The imbalanced thing no one talks about (LLD)
" As of late there's plenty of crit around templar and marauder too to be honest. Clever construction is something other classes don't have and is on shadow as well. So yeah there are some other reasons as well for going shadow but acro is the main one. You cant pick up phase acro as a ranger all too well. There's not enough points to get in there properly. Im not saying its impossible but its just not very optimal compared to shadow. I actually know of only one tier1 build that goes shadow and doesn't take acro and that's pillowpants' ele trapper. What are the other tier1 shadows without acro? Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Apr 14, 2015, 3:25:07 PM
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" Stun is broken in both pvp and pve. In pvp almost everything stuns, in pve everything stuns. To give any suggestions here i think we have to wait until a4 realease becaouse many balancing things could be done(mainly to pve but it will refect pvp). I am personally hoping that stun overall will get some nerf with a4. My dream solution would be nerf stun threshold in pve a bit + make monsters life a little higher + nerf stun threshold a bit more in pvp + buff stun recovery in pvp. About acro i dont have a single idea how even possibly nerf it but i dont think bcr gem buff is good solution here. Bcr is already very strong gem almost necessary and buffing it further would put bcr gem into postition similar to acro nodes for shadow. Maybe some more different counters against acro users. Last edited by kuan999#1499 on Apr 14, 2015, 3:42:04 PM
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" Yeah, why don't we keep balance only LLD without thinking what could happen for HLD, I mean isn't what what we all strive for? What other defense does a ranger have other than dodge vs melee? Left side of tree got acess to a higher lifepool and rt, which counters evasion which is the second defense an archer got. I would argue that some of the points were right pre 1.3, but since that patch I think it's in a good spot. It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" I am wondering what will happen with act 4. I imagine the meta will be completely changed but hopefully some attention to stun and stun recovery for sure. Sadly I dont think we are getting markoth weapons, hoping for some uniques that change the meta and lower gear barrier. Hoping for some bench improvements too! Its soooooo far away! Beta is going to be great tho. If its true that desynch is fixed, I cant wait to play HC PvE, and maybe stun wont be such a big deal in PvP. ATM stun desynch really really sucks in pvp. I would be fine being perma stunned without desynch, but the main problem is blowing all your flasks thinking u can get away but you realize, once your pulled back by desynch multiple times, you just lost almost all the next rounds because u have no flasks. Can't wait for desynch fix, HYPE. I personally think stun recovery should be the BEST way to counter stun if the meta was balanced. Stun recovery takes up a suffix slot solo or you get less with hybrid defense prefix mod. The user focusing on gettin stun recovery is sacrificing nice stats in order to get the defense against stun and therefor warrants the effectiveness desired to counter stun. I wish it actually worked this way seriously. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 14, 2015, 5:39:42 PM
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What harsh dodge can do other than defense ? :) BCR is already its counter and for rangers (evasion based) thier defense already killed by vegan weapons (do not tell me how much damage it can do ! the mod just remove one defense from the game and all defense remain is dodge which is counter by the BCR)
Last edited by alshabibi7#7881 on Apr 14, 2015, 11:51:58 PM
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Agreed with lapiz, too many shadows and rangers, they've got good nodes AND the massively OP acro/phase acro. There's them, then the templars with really good survival+dmging nodes in starting area, then the rest.
Look at class disparity in the recent invitationals, even the melee players ALL went shadow/ranger (Kuan played shadow, Meph played ranger, lapiz and lair were shadows). Add to those all the archers (shadows and rangers). Now add the templar-casters, the only thing strong enough to warrant NOT taking acro/phase acro. Then there's the rest... wait there wasnt anyone else... ^^' Last edited by neyhoumi#1933 on Apr 17, 2015, 9:47:49 AM
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