Unique and Divination Card Drop Rate Changes in 2.0.3

Finally, thanks GGG
neonive wrote:
ZaM wrote:
I thought "twink" was a term referring to scrawny gay men clearly I was mistaken.

lol wtf? take that shit to Urban Dictionary if you want to spread some hipster slang propaganda.
More or less same meaning. Its used as an insulting term in pvp gaming meaning someone had to go out of their way to get all the most OP low level gear to get an unfair advantage over normal players, which is so gay. However since it's become so common twinks started to own the title much like some women can't wait to tell you what a bad "bitch" they are.
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
neonive wrote:
ZaM wrote:
I thought "twink" was a term referring to scrawny gay men clearly I was mistaken.

lol wtf? take that shit to Urban Dictionary if you want to spread some hipster slang propaganda.

Last edited by random32 on Sep 2, 2015, 3:47:20 PM
Chris wrote:
Increasing the drop rates in this way means that more players will get to play builds that were previously gated behind trade wealth.

OMG! So much THIS!!!!

I love this game, and I love the grind you have to put into improving your builds, but this is my #1 frustration that pushes me out of the game most seasons. It's exhausting trying to catch up with those who are better at trading, or those who have more time on their hands or whom RNGesus just loves more.

This is a game where the age-old adage is very true: the rich get richer. It's not something that can be changed, but it still sucks. It's nice to know that GGG is looking out for us, making a game that is first and foremost FUN TO PLAY, and further down the priorities is challenging.

Thanks GGG
IGN: Tytralia
Looking forward to this, meanwhile I'll stack base items of T1 items to chance them all Thursday. ;D
random32 wrote:
neonive wrote:
ZaM wrote:
I thought "twink" was a term referring to scrawny gay men clearly I was mistaken.

lol wtf? take that shit to Urban Dictionary if you want to spread some hipster slang propaganda.


hmm. I guess it's legit since 1963 according to wiki... My bad, carry on.
Chris wrote:

Many Divination Cards have been made more common. While they're still not a trivial shortcut to wealth acquisition, we now have the data we need to raise their drop rates in a safe way. They should be a lot more farmable now.

Wondering if there will be a list in the patch notes of which Divination cards that will drop more commonly? Thanks.
4 times more drop 4 times less ppl to drop.

Also 4x0=0

Ps. F^^k you and your drop rates. Paid 16 ex for shavs and lost ready 6 ex. I could have bought a lot more if not these kneejerk balance shit in middle pf the league. Ppl still are going to quit and you wont stop them like every league before. Face the fact that PoE is boring after a month.
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129766
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg http://poeurl.com/bHB9
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder http://poeurl.com/M6u [Retired]
Anelit wrote:

With the coolest uniques becoming very accessible you will soon aquire those and either work towards upgrading your rare rings/armors etc. to have +15 life, 20% more resists etc. Goals that are very boring to work towards or flat out quit the game.

What happens when people never get their cool uniques to begin with? They can't complete the "boring" goals if they cannot complete their main ones.
I'm playing this game for a long time. I started to play through steam like 6 month ago, boom 900 hours done. Had i once T1 unique drop? NO, Do i care? NO. What but i rly care is when at the tempest league start i got Rise of the Phoenix and i was like "WOW ROftP DROPS HYPE!!!!!", now its trash unique i put to one of my 100500 tabs and won't even try to sell it. GGG takes that hype from me, now i don't care about marohi drop, phoenix drop, saffael's frame drop, i have a dream to get a T1 unique sometimes, that will be real luck for me, but if u increase their drop chance u just crashing my dream. If u arent lucky - farm more, trade more e.t.c. I made few expensive builds in tempest including mjolner by trading, u don't want to trade? u don't want to grind 4 month for shavs? Play budget build - easy.

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