[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" sorry, didnt noticed it. I've updated my previous post, may u please give an advise/suggestion :) |
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" Thx chrono for help. Now I making last. i hope I do It. Now going hard(4act) |
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" In addition to this, i've seen old poe videos where ppl use multibox/multiaccount for dom farms. Yeah, i know multibox allowed until u dont controll all characters the same input (am i wrong?), but if use this technics on bosses, is it worth it even to bother with addition characters? Last edited by omgree#6588 on May 30, 2016, 4:19:36 PM
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" Ehh so hard. maybe last from anybody help? |
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" You are allowed to play two clients on the same machine, insofar as you don't control both clients with the same inputs. I honestly don't do boss runs anymore, it's not worth it unless you're doing 4+ people in a party and I'm largely a solo player so I can't provide you with any additional input on it. I find trap builds slower, but if you're thinking of doing it with Bladefall CI or something, it's difficult to pull off with all the ES you need. I'm not aware of any life-based Bladefall miner builds that would keep up similar clear speed as CA. Its only real advantage would be the super-fast boss kills, otherwise it would be comparable to what this build does. Totem MFing is slow, and should only be used in a party-cull setup. The Blade Vortex build looks alright, and seems like it would have the advantage in being able to do Colo/Abyss T15 bosses, but it's pretty slow, even with Whirling Blades, and flask reliant for a lot of its damage and the Rumi's block for survivability. It's definitely a more intensive option. Where it loses out in clear speed is that it has to stay in the pocket to deal damage, while this build can damage an entire screen with a few arrows, moving forward as enemies die. It's a solid alternative if you'd prefer to be in the thick of it though. What I lack in IIQ compared to his build, I make up for in clear speed. I could've done that Courtyard map about a minute faster than him. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Serleth, thanks for such detailed response! Im definetly going for CA Scion (already tested in perandus, but what to know you opinion about other builds).
I've also found your Inventory and Stash Management video and see that u indetified all items, checking values and sell it to vendor if the rolls are bad. But what about Chaos/regal recipe? Dont u collect it? Or finding some 1 good rare amoung 50 will get more profit? Personally i have tab for each piece of recipe (two-hand weapon, armour, helm, boots, etc.), naming the tab so they can all fit the screen, its important for easy use. I go below tier 8 map only to get few two-handed <ilvl 75 weapons for chaos recipe (regal cost less). The problem all the time is to find enough rings and amulets, so when my other tabs are full and i dont have rings/amulets for recipe im starting doing the same: unindef and sell for alts or if good it goes for sale to poe.trade. Mostly i've spent time for collection and selling itemps but its the goal of build to collect alot of currency. Last edited by omgree#6588 on May 30, 2016, 5:03:03 PM
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" When you are running a bunch of maps, time wasted in between maps, sorting even an inventory worth of items, is time you could have spent mapping. Chaos recipe is especially good for regular builds, because their source of income is primarily that, and identified items. This build, as I understand it, is focused primarily on finding those GG uniques, BIS items, and the occasional insane item. This means the more we run maps, the higher our chance of getting those items will be; so when compared to a normal build, it is more important for us to run lots of high tier maps, than for us to spend time doing chaos/regal recipe. That said, there is nothing wrong with doing those recipes, but it is less efficient than doing maps. Hope this helps. |
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" Found this in FAQ:
" So im not sure the idea is to find BIS items. U can easy stack Chaos/regals and u can make alts after u will have lack with rings and amulets. "The other 85ex" got from recipe + trade or you just identify all and sell good items and dont bother about chaos recipe?? Hope Serleth will answer about it :) p.s. Personally are u planing to play CA Scion in new league? Last edited by omgree#6588 on May 30, 2016, 5:57:56 PM
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" If you're efficient with your stash management, it shouldn't take you more than 10 seconds to complete recipes. I typically do mine in about 5-7 seconds. Therefore, I still find value in doing recipes. Unids are definitely worth the time, so if you're speed running low level maps (60-71), no harm in doing unids at all. The way I see it, the build runs at about 0.5ex/hr, right? Let's assume that's 60c:1ex, therefore you're earning 0.5c/minute. 10 seconds to get 1 chaos? Sure. I'll do that. And omgree has it right, gut. GG items are not the focus of the build. It's about speed farming raw currency, which means because we can get a boatload of recipes done, it's worth it for us. It's the inverse actually for non-MF builds. Because they'll be dropping very few recipe-completion items (amulets, rings, etc), it's actually less worth it for them to concern themselves with recipes, especially given that their focus isn't loot-farming. It's more important for them to be running the highest maps possible, to sell not only the T13/14+ map drops, but to get the better ilvls. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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I guess I should git gud on my stash speed ;D
By the by, what item filter are you using? I can't find one that differentiates not just between regal and chaos recipe rares, but iLvL 73+ rares for the ability to roll better mods. I have been using NeverSink's, which is great for leveling, but lacks some of the nuances that make end game mapping a little bit easier. Thanks again for the excellent explanations, and understanding of uneducated comments. |
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