Lightning Warp

New echo support gem doesn't work with traps. There goes months of hoping that my multi-LW-trapper would finally have echoing warp traps.

Can't you just release one that works with traps too? Or something to make lightning warp builds more viable//exciting? -_-

The lightning warp trap combo sounds like an awesome build! I'm going to give it a shot - thanks for the pro tips twilight fall :)
Unbelievably disappointing, echo doesn't even work with self cast lightning warp. I was, after finding out it didn't work with traps, anticipating trying out a self cast radius echo lightning warp build with cold snap....sigh.
you can't even manually cast lightning warp a second time via cast speed boost or duration boost or slower movement speed. game won't let chain of warps happen.

you can however have multiple traps/mines explode.
The current state is indeed a great disappointment.

GGG, please disable only the "Supported Spells Repeat an additional time" part of echo for lightning warp! I would be totaly happy with having more cast speed for increased mana costs and 10% less damage.
There's a reason the only thing that gives multiplicative Cast Speed also doubles your base Cast time. That repeat is the only reason More Cast Speed is even remotely balanced.
Epikur wrote:
The current state is indeed a great disappointment.

GGG, please disable only the "Supported Spells Repeat an additional time" part of echo for lightning warp!
That stat is literally the entire point of the gem. It's not at all reasonable for something to be supported by echo if the base functionality of echo doesn't work for it.
Does the reduced duration on the gem as it levels also apply to the lifetime of a totem if you link it to Spell Totem? I can't find any details on this anywhere.
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Last edited by TheTenthDoc on Jul 17, 2014, 3:55:43 PM
Yes. Totem lifespan is a duration, and Reduced Duration does exactly what it says.
Is it just me or is the Lightning Warp sound effect too loud in 1.2.0 ? I use it as many others to travel around the maps and it is way louder than any other sound effect my character produces (like Arc casting, monsters dying etc.).

Would you please consider turning the volume down a bit so its less annoying when constantly casting it to move around ? I like the sound effect but its just way too loud imho. Thank you for reply.

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