General Support Discussion

It would be nice to have a picture of the gem in the every post for easy reference.
I can not log into my account in game why?
aoe melee gem
the idea is that you have a supp gem that does small aoe dmg to enemies around the target. like 20-25% of dmg done to the target. every level the radius gets a bit higher. just thought it would give you more choices building up your character. what do you think about that idea?
DutchRudder wrote:
Is there a reason I cant link more than 1 of the same support gem to a skill gem and gain the same effect more than once?

Don't understand that either.

If you have 2 "identical" support gems they should just add up. E.g. two added cold damage level 1 (4-6 ice damage + 25% increased chill duration) may add up to 8-12 added ice damage + 50% increased chill duration...

"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Pes_Planus wrote:
DutchRudder wrote:
Is there a reason I cant link more than 1 of the same support gem to a skill gem and gain the same effect more than once?

Don't understand that either.

And then someone links 3 Melee Damage gems and one AoE gem to his Sweep and instantly slays everything in a huge radius. The other way around is also fun; hit the entire screen with Knockback, become effectively immune to damage, while dealing solid damage.

It's to make balancing possible in the first place.
Ok, suppose that does make sense.
But it just doesn't seem logical (to me) that adding a second gem wouldn't add anything to the total... If you know what I mean :D
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Someone are full support ?
Basic change to the support gem system for even more variation and complexity:

I think there should be two variations of support gems. First type should be an overall passive support gem, for instance added cold damage. This type of support gem should do exactly what it does at the moment, i.e. adding a overall passivly change to the used skill.

The second type of support gems should active support gem (don't have a better name yet. This one is a bit confusing - don't get me wrong!). The basic Idea behind this type of support gem is that the order of how you link it to your skill gem do actually matter.
For instance: If you link both, lesser multiple projectiles and fork to your lightning arrow you would actually shoot 3 arrows. And if one of this arrows hits a target it will fork into 2 projectiles. If you are now trying to shoot a single target 2 of your projectiles will miss the target, causing a loss of mana points since you actually just need 1 arrow to hit.
Let's now assume that the order of your linked support gems matter. If you link Lightning Arrow - Fork - Lesser multiple projectiles you would basically shoot just one arrow. And if this arrow hits a target it will fork into 4 arrows (2 basic arrows of fork + 2 arrows of lesser multiple projectiles).

I know this is just a very basic idea but here is something that gave me the motivation to post this here!

We could actually make it happen!
Pes_Planus wrote:
DutchRudder wrote:
Is there a reason I cant link more than 1 of the same support gem to a skill gem and gain the same effect more than once?

Don't understand that either.

If you have 2 "identical" support gems they should just add up. E.g. two added cold damage level 1 (4-6 ice damage + 25% increased chill duration) may add up to 8-12 added ice damage + 50% increased chill duration...

If you had played the game early on you could link as many supports as you had sockets to ONE skill sigh those where the days, shock nova was full screen 1 shot death to even bosses lol so ofc they changed it today i think skills are a little to weak but thats just because ive experienced the god like power of 9.2/3.

P.S even then you couldnt have more than one of each support though.
"Blue warrior shot the food"
Last edited by maxor#5545 on Nov 13, 2012, 5:23:32 AM
This is related to the above (edit: 2 above, zinsid) poster, but more of a request to help clarify damage calculation for support gems:
LMP, Fork and Chain
Effective damage is taking a steep dive.
I'm not a mathy person so if someone would be kind enough to explain, that would be sweet.
It seems that deduction in damage goes first, and damage increase last, even though a single support gem evens it out on its own (LMP) or would grant an *overall* increase (Fork; +30%, -20%).

LMP, Fork and Chain obviously are not meant to be used together.
i.e. I fail to understand if Chain would add 3 extra shots to each projectile of LMP or only 1 in total.


Also by using that bow ( always pierce ) it seems that arrows don't branch off properly?
I remember reading stuff about how it works technically, but forgot where (Pierce support discuasion prolly).


Thanks in advance


We could use a forum section for player questions please.
If you're leaving PoE, chances are I'll rezz you as my minion! MWHAHAHAH
Last edited by Mune#5000 on Dec 21, 2012, 2:23:09 AM
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