:
I just had another good idea.

How about you add a tagline to the game.

Path of Exile the Awakening
-This is not a MMORPG-

that would fix a lot of confusion actually
only it is

rpg = check
online only = check

BAM, it's an MMORPG
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Changing map level in map tier is a terrible idea, way more confusing, and 68 - 82 maps should drop freely above lvl 67 zones with a degree of rarity, this level restriction thing is just useless, it prevents players to do high level maps and force them to always run 68 - 73 maps most of the time.

Also players reaching level 100 too quickly pls... Have you ever seen an another game where reaching the cap level is something barely achievable ? EVERY SINGLE PLAYER should be able to get a character level 100 after 2 or months playing and not just a very few of them... why would you make a simple thing such as leveling that hard ? It's not like level 100 would make your character invincible i mean the game is already crazy hard at 80+ maps, why wouldn't we be able to expand our skill tree at his maximum

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