Unique Item Rarity Changes

Right now I think I am way too shortsighted or I lack apple fanboys way of thinking, that support each and every decision a company makes.
Still don't understand reduced mana change if it's still a Pita to work with mana while levelling (thanks elreon for still holding us strong so mana issues can be more bearable). Can't understand the whole "let's use enlighten and fake dementia about it being a horrible idea" thing.
Don't get why leech was SO much nerfed.
Can't understand why do we even have 82 maps if we can't pass 76 drops, why we are one shotted by white mobs with hc like defences when at high level maps...
And now I can't understand this change too


Me no comprende Inglish is not posiball
Arcaneswrath wrote:
<...> or they're trying to artificially lengthen the amount of time it takes to reach level 100.

This is exactly what they do. Almost every change in 2.0 is meant to make game more time-consuming, directly or not. And the real reasons for that are yet to be discovered, since if they tried to slow down no-lifers they clearly failed at it, from the start.
In years to come
You hear my name
When darkness falls
On judgment day
Tier 1 leveling uniques


Just remove them so that they no longer drop at this point lol.
Archives, https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2206812
Making Carcass Jack rarer was so fucking stupid.

GGG dropping the ball left and right in 2.0.
Lorginir wrote:
Arcaneswrath wrote:
<...> or they're trying to artificially lengthen the amount of time it takes to reach level 100.

This is exactly what they do. Almost every change in 2.0 is meant to make game more time-consuming, directly or not. And the real reasons for that are yet to be discovered, since if they tried to slow down no-lifers they clearly failed at it, from the start.

More time consuming = more time played = more people playing = more people seeing it played = more players.

GGG turned into every other cash grab shitshow.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to tell you to shove your rarity shuffle somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

"OH my god, they like using these uniques that are actually useful! Let's make them more rare and then make the game harder. Those silly players like taking it up the bum anyhow!"
IGN: HowDoIShotBows
Last edited by idiocyincarnate on Jul 23, 2015, 2:08:06 PM
Sup Diablo 3!

From builds being diverse, to uniques being niche items, now uniques are the key items. Now uniques are rarer.


Piss off with your attempts at condescension. I'm fucking Charan. Who the fuck are you?
I'm out. This is pathetic. Have fun licking up the sloppy seconds, Bambi.
Cloak of de fiance. What a load." -- Ruler of Wraeclast.
Well.. how to start,

From the stupid phys damage state to the retarded drop rates of specific uniques, this game that came out with a slogan "from gamers for gamers" is now a sinking ship.

I understand that there are things suposed to be hard, like some specific boss fights etc etc.

But you know what GGG? If I spend hours of my life invested in a character I would like that it could pe possible to make him relatively STRONG withoutt being a nolifer...

Grind to lvl80 or 90 just so you can die instantly no matter how.
In "leveling" games you are suposed to eventually become strong, with this game, every day seems like you want to make our characters more weak and paper no matter how much time we invest in them.

Honestly I can get more fun atm with fucking torchlight 2 than with this game.

GGG, games are meant to be FUN and entertaining, and POE is less fun day by day, change by change.

No fun allowed. :(
Looks like a lot of frustration piled up until this change tipped it all over.
Yes POE is a grinding game. You grind to become superstrong and kick ass, flying across the map unleashing hundres of lightning strikes, fireballs and building whatever you want with a wide variety of possibilities for your character. Slaying armies of skeletons. That was what POE made good.
It was difficult, yes, but it was also rewarding for investing some time and sweat creating a good build.

What happend wrong: you now grind hours to barely survive, follow one of the 4-5 only viable builds and invest hundreds of hours into a game without even having a realistic chance to get decent items.
And even worse: if you, after hours of hard work in Excel, find a good build and share it with the community, you can be 100% assured that it gets nerfed within the next upcoming patch because GGG finds "too many players like and follow your build".

I don't know who gets those gamebreaking ideas to nerf all main game mechanics without giving alternatives, reduce the droprate for leveling uniques and reducing the ammount of lategame content.
What happened to your quote "We want lategame maps to be difficult for the player, not difficult to sustain." You completly turned away from your own statement and are going into a direction that is not what the playerbase wants the game to go into. Especially by those time stretching game mechanics.

So i would advise you GGG, instead of punishing players over and over again, it is time to actually let us enjoy the game. Maybe give your balancing team a few weeks of vacation, i guess they would appreciate that ;) And after they calmed their furious nerfing heads down in a two week pool party summer holiday, we might get some balancing changes that the players like and fit the game more :)

Last edited by RedStreakyCat on Jul 23, 2015, 4:23:46 PM

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