General Support Discussion
Why is Corrupting Cry Support a support gem? Why is it not an active skill gem, like an actual Warcry? |
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Guardian's Blessing Support doesn't seem to have it's own thread.
I would suggest that the supported Aura be triggered by having a supported minion skill alive rather than having to manually cast it while the minion is alive. Pure minion builds will work either way, but Hybrid minion builds don't need more buttons to push. |
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posting this here because sadism doesn't have it's on thread.
shouldn't the downside be changed to 80% less duration of damaging ailments? if you're inflicting shock + ignite, you're gimping your shock duration using this gem. shock doesn't benefit from the upside so hurting it with the downside doesn't make sense. |
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Corrupting Cry and the upcomming Call to Arms support gems.
In 2.24 the Call to Arms keystone is reworked to remove instant cast warcries and we're supposed to use the new Call to Arms support gem to make it a automatically triggered skill. What I'm curious about is if notables that grant bonuses when casting warcries will work when they're triggered by the Call to Arms support gem. For example: Admonisher, 15% increased Damage for each time you've Warcried Recently Warcry Master, Recover 15% life when you use a Warcry The Wiki for The Eternal Apple suggests these mechanics don't work for triggered warcries. If that's the case Corrupting Cry as a standalone build is kinda dead in the water which is a shame, it's really fun and nieche. |
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Is there a way to search for _support_ gems, in NPC or stash or somewhere.
Eg : Which gems can support Blight ? Currently the only way i found is to read the side-panel of gem when overed by mouse cursor. This is very painful, and need to be done many times as i don't know by heart all gems properties :) A regexp or a keyword would be much appreciated. Thanks. Last edited by Dolgrund#5637 on Apr 11, 2024, 6:48:44 AM
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no pages for new gems(?). At least automation is not there.
And about automation itself: every single trigger in game target nearby enemies(including mines btw) if there are any and the only fun part of automation support - the auto-frostblink - do it **absolutely** randomly, why!? Please make it target enemies when possible. Last edited by Archan111#4592 on Mar 30, 2024, 2:01:54 AM
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Year 10.
Still waiting for a support gem for converting 50% Fire to Chaos. Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Apr 18, 2024, 1:07:42 PM
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Momentum Support, no thread created? It's a "near miss".
I think a small mechanical change would greatly increase the utilization of this gem and better mimic that frenzy barb feel from D2LOD. |
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There's no thread for Locus Mine? I spent a whole league in the Necropolis with it across several characters and got my first Mageblood with Trickster Bow + Locus Mine. I gotta say it is brimmed with potential to the point I haven't yet completed exploring combinations with it (and I haven't even touch Locus Mine + Power Siphon build yet, which is amount to maybe 99% builds on poeninja for Locus Mine)
Here's my opinion on it: 1. Proximity restriction for mine detonation mechanic is fine. It is a beast of a support gem if used correctly so without this kind of restriction it would only ended up nerfed to the ground sometime in the future. The way I see it Locus Mine is that one gem that enables build diversity, especially for tanky bow archetype, just that the community still haven't yet exploring it that far beyond power siphon. In my opinion Galvanic Arrow and Burning Arrow which is considered garbage gem skills become S-Tier if combined with Locus Mine. It is very annoying to deal against rare mobs with proximity shield but changing Locus Mine mechanic just for this is like putting horse before the cart. There should a new interactions of some sort available for Locus Miners to deal with rare mobs proximity shield to offset this. 2. Currently, almost all bow skill gems is not viable with Locus Mine without combining it with Volley support, as in my experience Volley Support is the most reliable way to use Locus mine with bow skill, followed by returning projectiles. However there's this mechanic about volley support that say it will fire projectiles besides characters, but in practice it applies only if the number of projectiles is even. Mine with volley support inherit this mechanic which leaves hole in the middle of projectiles trajectory. This interaction makes it hard to hit single target with even number of projectiles per mine, so at the current state of Locus Mine + Bow builds, it is almost a mandatory to invest in number of projectiles to reach final 5 arrows (3 arrows per mine is viable but not desirable after the campaign). Please consider remove this mechanic from Volley support if used by proxy. 3. Also please add some sort of mechanic that increase radius for arrow to collide with mobs, or mechanic that increase collide radius for mobs. Encountering a small-sized rare mob with tanky mod is even more annoying than dealing with mobs with proximity shield. Maybe add some sort of Mark mastery that make a circle to the marked target beyond the size of monster mobs so that arrows can collide easily. 4. At the moment the only way to deal with offscreen mobs with Locus Mine + Bow is to use stray arrows from returning projectiles, chain mechanic, and sources of random projectiles direction (which is very rare except maybe for 99999div nimis kek). Please add more sources for random projectile but without nimis returning mechanic so there's more options to build around Locus Mine. 5. Have this bug been solved yet? It feels like it's not. Last edited by SideKarakterGendut#6189 on Jul 11, 2024, 10:14:01 AM
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Fist of war thread - gem needs a buff to go with the melee buffs~ warcries in general are pretty bad still but we'll see how they go with the new multi-auto, might be a mana nightmare hah!
Buff FOW base damage pleaseeeeee or speed it up or both! It's hardly used atm :( |
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