The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

IGN: Drogaran.

New player really liking the game but i would like to be part of a community to do stuff together and help me in learning the game better
Hi, I'd like to join.

IGN: papatukan
IGN : iFrenkz

lv 94 CoC Cospri Ice Nova assassin.

Been looking for an active guild to map/breachstone with for a couple days now, this one seems pretty fine =)!

IGN : DeathLessCrit

Looking for a nice and active guild/clan to have fun with :D
Looking for a nice chilled guild to chat and run maps with, Would be great if i could get an invite.

IGN - Ironically_Simple
Are there spots for 2? My friend and I both have lvl 95 characters. He just took down uber elder. I just took down Shaper and working towards Uber Elder. We play on a consistent basis, and both of us enjoy helping others.
Hey, I play POE as a solo player since none of my other friends do (they're lol players...) Seems like a nice guild to team up and play (especially since I went MF this season :D) IG is FindMeCurrency

Hoping spots are open and to see an invite :)
I'd love to join you guys.
Looking for people to hang out with
Looking for nice community invite me my IGN: Ukr_BlueLight
IGN: Ukr_BlueLight
I'd love to join.
IGN: michealcell

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