Added Lightning Damage

im pretty sure you have to do a substantial amount of damage to see the shock animation.

DuckYourHead321 wrote:
im pretty sure you have to do a substantial amount of damage to see the shock animation.

or at least to have the shock status last for more than a fraction of a second. this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm#2813 on May 29, 2013, 7:05:59 AM
So I play a Lightning Strike build and with Added Lightning Damage being as powerful as Wrath, having a good weapon is somewhat useless... lol

Edit : By good weapon I meant flat physical and %increased physical damage to get the inherent part of Lightning Strike going.
Last edited by time_cookie#5282 on Dec 25, 2013, 1:27:57 AM
time_cookie wrote:
So I play a Lightning Strike build and with Added Lightning Damage being as powerful as Wrath, having a good weapon is somewhat useless... lol

You can get fast-hitting dagger with high crit and 3-ele damage.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Now on par with the rest of the projectile damage supports. Still lackadaisical on Arc, but that's due to that skill's 50% effectiveness.

Thanks very much for this much needed boof.
LimitedRooster wrote:
Now on par with the rest of the projectile damage supports. Still lackadaisical on Arc, but that's due to that skill's 50% effectiveness.

Thanks very much for this much needed boof.

Yeah, it's always good to see how close to useless skills/supports get attention and buff.
Though legacy Thunderfist was buffed furthermore, too :).
I wonder, if Added lightning damage will now be actually VIABLE support for Voltaxis LA, or even must-have.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Dec 25, 2013, 10:42:59 PM
I use a flametotem with faster projectiles, GMP and knockback as a supportskill for my firestorm crit caster.
I invested heavily in crits and my chance to crit with firestorm is around 42%

I dont really care for flametotems dps, it's only purpose is to keep mobs away from me. As i saw that it also ignites mobs consistantly because of a crit chance of 32% i had the idea that it also might perma shock mobs with added lightning dmg.
Will this work or is the lightning dps too low for keeping them shocked permanently or even stack shock them?
Added Lighting damage ist EXTREMLY GOOD on a dedicated shock build imo.

I am using added lighting dam on my arc and maybe it does not increase its DPS significantly (+~15%) but this is not the point:

When I switched my high lv 0% AddedL to a low Lv 20% AddedL Gem the damage increased signifiantly.(though overall 10% DPS loss)

The reason why added lightign dam is so good is because of the SHOCKCHANCE and SHOCKDURATION.

Shockduration is >>>heavily underrated<<< and is the reason why many people are actually wasting its potential.

Example: Someone uses addedL on his crit freezing pulse but wonders why enemies are not shocked. In a case like this the gem indeed is a 100% waste, but you have to consider these wasted potentials:

-no lighting penetration(freezing pulse user will go for coldpen, at least he should)
-no increased colddamage (so lighting dam is not boosted as much as colddamage)
-no shock duration

crit the lighting damage part become extremly insignificant because of the upper reasons and you have to pass a CERTAIN THRESHHOLD to get the shockproc (and shock duration lowers it)

It pains me to see that there are so few "purists" out there. All builds are about stacking retardedly large amounts of random elemental damages, but this combination is also very effective:

-single element
-element penetration
-statusailment proccing

Also applies to attackskills, not just spells.

Currently I am clearing a lv 70 Rooms of a rare map in a few sec facetanking with my arc witch and added lighting damage has increased the damage even more.

I love shock duration to shockstack rares in order to melt them in ~4 sec.

Even max resist blue golems go down in <10 sec.(and there is still so much damage increase potential)

Shock is incredible strong and added lightingdamage is the key to it.

Same applies to burningdamage. Just think about a concentrated, ele proliferated fireball with a searing touch.. no need for crits...
When I get a kaoms I will go for the burn build :D

Essence of the whole text:

Added Lightingdamage on its own is useless, but its quality makes it EXTRMELY GOOD. (except 100% effectivness spells like stormcall, but you got the point)
Last edited by ExiledRenor#3596 on May 5, 2014, 8:44:41 AM
people use this gem?
Why isn't this available to ranger as a default gem when you're doing the campaign?

Ranger has lightning arrow, galvanic arrow, and now storm rain.

Ranger has lightning passive skills close-ish to the starting area.

But ranger only gets fire & cold damage supports?

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