Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

Pewzor wrote:
I guess it's a way to kill off all the LL superheroes running 9 auras while facerolling with noobjolner.

Relax, i still use 7 Auras easy with LL+BM + Enlighetn gems 4Lvl

And I am very pleased with this change. You want to play with 7-8 Auras?

Prepare money for it! :D

PS. Mjolner shit :P
Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]
Okay, Well, I'll provide feedback on how this change affected me. I was playing a level 88 Split Arrow ranger who used reduced mana in my 4L rat's nest to allow me to cast Herald of Ashe + Hatred + Haste, to make for a whopping 3 buffs after spending a few skill points to take a mana reservation reduction passive. This allowed me to have a small pool of about 60 mp to cast my split arrows.

My particular build choices were weak to start with, This new change into the game seems to have had one effect on my build, which is simply that now I can only cast two buffs instead of my old three, so the build is now considerably weaker. I have 0 attainable options for re-itemizing to regain that lost buff, and the items that I farmed for to make this build work in the first place are now useless - not to mention corrupted items like my rats nest cannot even be re-rolled to use the new mana reduction gem if I could afford to buy one which I cannot.

Long story short I'm probably not gonna be playing this game anymore.
new mana reservation system realy SU.......KS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iwas running hatred and 2,i just can rub hatred and 1 herald...enlighten now needed?ok...but why is it so weak in mana reduction??????you are killing ur game,ggg....
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
Last edited by xxxcobaltxxx on Jul 13, 2015, 2:53:48 AM
iteration2 wrote:
This change really wasn't necessary. As it was, a 4-slot item was pretty much perfect for holding 3 auras and a mana reduction. Great, now we have a 4 slot item, which can only run 2 auras. Putting in an extremely expensive, and ineffective, support gem, does very little, and leaves us with 1 free slot, which is next to useless. The minor reduction in aura costs does practically nothing to offset this enormous nerf.

So instead of running 3 auras, with a little mana left over, we can now run 2, with even less mana left over, and we have to use an extremely rare gem which takes ages to level just to do it.

Every character I have will be at least partially hindered (1 less aura), and at worst severely gutted by this change.

You can still use that empty slot for a golem for example. But yeah, you are right imo. The change was not necessary.
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
Depends on the builds, some negatively affected, some unaffected and some got a buff from the changes.

I've gone from running 6 auras + clarity and artic armor to, well, running 6 auras + clarity + arctic armour. so technically gone from 7 to 8 auras with less life reserved and slightly more mana reserved.

Still reaching the 60% aura buff necessary to go from +5 to +8 on the max resist auras as well so that's nice, although having to replace inner force with something that buffs skill durations just to compensate for all the reduced skill durations everywhere is annoying.
Last edited by Asmosis on Jul 13, 2015, 4:37:29 AM
Defensive auras are still too damn expensive, especially for blood magic users. Even with mortal conviction there's no way I can justify reserving 25% of my life (let's say 6000 for example, so 1500) for a defensive aura when monster damage has been raised so high. Hell, even with the old Reduced Mana gem I never did it. Only when heralds came out and I could knock them down to sub-10% could I justify using reservation at all.
"Hey guys, I got this sick idea! Let's make Skill Gems purchasable, so people have easier access to them, who the fuck cares if someone sells them, fuck those guys anyways. Now, let's change Reduced Mana so it no longer benefit Auras, but it's now easier to obtain for all, even though we just claimed that was the reason to changing it.
Now here's the REAL trick, we make Enlighten the new big deal, the rare, expensive and let's not forget grindheavy Support Gem, the new "Aura Gem".
Let's also keep Auras expensive so it feels a tad more forced"

I'm all for making Auras harder to maintain multiple of, but this is the worst change so far.
Saving up gem slots..? So what are we else putting there? You want us to run Increased AoE? MORE AURAS THAT WE CAN'T RUN NOW?

You literally just made an expensive Support Gem, into a high demanded Support Gem, and freed us up from 1 Gem Slot, which nobody will use since it'd make the Auras more expensive..
Why don't you just make the Auras cost a bloody BASE VALUE again? It'd make people have to get +Mana from tree/gear then.

But hey, at least rushing through the content with a Tabula Rasa and Reduced Mana allows faster progression :^)
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
Last edited by Derpey on Jul 16, 2015, 8:01:55 AM
I think it would be a good idea if there were more aura nodes around the tree.

Currently, the maximum global reduced mana reservation (without Mortal Conviction) is 38%. This, with Alpha Howl and the Efficiency Jewel makes a total of 48% global reduced mana reservation.

It would be good if all classes were equally close to aura nodes. Currently it seems like Marauders have the least access, Witches the second least, then Templar, then Ranger then Shadow.

My suggestion would be to put some more aura clusters near the Marauder and Templar start, so there is a better distribution of aura nodes around the edges of the tree,giving better overall access for the classes that have the least but also other classes due a higher quantity.

The problem with Reduced Mana linked to auras is that it was so eady to use without additional character investment. Surely adding a couple more aura clusters that have reduced mana reservation (perhaps 6-8% accross each of them) in them would let it be possible to get a similar reserved amount of mana as before, but with the difference being that it would require a lot more of an investment from the character (not gear) to achieve.
Andrew676 wrote:
Pewzor wrote:
I guess it's a way to kill off all the LL superheroes running 9 auras while facerolling with noobjolner.

Relax, i still use 7 Auras easy with LL+BM + Enlighetn gems 4Lvl

And I am very pleased with this change. You want to play with 7-8 Auras?

Prepare money for it! :D

PS. Mjolner shit :P

So only people have 3 lv4 enlighten like this bull shit.

You just shut the fxxk up, over.
Not liking this change. Obtaining and leveling a enlighten gem is a herculean feat. To bad I always enjoyed running auras playing with sockets/tree to make everything work. I hope this can be tweaked. Skill tree gems are cool but rather not spend 2 or 3 points for what was 1 socket.

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