Upcoming changes to Leech

Darkaleb wrote:
Ceratoidei wrote:
Will be these changes apply to current items, like dividing all current leech by 5 or will we have some incredible Legacy CoE's after patch?

Seems a bit complicated to change those numeric values... I'm a bit scared, but could be fun for standard ^^

I'd like to know the same thing...
Here's Mark seems to say they won't change any numeric values on existing items, is it right?


they are always the lier
i think it's kind of jokes of this game
they want to be a team of principle
(everytime when i see the legacy kaoms and look back to acuity&leech changes)
but it's just jokes

GGG,why don't u change all legacy kaom's to became 500HP koam's on current serve
it's easy to do it
don't worry about the owner of thinking.
becuz u guys never concern about the owner of COE,acuity, etc...
Immundissime wrote:
Carmondai89 wrote:
@ immundissime: Wrong, since you don't leech 2% of your life, but 2% of damage dealt.
About the 20% leech cap I am not sure, but basically you're right in those points

I'm getting certain that I wrote right, look at the first post - it was redacted with addition about 2 caps. And there's also this subreddit:
It isn't very clear, but as I understand you have now cap at 2% of max life pool for leech from 1 target, 20% cap max life pool per sec from all leech sources, both can be expanded with new passives|items|gem qualities.
Very interested in clarification from GGG staff.

Well, I might be wrong again.
Considering http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Leech 5 hits to 1 target grants 5 different stacks of leech. Could GGG explain what can we consider as leech stack? 1 hit to multiple targets grants 1 stack of leech? 5 hits to 1 target grants 5 stacks of leech (2% cap applied to every)?
So if that's true "fast-hitting" skills will grant more stacks with 2% cap of each while "slow-hitting" skills will have more limits. Is that right now?
Permanently sorry for bad English :D
Last edited by Immundissime on Jun 17, 2015, 9:37:53 AM
Is there ANY chance we could get a 'mana Vaal Pact' added to the southwest of the tree that decoupled mana sustain from total mana like VP does for life? Something like "Blood Pact: Unable to leech or regenerate mana; X% of leeched and regenerated life gained as mana." or "X% reduced mana leech mana applies instantly"?
Last edited by C0Y0T3_SLY on Jun 17, 2015, 4:33:28 PM
@immundissime: yes, I just read too that it is 2% of max life leeched.
As I understand, it is 2% per hit, so it would be better to have lots of small hits...and basically be like LGoH

That is so saddening -.-
“Losing a limb is no excuse for cowardice.” - Master Sollis, "Blood Song"
Last edited by Mephisto_n on Jun 17, 2015, 7:47:43 PM
Oh God, I almost prepared myself for the end game ...
GGG, I demand 10-20 regrets in addition to the passive reset !

Not that I use them but it sounds like LGoH and LL are becoming too similar.
Phys LL solely will be crippled.

The change will fix some end game gaps by eliminating game play variations.
That's bad. It has to stop, remove all leech and life gain effects and substitute them with stat based healing/enduring effect/trigger.
Maybe add them as a monster skill as the origin of life leeching is "evil" :)

Last edited by tosshs on Jun 17, 2015, 9:14:02 PM
GGG Please don't demonize Life Leech. It is an essential survival mechanic for melee builds.

I just don't see how my 2H Marauder will be able to play the game in Merciless with this massive nerf.
And that's me again.
Mark has clarified those thing about leech
So as I said last time - fast-hitting chars will get more benefit from LL in single-target. Slow-hitting will get to 20% cap slower but still will get there (leech will be applied for a longer time since bigger hit and 2% cap for 1 stack = for 10 secs one will have enough stacks to get to 20% cap).
Permanently sorry for bad English :D
Last edited by Immundissime on Jun 18, 2015, 2:22:00 AM
Immundissime wrote:
And that's me again.
Mark has clarified those thing about leech
So as I said last time - fast-hitting chars will get more benefit from LL in single-target. Slow-hitting will get to 20% cap slower but still will get there (leech will be applied for a longer time since bigger hit and 2% cap for 1 stack = for 10 secs one will have enough stacks to get to 20% cap).

Excuse a noob question: is there any difference with instant leech between old and new mechanic?
Darkaleb wrote:

Excuse a noob question: is there any difference with instant leech between old and new mechanic?

There is no mechanical change for the instant leech. But values have changed ( both vaal pact efficiency and leech value on passives/gear ).
At the end it's a very severe nerf to instant leech ( 50 % nerf )
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone on Jun 18, 2015, 3:31:10 AM

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