Master Crafting Metamods

Destructodave wrote:

Not really. They could easily buy bargain bin items that got screwed over by bad suffixes, erase them all, multi-mod it, and make lots of exalts that way. Their was clear profit earlier in the league; all you had to do was get a couple masters to 8, or find one of the master people, who would do a lvl 8 craft for 5-6c.

Its only VERY costly in the upper-tier of items, where multi-moded caster weapons still topped the dps searches. Maybe in standard its harder, but in a temp league, in Warbands, just being able to multi-mod a tyrranical bow made people money; much less being able to reroll cheap tyrrannicals ruined by too many poor suffixes.

Same as all the money people made buying cheap 6l bows and +3'ing them. I know I sold a white 6l thicket for 4 ex, to which that guy, a reseller, probably got +3'd and had 5 ex in it and probably resold it for 20-30. The cost is only important when the market is flooded. When its not, the margin is HUGE. Like now, trying to roll a decent tyrannical weapon and sell it is far more costly then doing it 2-3 weeks ago.

I got ur point, okay, but w/e, even this way - these people knew it, they became richer - we didn't. I don't give it a *** and now i know this way of making items too. Why would some1 be angry with it? Just because some1 knew it while others didn't?

Actually the only bad point about all this situation is Qarl's comment on reddit, but if we think about little more - it's similar to real life in many ways. Some monitor reddit 24\7 and get information first\faster and benefit from it, other were just lucky, all the rest - unlucky. I think i am completely okay dealing with it and i don't think it was made by Qarl with bad intentions - i am absolutely sure it 's not the case.
Last edited by fatelessguy on Aug 20, 2015, 9:38:19 PM
Can we have a Chaos Orb sink?

Chaos Orbs are already being consumed in vast amounts. The reason for the currency exchange rate shift that people are discussing is that Exalted Orbs now have higher demand. This is normal. The utility of specific currency items has and will continue to wax and wane based on metagame requirements in the future. (It's also worth noting that we believe some of the correction here is due to the removal of Eternal Orbs finally being felt in crafting - the rate of "Yolo Exalts" has increased.)

Additional uses for all currency items will continue to be added over time in future patches. We're not going to rush them in to try to keep the exchange rates fixed at some specific place though."

If you can tell me with a straight face that what's happening right now with Chaos:Exalt rates is "Normal", you're Houdini.

UNBELIEVABLE. No league ever had this kind of insane fluctuation, yet you call this 'Normal'. Holy God that is the irony of ironies. I suggest GGG change the master mod cost from exalt to chaos. Just do it, it will save the economy and give free access to a vast majority of players. Unless, of course, GGG wishes to perpetuate the elitist mentality they seem to have?
For POE Devs:
Died like this in HC before:

Khisanth wrote:
StrayYoshi wrote:
The main thing people are upset about is the exalted orb, you can easily sell them and scarcely buy them. Whatever happened is more of a result of people massively overpricing +3 items, and I do feel sorry for those who have legitimately dropped +3 weapons (I've been trying to sell one for weeks)

If I may communicate on behalf of the general PoE player, what I don't want to see is having the exalted orb, which rarely comes into the hands of the average player be the driving force behind even more exalted orb consumption. This infinite cycle results in even more scarce exalted orbs which are never used by the average player.

The reason people want the price for mastercrafts changed to chaos is because the chaos orb is available to all players. Large amounts of chaos orbs are available to all players and can easily run out for people heavily into crafting. This scenario is nowhere near true for exalted orbs.

I agree I would like to see a chaos converted price, and I see the problem, you at GGG would have to come in and put a price on the exalted orbs in chaos! A possible solution would be to use another (non-essential) currency such as vaal orbs or divines. I'd take it as a chance to bring in the popularity of lesser used orbs. I do see the simplicity of doing absolutely nothing Chris, having players devalue items is just common sense. I do see a problem with what will happen next season, people will be able to craft end game items extremely early. That would affect end-game content in ways I believe no one can predict...

How about 5,760 Scrolls of Wisdom? ;)

You have no idea how well that would mirror the situation. The rich folks would be crying so hard about how hard it is to get all that currency, with lower players in control of wisdom scroll prices. Can you imagine the dysfunction there would be if ID scrolls got inflated?
I wonder if Hillock-Senpai will notice me when I go to town??
....MAKE THE GAME HARDER PLS. the economy is fucked up, you can craft your 6l with 12ex on warband...
and now you can have gg godly items for nothing.. it's to easy to gear up.

pls do something dont make a d3 like.
Off course it's "normal", exalts value improved a lot with new uses.
Please stop talking about chaos, chaos value has NOT changed. You're all stuck on this exalt:chaos ratio, but the exalt:fusing, exalt:jewels, exalt:alt ratios have changed EXACTLY the same. The chaos value has not dropped itself, it's just the exalt value that changed. You can still buy 2 fusings with a chaos, items priced in chaos are still sold for the same chaos price.
Chris wrote:
Removal counts as a change.

Good to know, better late than never I guess. That's not how most people understand and use these words though, I would argue.

Chris wrote:
A week after release, we patched in the level 8 Crafting Metamods. They were described in the patch notes as "They affect the rules of what mods can be added or changed on an item."

This statement would have been true without the Scouring override rule being in effect.

Chris wrote:
A large part of crafting and trading in Path of Exile is access to information.

And as you're surely aware one of the key factors to a healthy economy is also equal and cheap access to information. Some of the information revealed in the recent days was heavily gated by wealth. I find it bizarre that you were OK with a major feature of your mini-expansion going unrecognized by the majority of your playerbase for an entire year.

Such a powerful technological advantage allowed these players to funnel most of the high tier crafting material into whatever items they deemed most profitable. Thus the unlucky players whose builds and desired items were not selected by the crafting overlords got badly hurt by the skyrocketing prices of these crafting materials. This was not only "clever" players being rewarded, but also regular players being punished.

Last edited by Zed_ on Aug 20, 2015, 9:45:27 PM
pOmaLoLz wrote:
....MAKE THE GAME HARDER PLS. the economy is fucked up, you can craft your 6l with 12ex on warband...
and now you can have gg godly items for nothing.. it's to easy to gear up.

pls do something dont make a d3 like.

Supply and demand, 6L prices will increase as a result
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
I played Bloodlines and now I am playing Tempest. I've never played outside of a league (okay I tried to kill Atziri in Softcore :o) and I really don't understand your problems here.

During the Bloodlines League I tried to play without trading, without a shop.. selffound only.

This League I created my own shop and sold "some" items(Took me some time to get into this trading thing).

Right now I got ~1000 Chaos Orbs, 11 Exalted Orbs, lots of Fusings etc and I'm very happy with that. Personally I like the price changes alot. If I find an Exalted Orb I'll get ~50c+ instead of 30c. You don't lose anything at all.

As a casual player you'll find some Chaos Orbs, maybe an Exalted Orb or one of these Uniques selling for 5ex+ and you are fine.
You can buy some decent gear for a few Chaos Orbs.

If there's no buyer people will adjust their prices for uniques over time. With the masters you can easily create some decent items with some chaos or alts.

Last edited by LacSap on Aug 20, 2015, 9:44:56 PM
LacSap wrote:
I played Bloodlines and now I am playing Tempest. I've never played outside of a league (okay I tried to kill Atziri in Softcore :o) and I really don't understand your problems here.

During the Bloodlines League I tried to play without trading, without a shop.. selffound only.

This League I created my own shop and sold "some" items(Took me some time to get into this trading thing).

Right now I got ~1000 Chaos Orbs, 11 Exalted Orbs, lots of Fusings etc and I'm very happy with that. Personally I like the price changes alot. If I find an Exalted Orb I'll get ~50c+ instead of 30c. You don't lose anything at all.

As a casual player you'll find some Chaos Orbs, maybe an Exalted Orb or one of these Uniques selling for 5ex+ and you are fine.
You can buy some decent gear for a few Chaos Orbs.

If there's no buyer people will adjust their prices for uniques over time. With the masters you can easily create some decent items with some chaos or alts.

Again, i absolutely agree with this guy and i feel absolutely the same, which makes me realising that people who are raging right now are simply angry with the fact that wasn't them becoming super rich.
Can I scouring orb my money back from the supporter packs I've put into the game?
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