Master Crafting Metamods

Dethklok wrote:
If GGG is fine with players deceiving one another for personal benefit then they need to let it happen 100% of the time. Stepping in some times and calling people out on their misinformation is confusing to the community when GGG staff also deletes posts to keep misinformation alive in the community.

Players should have to take accountability for their actions and not be able to change their account name. Everyone should be able to scam & lie to each other but people should be stuck withe their reputations or have to make a new account. Allowing someone to trick the community and then hide who that person is and not allow any negative feedback to be posted about that person is bullshit. If people are also allowed to lie to the community to keep things a secret for their own profit I should be allowed to post on anyones for sale thread that I didnt have a pleasant interaction with that person.

I suppose the community always steps in to provide resources for one another where they are needed. Perhaps its time for a community made forum where we can allow a free market to tuly exist without GGG intervention... some of the time.

YES, THANK YOU ! As I said on reddit;

The most unusual part of this whole story is how Lightwoods used assistance from GGG GM’s to mask his reputation at the start of Warbands given his reputation in the community from past leagues and past trading activity. Lightwoods was worried about how the reputation he built for himself would affect his ability to trade early on in Warbands. Lightwoods made a claim to GGG GM’s that he was being “Harassed” because of his reputation. This claim was not entirely earnest. GGG GM’s coordinated with Lightwoods to move all his items and microtransactions and supporter packs to an entirely new account. So Lightwoods was able to begin this league as “Walmart” in disguise not only with a character name, but also on a completely separate account. I think that it is unusual that GGG GM’s would be complicit in assisting people in masking their reputation in the community. I question how earnest Lightwoods was in his harassment claim made to GGG because after a month in Warbands he had GGG change his character name from Walmart to Lightwoods. I would love to get a GGG perspective on why they would take such extraordinary actions. I now want to know if Lightwoods had "Priority" access to these GGG GM services as Chris has disclosed that Lightwoods guild contained a GGG support staff member.

I am wondering if that GGG support member disclosed any useful information to his guild ?


Chris wrote:
A large part of crafting and trading in Path of Exile is access to information.

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
Last edited by Jentry on Aug 21, 2015, 11:22:59 PM
Dethklok wrote:
If GGG is fine with players deceiving one another for personal benefit then they need to let it happen 100% of the time. Stepping in some times and calling people out on their misinformation is confusing to the community when GGG staff also deletes posts to keep misinformation alive in the community.

Players should have to take accountability for their actions and not be able to change their account name. Everyone should be able to scam & lie to each other but people should be stuck withe their reputations or have to make a new account. Allowing someone to trick the community and then hide who that person is and not allow any negative feedback to be posted about that person is bullshit. If people are also allowed to lie to the community to keep things a secret for their own profit I should be allowed to post on anyones for sale thread that I didnt have a pleasant interaction with that person.

I suppose the community always steps in to provide resources for one another where they are needed. Perhaps its time for a community made forum where we can allow a free market to tuly exist without GGG intervention... some of the time.

Agree with this.

Consistency is important.
vacii wrote:
fatelessguy wrote:
I love how in that long post mechanic that is used by one players and is not used by others cause they don't know about it cause they didn't try to know about it is called scamming - really laughing at it.
You, guys, are pretty angry and jealous, but that was obvious from the beginning.
You are absolutely correct.
Also if they are referring to the stash scanning issue as scam, people should know that they actually scammed them selves the moment they entered their login info in Procurement. I suspect that Procurement was maliciously used to obtain our login credentials , not the actual email and pass but either the cookie or any sort of identification token Barer that server sends to you as at the end of a request-response communication. Even if the protocol is encrypted, if the login request is successful the server returns a token barer ( some sort of encrypted string required by the methods in the web API so that those methods can identify you as the owner of the data you want to access). this token usually inspires at some point, before that everyone that has this token can use it to obtain data.

Anyways it's our own damn fault for being lazy and using third party software to compose our trading threads.

And also i suggest that GGG is more cautious towards allowing any third party software to be used at all.

Most of this could have been prevented if they implemented a web trading system similar or even better than the current one of that will cut of the 3rd party local tools, 3rd party web apps, and the forum as the middle man in the trading process

Very Very Interesting thoughts ...

Are we ever going to have an in game trading system...

How old is the quote below now ...

Chris wrote:
The new trading changes aren't in the March 1.1.0 patch - there are two reasons:
a) We're keen to deploy them as soon as they're ready. There's no real need to wait for the next four-monthly patch.
b) The new trading stuff is not ready yet. It's a major system overhaul and we're still working on it. I'm really sorry about the delay.

As for how it works, the current plan is a combination of public stash tabs (to make it easier to find items) and separately, an asynchronous cross-instance-website trading system. You can basically trade (without buyouts) across the game and website. The trades and offers are still there when you log in later, so it's possible to trade with offline people or people who aren't in your game area or are on their phone or work PC.

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
Thank you for confirming that the claim of 72 mirrors is inaccurate. As far as the private profile data, all I can tell you is that I know with 100% certainty that it is possible to see through the "Private" part of the profile. I know this because, as I described, it is the root of how I figured out the crafting methodology that was apparently "Public" for the last year. Over the past month I have been communicating with different coders and tools developers who are in our community. Most of these guys have amazing knowledge about the game that goes way beyond what I had previously imagined. It was in my discussions with these guys that I found that a small few of them could post string data on the item information of peoples private profile. Discussing this with them over voice I could hear that they were ashamed of this, but I think, that as with most hackers, they did things in the spirit of learning, and while absolutely "Nefarious" they had not utilized this knowledge for any substantial harm. Mainly they used it to learn interesting tidbits of information (like how Ventor has Two of a certain item that he claims he has only one of and is trying to sell for 1500 exalts). Now as you might imagine, my disclosure of certain facts yesterday publicly has obliterated the trust and communication pathway with many of these guys. Especially the few whose actions, if made public, would harm their reputation in the community that they love and have spent hundreds of hours programming to support. But, unlike the 72 mirrors, my claim of the "Private" data penetration to acquire string data of equipped items and other interesting information, is not inaccurate. So Chris, I reiterate, I notice you have a Private Profile that has been Private for a LONG time, why don't you equip an interesting rare item, or a unique item that has never been announced to the community, and have people guess. I know my buddies cannot resist this type of a challenge, especially if the carrot was a new unique item in development or something interesting. When you start to have people submit guesses that are correct it will positively indicate what I say is true, and then you will be able to see how people are doing this, and take actions to stop this "Nefarious" action. At the same time, my coder buddies, will not have to out themselves, and will be able to avoid any unnecessary scrutiny from yourself or the community. Personally, I really want to participate in a stream with some of the top PUBLIC coders. I am going to try to contact those guys, who I don't know well, and solicit them to participate in a discussion on twitch today titled ELI5 "Tool Development and Coding for POE".

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
Amazing how a combination of dev arrogance added with player greed and stupidity can turn a community toxic =D

WELL PLAYED SIRS! This should really improve microtransaction and supporter pack purchases!
Over the past few days like 10 people asked me about if there is an open suffix on this helmet:

The answer was always: "Nope, guys. There is not"

I swear the next time i'll say there is, and when the buyer will come at me after visiting his crafting benches i'll say "Chris made me do it". Because why not?

Looks like blatantly lying for profit is getting trendy, who am i to limit the fun of trading of others? On the contrary i'll let them to experience the joy, almost for free.
Last edited by Teplokot on Aug 22, 2015, 2:19:34 AM
Teplokot wrote:
I swear the next time i'll say there is, and when the buyer will come at me after visiting his crafting benches i'll say "Chris made me do it". Because why not?

Looks like blatantly lying for profit is getting trendy, who am i to limit the fun of trading of others? On the contrary i'll let them to experience the joy, almost for free.

If you do that, you won't be punished by GGG, the only punishment will be your reputation.
GGG doesn't encourage you to lie or scam, nor is it trendy. They don't intervene, that's it. You can, and some people WILL, lie or ommit things to scam other players. They damage their own reputation, but as long as they play by the rules (no hacks or w/e), they won't be punished by the game devs, that's it.
You, as an honest player, should just know this fact and be aware that players might try to scam you.
Dawmz wrote:
Teplokot wrote:
I swear the next time i'll say there is, and when the buyer will come at me after visiting his crafting benches i'll say "Chris made me do it". Because why not?

Looks like blatantly lying for profit is getting trendy, who am i to limit the fun of trading of others? On the contrary i'll let them to experience the joy, almost for free.

If you do that, you won't be punished by GGG, the only punishment will be your reputation.
GGG doesn't encourage you to lie or scam, nor is it trendy. They don't intervene, that's it. You can, and some people WILL, lie or ommit things to scam other players. They damage their own reputation, but as long as they play by the rules (no hacks or w/e), they won't be punished by the game devs, that's it.
You, as an honest player, should just know this fact and be aware that players might try to scam you.

Apparently even if you ruin your reputation to the max, just get GGG to change your account name and continue on being an ass. Oh, and when you wanna go back to your old name, just holler at them again.

Pretty comical that they even allow that.
That's another issue but yeah, I agree with you this is fucked up.
So many people overreact to so many things. I'm glad GGG isn't.

Vaal Orbs were another crazy new change to the game, and Corrupting Tempests with dropping 6L's is a huge shift on the economy.

Rolling with the changes, not overreacting, and just enjoying not having things fixed exactly in place is what keeps this game interesting to me. I most enjoyed back when more changes happened periodically, instead of in bigger releases. Change is good.


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