Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

Please reconsider this change....this is making thousand of corrupted items useless.

Most of our current builds won't be viable with that change... What are we suppose to do? start from strach?

No point in having the reduced mana gem in the game with that change.

Is this an expansion or more like a sequel? Please don't fix what's not broken.

Sorry if I sound stressed and whiny...I just love the game.

Have a good day!

The colours aren't the problem here. The fact that enlighten is too strong not to be used is...

If you are set on the change, lower aura reservations further on the gems, nerf down enlighten and that should make it "optional".

And,for Pete's sake, lower herald reservation. Not too drastically. Even 2-3% would mean a lot.

To be honnest, it would have been better if you nerfed aura values and put some +aura buffs on gear/tree... (via jewels maybe?)
That way if people wanted an "auromancer", they could make one.

I have nothing against the mana reduction change,... I hate gems that are must-have for each build... But, just exchanging it for enlighten is dumb, as 90% of the people in this thread pointed out...

This change needs balancing.

Especially because reduced mana will not be used unless you buff it with +dmg...or smtn.

I.e. "if I use reduced mana instead of mdmg on full life, I will loose some damage, but I will be able to sustain myself on boss fights without a mana pot."

Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior
Balancing is somthing different :

How about make an levelable jewel that reduces reservation?
Or make Auras reserve much less with quality of gem?
Or let corrupt auras/heralds for reduce aura chance?

Proposed change simple dont fit agenda of freeing sockets. It simple shift of meta to give us some other aim to grind until our beloved build will be possible.

First, auras aren't required (on some builds, perhaps -- but in general, no). I don't know how many times I start a map having forgot to turn them on. Sure I kill a bit slower, but I'm still killing and not dying.

Second, if auras are so "over-powered", just remove them. Don't implement artificial roadblocks every 6 months or so -- this just ends up hurting your casual / solo player base and causing these type of uproars.

Third, you state Reduced Mana gems are "required" and not everyone can get them, but you are intending to have Enlighten do the same thing? So your masterful, thought-out change is to replace A with B, but B is harder for everyone to acquire and level? I call bullshit.

Repeat, if you don't like auras in the game, just remove them and stop dicking around with them and pissing everybody off.

Hell, remove the reservation cost, classify the Auras as Offensive, Defensive and Utility and allow only one of each class to be running at one time. Then make auras self-only / pets-only. There, simple fix. Only 3 auras max at a time, and you never have to tinker with costs on them again.
Last edited by DirePenguin on Jun 9, 2015, 2:43:50 PM
I wouldn't have minded the change, but what I hate about it is that RM didn't get removed but replaced. If it was really a problem, then remove it and stop there, but don't just bluntly replace it with an Enlighten gem.

Something else to consider regarding new reservation values:
Live: 2*60% Auras can be run with RM, same as 3 Purities
Beta: 2*60%(old) can be run without RM, 3 purities cant

Even tough the reservation on live was the same, in the Beta it doesn't work anymore. I'd like to see that beeing brought on an equal level at least if you really have to keep the changes.
2.0 The Awakening patch notes:

Balance changes:

-We decided to buff the richest/rmters/nolifers and nerf the average/casual/ players by moving reduced mana reservation effects to enlighten.
The way to balance this change is to take a further 5% off each of the aura costs.

GGG dont like mandatory things. 99% of builds used reduced mana.

Theyve solved that but they have not buffed mana costs enough:

Previously with reduced mana:

Hatred and other 60% auras: 42.6% reserved
Purities and other 40% auras: 28.4% reserved
Heralds 25% auras: 17.75% reserved

Now without enlighten:

Hatred and other 60% auras: 50% reserved (an increase of 17% in cost)
Purities and other 40% auras: 35% reserved (an increase of 23% in cost)
Heralds 25% auras: 25% reserved (an increase of 41% in cost!!!)

To say that heralds have been given a substantial nerf this last one is outrageous.

Even with a level 3 empower which is pretty hard to get hold of nevermind a level 4 one:

Hatred and other 60% auras: 46% reserved (an increase of 8% in cost)
Purities and other 40% auras: 32.2% reserved (an increase of 13% in cost)
Heralds 25% auras: 23% reserved (an increase of 30% in cost!!!)

Currently an extra 1 or 2 gem slots for the removal of reduced mana is clearly not worth it - its a massive nerf to auras.

Reducing all auras by a further 5% is the balance of this change required to still be a nerf but a much fairer one.

That is:

Hatred, Anger, Wrath, Grace, Determination, Haste etc: 45%
Purity of ele, fire, ice, lightning, vitality, discipline etc: 30%
Heralds, Arctic Armour etc etc : 20%
Last edited by DexDeus on Jun 12, 2015, 5:06:15 AM

Tonight I will be able to tell if I think the change about enlighten is positiv or not :p
IGN TylordRampage
2.0 The Awakening patch notes:

Balance changes:

-We decided to buff the richest/rmters/nolifers and nerf the average/casual/ players by moving reduced mana reservation effects to enlighten.

Not a surprise since most of the changes in 2.0 are aimed towards buffing veterans or unconventional builds and nerfing newcomers or standard builds anyways. My DPS will drop at least 20% without my auras, thanks GGG.
I can't be the only person hoping 2.0 will take as much time as possible to arrive, preferably taking so long that it'll come after act 4 lol.
Last edited by melodia1 on Jun 16, 2015, 6:22:47 PM
melodia1 wrote:
2.0 The Awakening patch notes:

Balance changes:

-We decided to buff the richest/rmters/nolifers and nerf the average/casual/ players by moving reduced mana reservation effects to enlighten.

Not a surprise since most of the changes in 2.0 are aimed towards buffing veterans or unconventional builds and nerfing newcomers or standard builds anyways. My DPS will drop at least 20% without my auras, thanks GGG.
I can't be the only person hoping 2.0 will take as much time as possible to arrive, preferably taking so long that it'll come after act 4 lol.

You are right, i see it almost same.
That is why i tried so hard to delay for longer BETA and make real balance:

Some gems are insane heavily Over Powered still here and buffed, when weak gems still super weak.

Aura reservation also must be reduced to: High = 45%, Mid = 30%, Low = 18%

AA and TS must not be reservation mana at all.

Haste looks weak when you cant run many aura and your choice now heavily orientir on new DPS aura like Wrath or Anger, so Haste would be less useful.

So low skill points when GGG added TON useless node.
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