Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

Heroofexile wrote:
the change sucks. stacking auras was fun. now they are over-nerfed.

Seems like a time for Blood Magic (keystone)....
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

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That is not power
I like this change. Stacking auras was DEFINITELY overpowered.

People are really just whining because something that made them way too strong was taken away. To be honest, I think that Enlighten should probably be nerfed as well.

I know this'll annoy some people (lol) but honestly I don't care...? So...? Sure stacking auras was fun but only because it WAS something that needed to be patched. Path of Exile shouldn't be the type of game that lets you play as many auras as you want; it makes more sense to have to carefully pick and choose and work around what you want rather than stacking way too many auras at a time.

And anyways you can still always run a low-life Shav/SolarisLorica build if you REALLY want to get those auras in there. Just saying. (and no I don't have a Low-life build but yes I do know that they are in need of a nerf as well...)
^^ i dont really know if low life needs an aura nerf at present there isnt that much else going for them for a high upfront cost (i guess high es). Have to deal with stun and freeze based on life and no life flask defences.
I like the way it is now.

We have multiple choices, and this is better for theoricrafting.
Last edited by Hillda on Oct 20, 2015, 5:48:41 AM
Hillda wrote:
I like the way it is now.

We have multiple choices, and this is better for theoricrafting.

Multiple choices? How did replacing Reduced Mana with a weaker (and rarer) Enlighten suddenly give us multiple choices?

If anything, the choices are now more limited, which is worse for theory crafting.

And what's all this horseshit people are spewing? As if with the old system, everyone was walking around with 3 heralds and 6 auras, using only Reduced Mana? The old system gave us 1, maybe 2 more auras to run... if you invested in every reduced mana node you could get your hands on (excluding BM/Low Life builds). I'm not sure how that makes things so wildly over-powered.
How ?

Just dont focus on reduce mana. Consider all the changes.
- new mana regen % and leech
- passives reduce cost of mana
- passives mana reservation
- elreon jewelery
- the blood magic path

I use now more auras than before.
And I love theorycrafting
Last edited by Hillda on Nov 2, 2015, 4:27:18 AM
-new mana regen % and leech
regen is as it was before (you could say it is even worse now considering slaughtered EB)
leech, well, it just sucks, no other words here
-passives reduce cost of mana
they are as they were before
-passives mana reservation
they are as they were before
-elreon jewelery
it was suddenly buffed or what?
-the blood magic path
the same question here
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Reservation already pretty hard to get and it request a lot of invest in gear, jewel, node to get some decent reservation and that new support gem add more reservation, that means we should sacrifice aura and more invest.

Maybe is it time to reduce ALL reservation on all aura, buff? 50/35/25 looks super high, maybe 40/25/15 instead or alike?

Blood Magic keystone and Mortal Conviction nodes should have more life and there should be Unique jewel that adds 4% increased Life Regeneration Rate AND 250% increased Melee Physical Damage while no Mana is Reserved (special for BM builds) to compensate no usage aura (like Unique Clear Mind, but for melee).
conquerrors efficiency doesnt work.

I run purity of fire + blasphemy+elemental weakness.

My mana is reserved 35% from each! So in total 70%

My mana should be reserved 68% instead because of conquerrors efficiency jewel.

So why must i spend 10regrets testing if sovereignity will reduce mana reserve or not?
I swear if they make some maven "Simon says" insta-death minigame, sirus, exarch ball minigame then i wont play poe2.
webas wrote:
conquerrors efficiency doesnt work.

I run purity of fire + blasphemy+elemental weakness.

My mana is reserved 35% from each! So in total 70%

My mana should be reserved 68% instead because of conquerrors efficiency jewel.

So why must i spend 10regrets testing if sovereignity will reduce mana reserve or not?

As so often on auras: rounding is the problem

Caclulate the cost of both auras separately as you will cast them.

35% * 0.98 = 34.3 => Rounded up to 35% again

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