Dual Strike

aimlessgun wrote:
The hit thing may be because you're using two weapons, and they each have an independant chance to hit? So the chances of missing with both are quite low?
Correct. Each weapon can hit separately.
IrishKigoi wrote:
I don't have double strike so I cant compare the two...but from a mechanics standpoint, what is the difference?
Dual strike is a single combined hit, even if both weapons hit the enemy, and thus triggers on-hit effects only once, where Double strike is two separate hits, one after the other.
Double strike only ever uses the main hand weapon, where Dual Strike uses both (and requires dual wielding).
They have different bonuses for quality/levels on the gem.
Double strike is usable with two-handed weapons (since it only requires on weapon).
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Apr 30, 2012, 7:16:30 PM
IrishKigoi wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Dual strike is a single combined hit, even if both weapons hit the enemy, and thus triggers on-hit effects only once, where Double strike is two separate hits, one after the other.

But Double Strike still only triggers one on-hit correct?
No, Double strike hits twice and on-hit effects will trigger for each. Dual strike hits once for the combined damage of both weapons (unless one/both of them misses), so on-hit effects trigger once, but for the total damage (so more burn damage or chill/freeze/shock duration from the hit than if each had been separate).
sanyoboy1052 wrote:
dual strike is a better skill then double strike because it uses both weapons in 1 strong attack.
But you can double-strike with one two-handed weapon, in which case it's better. They have different uses.
sanyoboy1052 wrote:
When you pair this with high attack speed you can pull 2 dual strikes in the time it would take to do 1 double strike.
Dual and Double strike both take your attack time (determined by your weapon) to execute. For any set amount of attack speed, double strike and dual strike should take the same duration, except in the case where you have a slow main-hand weapon and a fast off-hand weapon - in which case double strike uses only the main hand attack duration, but dual strike uses the average of the two.
bibster1 wrote:
If both your 1h weapons had 2% life leech, will it add(4%) when you use dual strike? in general do all mods stacks when using dual strike? or when normally attacking w/ 2wield, do all the mods from the off hand adds to the attacking hand? or only the non-damage mods such as attributes, magic find, etc...?
No. If each weapon has 2% life leech, the each weapon will hit with 2% life leech.
Each weapon hit is calculated separately, then they're combined into single combined damage package. Since stun is part of damage calculation, this is calculated separately for each weapon, and then the combined hit will stun if either of the hits stuns.
Aplier wrote:
Or is each crit calculated separately and then the damage from each is combined?
This one, but like all skills, only one crit roll is made, so unless your weapons have different crit chances, they'll always either both crit nor neither crit.

Aplier wrote:
Also, is there an ETA on when (or if) the tooltip and character info will be fixed to properly reflect the combined damage?
Probably during open beta sometime. It's a minor issue which doesn't affect gameplay. Work before open beta has to focus on things that need to be done before the final wipe, because we can't do those afterwards.
Dual strike only deals damage once, equal to the sum of calculated damage from each weapon. This damage is what causes elemental status effects.
Each weapon hits or misses independently. If both hit, the damage is combined.
Thalandor wrote:
didevol wrote:
Does the character sheet display the correct dps on this skill yet? Or do I take what it says and double it?

Double it. Or more specifically, I think it shows the DPS only for the part of DPS that comes from the "main" hand weapon, so if your off-hand weapon is similar the the main hand, doubling the DPS is a good approximation.
It's showing the average for both hands. New features that allow this to display correctly will be coming in 0.9.13

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