Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

Rupenus wrote:
Come on people, Stop whining, do some maths and researchs before you whine about changes:

The amount of reservations are same. Or almost same. You just neeed Enlighten in order to make a OP late game build which is a good decision for races. Get a shavs drop > get low life > win the race. GGG is against that.

You're wrong, not even close to being the same!!! With no reduce mana gem in play, and even with the aura reserve amounts changed...aura's are being supported by a lvl7 or 8 reduced mana fact you need a lvl 5 corrupted gem to even get close to a lvl 20 reduced mana gem...and even then you never reach that 71%, most people will not even get a lvl 4 at idk what you're going on about!

lvl20 reduced mana gives 71%

1 > 100%
2 > 96%
3 > 92%
4 > 88%
5 > 84%
Last edited by justinmm1988 on May 31, 2015, 4:47:18 AM
Have you ever come across anyone who at endgame used a reduced mana to cast skills? I sure haven't.. Maybe during the build phase when you don't have the gear or nodes on the tree required to run your full chain of gems.. but that is it.

Remove this functionality you might just as well remove the gem. Changing it to a different gem is.. well what is the point?
generally dangerous
Rupenus wrote:
Come on people, Stop whining, do some maths and researchs before you whine about changes:

The amount of reservations are same. Or almost same. You just neeed Enlighten in order to make a OP late game build which is a good decision for races. Get a shavs drop > get low life > win the race. GGG is against that.

simple solution, just disable such drops during races...
generally dangerous
Doesn't this just castrate BM-Life builds?
Hail Thor-show thy might, Let thunder roar and lightning strike! Hurl thy hammer into the fray, And let thine enemies know fear this day!
I find that the flat 35-50% base on ur total Final mana pool is unbalance.

These calculation should have calculate base on the character's base mana pool.

give A reasonable % of mana reserved but the calculation are base on ur base mana pool. (b4 passive skill nodes).

the current design is Flawed.

for example.
Character A : have invested a couple of skills add 10% mana pool passive skill.
Character B : have not invest those skill

If both of them are using mana reserve gem = the diff between these 2 arent that much because the mana reserve is calculation @ the final mana pool. Because add 10% mana pool passive skill are effectively only add 4%.

This is obviously a flawed design & unfair for character A who had invested points for larger mana pool. This unfairness will remain even after both the players pick on the reduce mana reserve skill point. I hope the developer or Rory notice this and do a change on this. If anyone here is reading this try to spread this words to developer.

As for running multiple auras, the developer should add an extra 10% mana reserve penalty for every additional aura the player run, while at the same time lowers the mana reserve % further. The current high mana reserve % is actually design to prevent players to run multiple auras, it doesnt benefit the players who choose to run fewer/one auras. Auras mana reserve % should be low enough for single use, but with penalty for every additional aura.

for example :
there are 2 gems that both have mana reserve 30%
Character A : run 1 will lost 30% of his mana
if he decide to run the second additional aura, he will lost yet another 30% + 10% penalty. if he want to run the 3rd one he will get a 10% + 10% penalty.

This allow the player to think twice to choose which aura he wish to run on, because he will get penalty for multiple auras.
Last edited by Darkkrows on Jun 3, 2015, 12:08:23 AM
SaiyanZ wrote:
justinmm1988 wrote:
Rupenus wrote:
Come on people, Stop whining, do some maths and researchs before you whine about changes:

The amount of reservations are same. Or almost same. You just neeed Enlighten in order to make a OP late game build which is a good decision for races. Get a shavs drop > get low life > win the race. GGG is against that.

You're wrong, not even close to being the same!!! With no reduce mana gem in play, and even with the aura reserve amounts changed...aura's are being supported by a lvl7 or 8 reduced mana fact you need a lvl 5 corrupted gem to even get close to a lvl 20 reduced mana gem...and even then you never reach that 71%, most people will not even get a lvl 4 at idk what you're going on about!

lvl20 reduced mana gives 71%

1 > 100%
2 > 96%
3 > 92%
4 > 88%
5 > 84%

The cost of auras has been reduced so lvl4 Enlighten makes auras reserve roughly the same as a lvl20 Reduced Mana. However, Enlighten lvl4 is the same or always worse because of rounding and some auras like Herald's costs not being reduced.

If you have "+1 level of socketed gem" items you'll probably be able to use more auras with a lvl4 Enlighten than you currently do though. Those corrupted items become more valuable and mirrored rare gear becomes less valuable if you want to max out auras.

Thats right, im flipping +1gems maligaro's since 1-2 weeks i did big profit out of it.
This enlighten change is great i think, low life builds need more time and more currency now to get legit, which is a fair nerf. Im saying this as a low life build user.

"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Jun 3, 2015, 2:33:57 PM

Thats right, im flipping +1gems maligaro's since 1-2 weeks i did big profit out of it.
This enlighten change is great i think, low life builds need more time and more currency now to get legit, which is a fair nerf. Im saying this as a low life build user.

No , if you got money then there's no nerf period
Rupenus wrote:
Come on people, Stop whining, do some maths and researchs before you whine about changes:

The amount of reservations are same. Or almost same. You just neeed Enlighten in order to make a OP late game build which is a good decision for races. Get a shavs drop > get low life > win the race. GGG is against that.

Not really. For average (not top end) builds, it is a big hit.
One of the builds I like runs 2 Heralds, a 60% aura and clarity. Very easy with reduced mana and a big mana pool.
Now, the 110%+ clarity cost does go down to 100% + clarity, but I cannot do it without investing points in the tree (at least a couple of wheels) or changing the build.

Richer guys obviously don't mind, 2 + 4 gems are easy to get.

I don't mind the nerf, don't get me wrong. I'll play what is offered. But it feels to me that the change impacts more the average builds than the super rich one.
If anything, do not give the reservation reduction on a +4 gem. Either follow a hard stance on it across the board, or give easy access jewels to allow average builds to survive as is (assuming they should be allowed to survive for the meta).


Thats right, im flipping +1gems maligaro's since 1-2 weeks i did big profit out of it.
This enlighten change is great i think, low life builds need more time and more currency now to get legit, which is a fair nerf. Im saying this as a low life build user.

No , if you got money then there's no nerf period

im talking about races, GGG does not care about standard league, its just jungle of high pricey items.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Like others have mentioned, I don't mind "splitting" RM into an "aura" and "skill" gem variants. But the devs are delusional if they think anyone is going to use reduced mana for skills. Mana Leech would probably be better in every way. Or hell, just use blood magic.

They've made a game where auras are too damn important and powerful. And with enlighten becoming the new RM, all it does is cutoff average players from using auras. And therefore having a strong build. Further widening the gap between the rich who can afford enlighten gems + powerful rares/uniques and the average player (not even a poor player).

There's only 1 build I have that uses 0 auras and that's a blood magic maruader in HC, and he's meant to be super cheap and not really that strong (completing merciless is about where it tops out).

Every other build I use has 2 or 3 auras. At the moment with 2 level 20 RM gems to support 25+40+60 I have 87% reserved. If I were to somehow be able to afford 2 level 3 enlightens (which I most definitely can't afford) to replace the RMs I'd still be at 101% reserved, so I'd then have to somehow get 14% reduced reserve from the passive tree to get back to 87% reserved mana.

I'd understand if they just straight-up got rid of the RM benefit for auras. That'd just mean less auras for everyone. Or, for parties, require complementary auras. That still wouldn't be ideal though, as it'll kill a lot of builds who need every single aura they use.

All they've done is made them less available to all the non-super rich.

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