Map Changes in 2.0.4

good news. desert map boos needs a serious tone down in damage output.

i have a 82 stun sweep charakter and its safe to say even alched maps up to lvl 70 with ugly mods were trivial.

but i had to skip desert map boss (in basic white form!) cos its THE lvl 68 map deathtrap!
"people are reaching level 100 too quickly"

GGG, could you please stop making people harder to reach lv100 by just looking at how fast those 1% player reaching lv100.? It sounds ridiculous for me.


When will they learn....
Balancing around those guys will. not. work! Regardless of what they do, short of disabling XP gain on those accounts, nothing will stop those "1%" players from reaching 100 in record time.
All this does is shaft regular players...
If my post contains typos, blame my phone and my fat fingers.
Thanks GOD you put the map drop rates up...

Last edited by Wraeclaster on Sep 24, 2015, 3:28:51 AM
TheAnuhart wrote:

While rare, and shitty as a daily, Zana is HUGE now when encountering her in a map and the possibility of opening a +1 map in a high tier map, which can then drop maps that the map she was in couldn't, has big implications.

I haven't played in a few weeks but from what I remember her spawn rate wasn't anything to write home about. What, maybe 1 in 10 maps? If that truly had such a meaningful impact on high tier (ha!) map progression, surely it would need to be nerfed seeing how the one lvl 77 (on average more like 76) map you could get from her once per day was apparently unacceptable.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Khisanth wrote:
Chris wrote:
old (pre-Awakening) unique maps

Doesn't the old maps still use the old icons?

only regular maps, not unique ones - these stayed the same (for the obvious reason)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Karvarousku wrote:
I don't see the reason that instead of having map levels making them tiers. Are you going to be remaking the "zone level" to "tier level" and are we going to be getting "tierlevel 15" items instead of itemlevel 82? If not, why not just keep the map levels as they are and not confuse people?

+1 - map drops are still bound to the monster/area level, regardless of their own "tiering".

tiering zones would make it even more worse, just from the general importance of the area level to anything related to drops.

other changes sounds nice.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
So GGG keep listen casual players begging? you'll gets more feedback after 2.0.4 like "why you reduced map EXP?".
in future poe will be more easy more people gets lvl100, leagues shorter with high drop? no way.
im fine map drop at 2.0.0. so sometime selling lvl80 maps as cheap it wish helping someone. dosent matter exp for me. fun to play fun to die at HC, thats it.
this game is not MMO, do not stuck your mind like an mmo junky say "dont waste exp,exp all i need..."

btw i like map color change and tier, GG GGG
The map drops are insanely lower than we players expected and not sightly lower than you devs expected. Btw i dont think you devs really realize the true problems with ur game design.

Chris you failed us again.

Trading still sucks
Last edited by Hynova on Sep 24, 2015, 3:40:51 AM
The pre-awakening map system worked well and people mostly loved it. please, just go back to that system(including the original map droprates).

Just incorporate the new maps into that old system. And raise the level of the max possible map level from that old system(from 78, to 80 or 81).

PS: I haven't even seen most of the new maps(awakening maps) yet in warbands.
PSS: You guys at ggg are wasting alot of time on reinventing a map system, while the old one(pre-awakening) worked very well. Never change a winning formula!

Edit: I also really REALLY dislike being forced to use currency to get any map returns!
Last edited by sarannah101 on Sep 24, 2015, 2:35:26 PM
I have no clue what your problem is with having players getting their character FINISHED (with level, gear is still impossible, which is ok). Would like to play 10+ build but still stuck in first due to endless xp grinding.

Not buying any more packs now. It already takes ages from 95->96, in the evening, solo play. Better playing Diablo 3 currently, still grindy but after a month or so a build is complete and you can start another one. First crappy drop rates of maps starting in 2.0, Zana daily nerf, and now this.
Just have us level up like pre 2.0 or even a bit faster, there is no point in playing the game if you know you'll never be done.

Really annoyed about this. My suggestion would be double map drops 77-79, keep map drops 80-82 but double their exp output in addition. So it feels cool and rewarding once you are able to do one.

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