The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)


I'm very interested into joining a guild to map in groups and more !

My IGN is Nici06

Thanks alot !
Would love to join Domination guild, tired of playing solo, I play leagues SC.
ING: PugAmy
Teiorb Lvl 92 Storm brand elementalist
I would love to join guild.

softcore betrayal lvl 90 brand armageddon ele. This is my first season of PoE and I'd like to find a guild to play with!
Hello there,

Been meaning to look into different guilds on here, after a rough 300 hours into this game I figured the next step would be to find a suitable community that wouldnt be too far of a reach out of my current knowledge of the game but yet a bit further so I can learn more. Based on your description it feels as if this might be a good fit for myself.

Currently playing the Betrayal league with a multitude of different characters but decided to pour most of my currency into a Oro Flicker.

IGN: ChickAFlick
Aura bot looking to join
IGN - Aura_Nerf_Bat
I would like to join :)

IGN: iCyclonex
Hello, relatively new player looking for a friendly and mature guild to help me get the most out of the game! As this is my first league I decided to go with a sceptre build. Active player!

IGN: PewPewRaiseZombie

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