Raise Zombie

Can we please get more than one skin for the zombies and other summons? I like the mummies fine but I would Like a lot more options. some ones that are dressed fancy might be nice like the ones on the beach in act 6 that you kill for Lilly Roth. or maybe some that look like really odd stuff like clowns or even zombies in animal costumes or even robots. Please give us some thing for them because so many other skills have plenty of skin options but there is nothing for the zombies other than to look like I just raised Tut from his nap.
Raise Zombie gem should receive an additional tag "Physical" to put them in line with other physical minion gems like Carrion Golem or Herald of Agony.
Last edited by jewelsy2 on Oct 9, 2019, 11:43:57 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Derpfoot wrote:
Right now its very hard to tell which supports actually work for them or no.
Supports which don't work on a skill won't increase the mana cost or put up the little letter on the skill icon. If you find one that you don't think is working despite displaying as compatible with the skill, let us know and we'll check it, but they're pretty much good now.
Derpfoot wrote:
Ive heard rumours of the Increased Attack Speed support gem for example not working with them, and I was planning to use that as my last support for my zombots. What I also heard was that the zombie's attack is not actually a physical "strike" at all but some kind of spell or skill trigger, which may explain why IAS support may not work.
None of that is true. Increased Attack speed does work with zombies, because they are using the default attack, just like you do.
I will do looking for the other post where I last explained this to someone and copy-paste it here.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Any supports which affect the things the minions do.
Zombies will only use the default attack, so can be supported by anything which affects attacks. Faster attacks, stun, knockback, life leech, added damage, melee damage, etc.
Spectres (and converted enemies) can do more than attack depending on type, and thus are affected by a wider variety of supports. Faster casting will affect spectral version of caster monsters, multiple projectiles will affect spectres of skeleton casters and or enemy archers, increased area will affect minions using area attacks, etc.
Note that it's up to you to make use of the supports you apply. If you put increased area of effect on your raise spectre gem, then raise enemies that have no area attacks/spells, then you're paying extra for no benefit.

Mark, is this the same for affixes rolled on gear? Specifically:
-added damage to attacks
-added damage to spells
-% melee damage
-"increased damage"
-increased global physical damage

or does the affix specifically have to state "minion" in it to affect them?

Also curious about the additive damage bonuses from jewels. Whether or not "minions deal +4-7 physical damage" would be added to the base level of the skill gems damage, and receive a % multiplier from there as the skill is leveled, along with receiving other multipliers from minion passives, skill gems ect. Or if it is just additive to the final dps number. Using this as a basis to prioritize "% minion damage"/"+ minion damage", or if a mix of both is better.

Thanks in advance for your time.
Last edited by Slagger1982 on Feb 8, 2020, 6:48:46 PM
Slagger1982 wrote:
Mark, is this the same for affixes rolled on gear? Specifically:
-added damage to attacks
-added damage to spells
-% melee damage
-"increased damage"
-increased global physical damage
No. Your gear is applied to you. Those supports work because they're applied directly to the minion skill that creates the minion.

Slagger1982 wrote:
or does the affix specifically have to state "minion" in it to affect them?

Slagger1982 wrote:
Also curious about the additive damage bonuses from jewels. Whether or not "minions deal +4-7 physical damage" would be added to the base level of the skill gems damage, and receive a % multiplier from there as the skill is leveled, along with receiving other multipliers from minion passives, skill gems ect. Or if it is just additive to the final dps number. Using this as a basis to prioritize "% minion damage"/"+ minion damage", or if a mix of both is better.
All Added Damage in PoE gets scaled by all applicable % modifiers.
Zangetsu675 wrote:
Can we please get more than one skin for the zombies and other summons? I like the mummies fine but I would Like a lot more options. some ones that are dressed fancy might be nice like the ones on the beach in act 6 that you kill for Lilly Roth. or maybe some that look like really odd stuff like clowns or even zombies in animal costumes or even robots. Please give us some thing for them because so many other skills have plenty of skin options but there is nothing for the zombies other than to look like I just raised Tut from his nap.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.

Some missed opportunities here.

We had the killer clown MTX a little bit ago. Why not have raise zombie raise killer clowns?

Personally, I wouldn't mind them getting a little silly. Every time I hear those zombies go off, it sounds like someone getting the crap punched out of them. for my tastes I would think it absolutely hilarious if you could change raise zombie to a boxing kangaroo skin.

Going back on-theme, why not also have an option in the mtx to change the zombies to harbingers?

Or even allow the player to Target a corpse and do a skin swap of approved mobs that are roughly the same profile and build as the zombies?

Much could be done here.
Using zombies during the leveling process still requires that you immediately seek out life regen nodes, so you're not needing to constantly resummon them every other pack. A modest suggestion would be to give them some flat life regen that would be usable at lower levels, but become less noticeable at higher ones, to help with their early game issues.
please move zombie sounds into the speech category or make them shut the fuck up.
Please let us turn off zombie sounds!
Hello GGG, i would like someone to explain to me how to play summoner without minions ?

I'm lvl 77 in white map T4, my minions die all the time with 3 auras and 6L.

GGG, could you tell me what to do to play summoners without minions please ?

I have been playing since the creation of the game so my build is good , my gems are good , my map roll is nonexistent since the map are white , my zombies have 20k HP , gem lvl 18 + 2, spectre die too ...

Maybe there are new gems that allow you to play summoners whitout minions ?

Thanks to you for taking the time to read and respond.
Once again, please remove / tone down the zombie sounds in hideout, thanks ....
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