The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

I've never played in a guild before, so i'd like to experience that if possible :D

My IGN is Naitrayed

Hope to see you soon.
My IGN is AtyaiPofon

Looking forward seeing you soon.
IGN BourneFiery
So i'm really new to game but some of the stuff you talked about is kinda stuff im looking forward to trying hope to see you in game.
Account Name: n3Ar22
Character Name: nEArTheJugger

Would be absolutely great if I could join you guys :)
IGN: Qararmun
You guys sound fun and exactly like what i'm looking for!
EU based player
Character: YoshiRIPMeele
Account Name:Mr_Obvious
Character: KebabMcKebabface

You guys sounds like a friendly bunch to hang out and discuss builds and random stuff with:) Would love to hang out with you guys and spread some of the norwegian craziness over to you!

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