Explosive Arrow

Hey guys, what is the damage for level 24 - level 26 explosive arrow? I could just guess based on the previous values, but I'd prefer if I could have the actual numbers for some DPS calculations.

In other news, reduced duration (theoretically) is actually very worthwhile with this skill in terms of the total damage you can output over time.
@Moylin (Beyond)
Last edited by Avelice on Nov 8, 2013, 1:13:01 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:

Hilbert wrote:
What happens if you stack different explosive arrows on a target.
Will only the effects from the first arrow trigger or all.

Let's say you fire 1 explosive Arrow with Icreased Critical Strike chance and Increased Critical strikes.
The other 4 arrows are linked to chance to ignite, elemental profilation and Increased AoE.

So does only the first effect trigger or do all effects trigger as if you had a 6 linked item?
The first arrow put him in the state of 'going to explode' and will be the one which causes the explosion. Any other fuses applied will just add to the fuse count and extend the duration.

So if i understand u right, than all 5 Arrow gets all the bonuses from each other ? even if they hit different targets ? Mark could u please clarify the working of 2 different linked Explosive Arrows on the same and different targets ?

Has anyone else had troubles with the arrow appearing stuck in mobs/walls but never exploding? Happens quite frequently to me.
kerze123 wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:

Hilbert wrote:
What happens if you stack different explosive arrows on a target.
Will only the effects from the first arrow trigger or all.

Let's say you fire 1 explosive Arrow with Icreased Critical Strike chance and Increased Critical strikes.
The other 4 arrows are linked to chance to ignite, elemental profilation and Increased AoE.

So does only the first effect trigger or do all effects trigger as if you had a 6 linked item?
The first arrow put him in the state of 'going to explode' and will be the one which causes the explosion. Any other fuses applied will just add to the fuse count and extend the duration.

So if i understand u right, than all 5 Arrow gets all the bonuses from each other ? even if they hit different targets ?
No, I said nothing of the sort. There is not, and cannot be, any interaction at all between arrows that hit different targets.
If multiple arrows from different skills hit the same target, then the first one to hit is the one that causes the explosion and the stats of that one are used. Any others that hit do nothing other than increase the number of arrows in the target (which determines the AoE and damage). Their stats are irrelevant.
hey mark, I really love how you anser several questions regarding different skills.
normally I look up your answers before I post something, but I couldn´t find an answer
to this particular information.

the explosive arrow contains two hits if I understood

the initial hit which "starts the explosion"
the 2nd hit which is the explosion

now, I know the 2nd hit (explosion) is a fire based non weapon projectile damage type.
but what type is the first hit?

you migh can answer if this would work:

use elemental damage modifier on gear to give the initial hit an element (for example cold). With Elemental Equilibrium now the initial hit increases the resistance of this element about 25%. Would now the explosion which is fire profit from the -50% to other resistances?

this would only work if the initial hit CAN have an element.
and if the element is not fire ^^

it would be great to know that :)
Mephos wrote:
hey mark, I really love how you anser several questions regarding different skills.
normally I look up your answers before I post something, but I couldn´t find an answer
to this particular information.

the explosive arrow contains two hits if I understood

the initial hit which "starts the explosion"
the 2nd hit which is the explosion

now, I know the 2nd hit (explosion) is a fire based non weapon projectile damage type.
but what type is the first hit?

you migh can answer if this would work:

use elemental damage modifier on gear to give the initial hit an element (for example cold). With Elemental Equilibrium now the initial hit increases the resistance of this element about 25%. Would now the explosion which is fire profit from the -50% to other resistances?

this would only work if the initial hit CAN have an element.
and if the element is not fire ^^

it would be great to know that :)

I believe this is the basic attack, which every weapon has. So just base weapon dmg etc, it does however scale with support gems such as added cold damage and LMP obviously.
This is a really good question. Anyone has a clue how this works?
The initial hit is like a basic attack, so having +cold damage on gear will indeed affect it

Question: the wiki says that GMP and LMP affect the explosion damage, but when put GMP/LMP supporting the skill it doesn't change the tooltip, and by testing with mobs I don't see much difference either(that could be variation of damage/multiple arrow explosion stacking, etc, kinda hard to test). So does it affect the damage and the tooltip is bugged or it doesn't affect the damage?
Modifiers to projectiles do affect the explosion. For some reason though, the tooltip doesn't display the damage each charge will do after modifiers, only the base damage.
@Moylin (Beyond)
Last edited by Avelice on Nov 18, 2013, 12:28:33 AM

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