Support I find costs too much over Melee alternative gemsa, depending on the build for too low damage.
Posted byEvir#5190on Apr 28, 2012, 6:42:49 PM
The effects of this gem aren't currently displayed in raise minion description when these two gems are linked. For the rest it seems to work fine. The spells avatar does show that the supportgem is linked to the miniongem, the raises require more mana to cast and I think I can see they do in fact add lightning damage to there attacks (but i just now realise that I also have a lightningaura up, so maybe I'm just seeing that).
Posted byDoctorWho#6468on Jun 5, 2012, 4:28:38 PM
DoctorWho wrote:
The effects of this gem aren't currently displayed in raise minion description when these two gems are linked. For the rest it seems to work fine. The spells avatar does show that the supportgem is linked to the miniongem, the raises require more mana to cast and I think I can see they do in fact add lightning damage to there attacks (but i just now realise that I also have a lightningaura up, so maybe I'm just seeing that).
Thanks for the report! This has now been fixed locally, and should make it to beta in a future patch.
For the record, it is working, it's just not displaying on the popup.
Posted byMark_GGGon Jun 5, 2012, 8:50:45 PMGrinding Gear Games
Alice_of_Wraeclast - Dagger CI Witch
Alice_MadnessReturns - Molten Strike AoF witch
Flavour Build concept taken from Alice: Madness Returns
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
Posted bywxyjac#7217on Jun 27, 2012, 10:44:06 PM
Y but will it blend?
Posted byBahalor#0725on Jul 27, 2012, 2:53:02 PM
I added this support gem on the Spark skill and it doesn't show any aditional damage. Also I'm not sure if it does additional damage. Do not feel any difference.
Last edited by Kaw#5407 on Sep 13, 2012, 5:39:51 AM
Posted byKaw#5407on Sep 13, 2012, 5:39:30 AM
It shows for me and it works for me. Are you checking the skill gem, or the character sheet (and have you selected Spark in the character sheet)?
Posted byVipermagi#0984on Sep 13, 2012, 10:35:38 AMValued Poster
Ignore me... im dumb
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ );
for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){
$everyThingElse.lose(); Last edited by robproctor83#1482 on Oct 17, 2012, 5:52:06 AM
Posted byrobproctor83#1482on Oct 16, 2012, 9:20:58 PM
robproctor83 wrote:
i just tried adding this support gem to spark and nothing happens, wth! I know for a fact im doing it right. It will show for other spells, but why not spark? Is it because spark already provides this type of elemental damage? Does it work but just now show in the character sheet? Agh, so frustrating dealing with things like this. I really wish there was either better explanations in the tooltips about how these things work, or some type of documentation on the site or in game that explained which support gems work with which skills. For instance, I would have never guessed that this worked with minions (and im a summoner by the way) if it weren't for reading the forums.
Anyways, annoyed... Not to sound rude, but... C'mon, this is basic stuff, describing how things work to the player as to not be confusing and leave them trying to figure out simple basic mechanics. You can't even show damage numbers (unless I can't find it) to really even do testing. You just have to look at the enemies bar and try to guess as best as you can.
So ya, no work with spark??? And a bit off topic, why is the lightening witch (or lightening builds in general) bad? Lacking? and overall way behind other elemental builds? Cold > Fire > Lightening... And not sure where physical fits into that.
EDIT: In response to Vipermagi (though he wasn't speaking to me) on both the skill slot and the character sheet there is no visible display that the support gem is taking effect with spark. Spark's thumbnail does not display the linked modifier (L) and in the character sheet (with spark selected) there is no numerical difference between having it linked or not linked. I checked ever single tab just to be sure. No difference...
Spark works fine with added lightning damage for us. The "L" displays on the skill icon, and the damage changes from 1-5 to 1-10 (using level 1 gems), exactly as it should (given the damage effectiveness present on spark, which is likewise explicitly displayed on the gem).
The change in damage is visible both in the character screen and on the skill popup for Spark. There appears to be nothing wrong here.
Are you certain the sockets you were using for the gems were actually linked?
Posted byMark_GGGon Oct 16, 2012, 9:34:11 PMGrinding Gear Games
Mark_GGG wrote:
robproctor83 wrote:
i just tried adding this support gem to spark and nothing happens, wth! I know for a fact im doing it right. It will show for other spells, but why not spark? Is it because spark already provides this type of elemental damage? Does it work but just now show in the character sheet? Agh, so frustrating dealing with things like this. I really wish there was either better explanations in the tooltips about how these things work, or some type of documentation on the site or in game that explained which support gems work with which skills. For instance, I would have never guessed that this worked with minions (and im a summoner by the way) if it weren't for reading the forums.
Anyways, annoyed... Not to sound rude, but... C'mon, this is basic stuff, describing how things work to the player as to not be confusing and leave them trying to figure out simple basic mechanics. You can't even show damage numbers (unless I can't find it) to really even do testing. You just have to look at the enemies bar and try to guess as best as you can.
So ya, no work with spark??? And a bit off topic, why is the lightening witch (or lightening builds in general) bad? Lacking? and overall way behind other elemental builds? Cold > Fire > Lightening... And not sure where physical fits into that.
EDIT: In response to Vipermagi (though he wasn't speaking to me) on both the skill slot and the character sheet there is no visible display that the support gem is taking effect with spark. Spark's thumbnail does not display the linked modifier (L) and in the character sheet (with spark selected) there is no numerical difference between having it linked or not linked. I checked ever single tab just to be sure. No difference...
Spark works fine with added lightning damage for us. The "L" displays on the skill icon, and the damage changes from 1-5 to 1-10 (using level 1 gems), exactly as it should (given the damage effectiveness present on spark, which is likewise explicitly displayed on the gem).
The change in damage is visible both in the character screen and on the skill popup for Spark. There appears to be nothing wrong here.
Are you certain the sockets you were using for the gems were actually linked?
man i feel soooo dumb. I was like, or course it's freaking linked. I was going to take a screen shot. Then I noticed that actually the socket I was trying to link it from is not actually linked at all. It was on a wand, the top socket, I really thought it was linked but its not. I have had this wand for like, 20 levels or something and this entire time I thought it was linked. Jeesh, I feel dumb.
Still though, some of this stuff could stand to be better described, explained. Though, really, this is just me being dumb. It is sort of difficult to see the links on wands, specifically the top link and with certain wants (like mine) the shape of the wand is almost identical to what a link would look like.
Anyways, thanks for the response, and sorry again about being dumb lol
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ );
for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){
Posted byrobproctor83#1482on Oct 17, 2012, 5:54:54 AM