Infernal Blow

Dark0mens wrote:
So I added a 5% level 1 Increased Area of Effect support gem which increases the area by another 15% and the only real increase I noticed was in the mana cost.

Are the increased area enhancements additive or multiplicative with each other? Do they effect the explosion portion of the skill? I see the letter on the Infernal Blow skill that shows that Increased Area of Effect is supporting the skill but do not notice anything yet.
Thanks for the report! It appears that increased area bonuses were not being correctly applied to infernal blow. This will be fixed in 0.9.12
Dryhumper wrote:
anyone know how infernal blow's explosion radius compares to detonate dead? same?
detonate dead is very slightly larger base radius - DD has 16 where IB has 15
Leonixis wrote:
is critical strike chance for spell affect explosion
since it have base 7% let me know pls
The critical strike chance listed on the gem is the base crit chance for the explosion. The attack uses your weapon's base crit chance, like all attacks.
piotras wrote:
How does this skill (explosion bit) work in relation to:

- chance to ignite and elemental proliferation?

Is it possible, that the explosion from the killed creature will deal damage AND ignite a creature in proximity, which in turn will proliferate around the surrounding mob?

Krupkee wrote:
Just started an infernal blow templar, there is quite a bit of information missing to be able to use this skill.

heres what I gather so far:
-Fire damage passives + elemental damage passives(not with weapons) increase the explosions damage
-Increased Aoe increased radius of explosion(this is correct? its not like minion instability at the moment)
Correct. For the record, any increased AoE bonuses your minions have have always affected MI's explosion radius, it's just harder to get such bonuses on minions.

Krupkee wrote:
what I dont understand is how the crit is effected, is it only global crit multipliers? spell crit? weapon crit?
Crit is intrinsically linked to damage - the same things you do understand about damage apply to crit. The explosion is not dealing weapon damage, or spell damage, so is not affected by any damage or crit modifiers that are specific to weapons or to spells.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Oct 29, 2012, 7:06:27 PM
Struyk wrote:
( I don't think Elemental Equilibrium works? on the explosion? )
It does.
Struyk wrote:
42.4% Chance to Crit -> Enemies caught in the explosion will burn
40% Chance to Ignite -> Enemies caught in the explosion will burn
You calculated your weapon's crit chance, not the explosion's. The explosion is not a weapon hit and does not use your weapon's crit chance.

Struyk wrote:
Can resistances go negative because of Flamability - Fire Penetration and Elemental Weakness?
Struyk wrote:
How much resistance to fire do mobs have in general?
Varies wildly between types of mosnters
Struyk wrote:
How much resistance to fire do fire resistant mobs have in general?
See above
Struyk wrote:
How much resistance gets removed because of fire penetration, elemental weakness and flamability?
The total of the amounts removed by each thing separately, which are visible on the gem/skill.
soul4hdwn wrote:
would fire penetration affect the explosion part of this skill?
Yes. The explosion is damage dealt to targets by the skill, it will apply the fire penetration support's stat at the point that damage is dealt.
AveiMil wrote:
When did the corpose explosions start dealing reflect damage?
They always have. This has not changed. Someone even recently was asking me to change it so they didn't, so I know for sure they were.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jul 16, 2013, 12:03:32 AM
AveiMil wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
AveiMil wrote:
When did the corpose explosions start dealing reflect damage?
They always have. This has not changed. Someone even recently was asking me to change it so they didn't, so I know for sure they were.

Mark, you really have to take my word on this, it has not always reflected corpose damage. Or in any case, if it ever did reflect any corpse explosion damage, the amount of reflected damage has drastically changed.
I really, definitely has. I've killed myself with the reflected explosion before. I've (reasonably recently) been PMed by people who wanted it changed because they killed themselves by the reflected explosion.

If you were shocked, or have modifiers that increase damage taken, those will now be applying, as those didn't apply to reflected damage until 0.11.2
The explosion is not attack damage and has no accuracy to determine a chance to hit with. It cannot be evaded.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jul 16, 2013, 9:56:30 PM
kaern wrote:
let's say, some monster has X hp
explode deals 0.25*X fire damage to it neighbours (without fire, elemental and area damage modifiers from nodes & gear)

I'm in the party now.
Hp of monsters - changed, and now, the same monster has Y > X hp, where Y = function(X, num of party members, etc, etc)

Will the explosion be 0.25*Y, or it remains 0.25*X ?

my sightnings told me, that we have 0.25*X in this case
Correct. IB explosion damage (just like Detonate Dead) is not increased by the bonus life monsters get for more payers in the instance.
kaern wrote:
and this is a bug, i think.
Absolutely not. The entire point of raising monster life is so it takes more to kill them - they have more life, but your skills deal the same amount of damage. Making the explosion count that life bonus would be equivalent to saying a particular skill gets 50% increased damage for each player in the party - which is clearly ridiculous.
ivkoto77777 wrote:
When we link IB to Melee Splash do we lower our IB-explosion's damage? Melee Splash says Less damage to main target and Less damage to other targets
It only modifies attack damage, thus does not affect the explosion. The description has been updated locally and should be fixed in 0.11.4.
leighferon wrote:
if i link infernal blow to culling strike and have dual totem, does the secondary part of the skill still work/make corpses explode? if it does does life leech, life gain on hit etc, on hit effects, still happen with the corpse explosion?
All except Life leech, yes. Leech requires you to do damage, since it's a % of the damage dealt.
leighferon wrote:
also if the secondary part of the skill is linked to fire penetration will the fire penetration apply on secondary explosion.
Yes, it's fire damage dealt by the skill hitting something, therefore fire penetration applies.

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