Dual Strike

Daemonjax wrote:
In CB I replaced my default left click attack with this skill, so that it was impossible to whiff through the open air on misclick.
This sounds like you might be misunderstanding something. If you use the Dual Strike skill then it's very possible to swing at the air and not hit monsters, if you don't target any monsters and there aren't any right in front of you - replacing the default attack with dual strike makes the possible, not impossible - the default attack will just issue a move order instead if you don't target a monster, but a dual strike is always a dual strike, and if you click on the ground, you target a dual strike on that location and will swing at it regardless of whether there are monsters.
My apologies, I stand corrected. It's been a long time since I last checked that behaviour - it's clearly currently tied to the left mouse button specifically rather than the default attack.
Each weapon's damage is calculated - this includes armour. The totals are summed and applied as a single hit.
Each weapon tests accuracy/evasion to hit.
Each weapon that hit does damage calculation. That's what armour affects (and is where crit is done).
If both weapons hit, the damage they calculated is summed.
The damage (if any) is applied as a single hit.

Like every other skill, Dual Strike does only one crit roll for the skill. That doesn't eman both weapons will always crit or always not crit, as they might have different crit chances. If one weapon has 10% crit chance and the other 5%, then a roll in the 5-9 range for the skill will crit with one but not the other.
DarkSkills wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon's damage is calculated - this includes armour. The totals are summed and applied as a single hit.

Thanks for the reply mark. Just to clarify.

If both weapons hit > Damage is summed and then armor is applied only once to the sum of dmg.

If only 1 hits > damage from 1 is applied to armor.
No, that is the opposite of what I said. Each weapon calculates it's own damage. Armour, by definition, is part of damage calculation.
Once that calculation is done, the totals are summed.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Apr 21, 2013, 10:22:24 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
riverwithin wrote:
So if both weapons have the same crit chance, they will always both crit?

There are two rolls for Crits (when using Attacks).

The first roll is done upon activation of the skill, and counts for the entire skill activation. Two weapons with the same Crit Chance will always either both pass or both fail this roll.

The second roll is the 'Crit Confirm' roll, which is a second roll versus Evasion (ie. Chance to Hit roll). Evasion is rolled separately per weapon. If one weapon fails the Crit Confirm roll and the other passes, you will get one regular Hit and one Crit.

Spells do not roll Crit Confirm, they rely only on the first roll.
Yeah, I forgot about the second accuracy test. If they have the same crit chance, they'll both roll a crit or not from crit chance, but each hit must roll evasion again to confirm the crit, and that's separate per hit.
TherosPherae wrote:
So, I have a slightly absurd question regarding this skill and Frostbreath, the unique mace with the 'Attacks with this Weapon deal double Damage to Chilled Enemies' modifier. If I were to dual-wield Frostbreaths and use this skill, would it deal double damage to chilled enemies, as there's only one 'Double Damage' modifier in play, or would it deal quadruple damage - doubled from each mace?
Each weapon calculates damage entirely separately, then the results are summed together. So each hand's damage would independently be doubled, then added together to get the combined hit value.
namnguyen5497 wrote:
[3.24] Dual strike cannot be used with 1h-mace (paired with a 1h-axe). Gem description only says "does not work with wands" but also not working with maces.
Your Dual Strike skill is supported by Close Combat support, which applies its stated restriction: "Supported Skills can only be used with Axes or Swords"

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