You know, I WAS excited for torment LLD pvp
" I do enjoy it, but you ruined it for me in LLD. you, and your friends who did a "hostile takeover" over a part of the game, that used to be for everyone. Exalts in hand. I guess I should have told you that in the first place, instead of expecting you to take the damned hint. therefore I expect you and your friends to show some class, and log out of a 999th-match-in-a-row that's not vs. one of the other Exalt Mongers, just like I did all this time ago in "ancient" Open Beta PvP, when I saw my opponent isn't a fair match in terms of level or gear. "compete" amongst yourselves. do invitational tournaments. I'll even watch those on Youtube with Greendude and Willy's excellent commentary. cheer for your champ Sidro. but do not hijack Low Level PvP as your own. it's not. let people queue up and play, even if they don't have dem fucking Exalts. that is all. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:05:51 AM
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I guess the solution is to not min-max in a game designed for min-maxing.
Smart. | |
" you aren't reading, and I'm just about ready to explode, so let me ask you a question. I'll let my Caps Lock speak for me, so you'll fucking get it this time: MIN-MAX WHAT? 1-SHOTTING SOMEONE, THEN QUEUING AGAINST HIM AGAIN ISN'T MIN-MAX. IT'S BEING A FUCKING PIECE OF HORSE CRAP, AND RUINING IT FOR HIM. HE WANTS TO HAVE FUN IN PVP. YOU KNOCK THE FUN RIGHT OUT OF HIS SAILS. SO GET THE PICTURE, LOG OUT, AND QUEUE AGAINST SOMEONE YOUR OWN DAMN EXALT-WALLET SIZE. *caps lock off* PvP-lovers like me don't mind losing. especially if we lose spectacularly in the final round of an awesome match. and I personally want to win in the exact same way, if possible: maximum Adrenaline. maximum even odds. maximum skill. what we don't like, is someone trolling us out of a part of the game we love. yes, trolling. so stop trolling and "min-max" (read, "Exalt fight") against those who "min-max" too. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun |
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Oh I get it, stop playing so someone else can have their fun.
Another smart idea. You took offense when I told you to go have your own fun playing with people who, like you, want mediocre-tier pvp, yet now you tell me to do the same. I might be an elitist to your eyes, but you just clearly went full hypocrite to everyone else's. EDIT: And really you call yourself a "pvp-lover" when you don't even want to invest any of your currency into pvp? You already said you've been around longer than me so I think I'm justified when I say you're probably richer than me too. Last edited by A222#5299 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:32:26 AM
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" I already made this decision to leave PvP. No, you are not wrong for twinking your characters. It's GGG that's wrong for allowing such a huge differences to exist. If real PvP exists for only a select few players via a que system that's supposed to be for everyone, and average players don't stand a chance at all, then I view it as a failure. I am an average player, I'll admit that. Compare my ranger's gear:
Or my Templars gear:
To someone who has the best PvP gear. I went out to XYZ and bought 28 gear with what I could afford, and I even leveled an empower to 2 for my Arcer. I even did the block gem reduction recepie (which I'm pretty well certain a majority of people who even try PvP don't even know about). Every rare they have was bought on XYZ. I took the time to level EVERY gem to the lvl 28~ range. I do not have 20% gems, I don't have silly-strong 5links. My bow, compared to some of the bows out there, is pretty average. I did a quick check on xyz, every bow that's even remotly better is roughly 30+ chaos, there's even crazy master crafted 180 dps bows for 5+ exalts. There's also another none master crafted one for 30 exalts, 30, seriously? You gona tell me I can compete weapons of that caliber? My arcer, I thought I twinked him pretty good with reverb wand and a lvl 2 empower (lvl 3 in the wand) and the other gear he has. I was impressed that I got him to 1.6k hp. He fucking tickles twinked people with his measily 300 dps arc. It's utter garbage, even worse than my puncture ranger. You act as if we can spend ALL our currency on PvP characters, I play PVE too, I have gearing needs for them as well, and higher end PvE gear costs a fucking arm and a leg to get. So having to chose between saving up for PvE gear, or for PvP gear, is an utterly horrible decision. Oh, also, GGG STILL hasn't fixed animate guardian for lvl 28 created characters, so I can't even use that. Also, Mr. Keys, chill man your rage is showing. :P Last edited by Waves_blade#0878 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:44:57 AM
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I'm not offering you "mediocre-tier pvp" but rather the opposite: high-tier pvp. testing yourself against like-minded, similarly-geared PvPers, and doing tournaments etc', instead of 1-shotting people who aren't on par with your gear.
they may actually be on par with your skill as a player, but when you one-shot them - they don't get to show it, so you don't get the fight you wanted, and they get frustrated just like I did. just like WB did. lose-lose situation.
unless you actually enjoy one-shotting inferior-geared people with your Exalt Gear, in which case you may well be a fucking piece of ...
therefore, calling me a "hypocrite" shows you don't know what the word means. I didn't expect anything from you, I wouldn't have done myself. and did, in the past. and no, I'm not "richer" than you. and no, I don't have Exalts to "invest" in LLD. the very few I have are far too valuable for that. the reason I don't, is because all the time I played I did just that: played, not "traded to gain wealth". I'm not here to "get rich", and you should respect people who don't share your mindset and your philosophy about how PoE is meant to be played. just like you should respect people who aren't here for the same reason you are, instead of ruining their fun. I take it, you respect neither. and if I'm correct, please read the spoiler again. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 13, 2015, 11:48:06 AM
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" Hypocrisy is defined as "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense." You got mad at me for telling you to "play with other people who, like you, want mediocre-tier pvp", so your belief is that one should not tell the other to essentially fuck off, yet you tell me to fuck off when you say "HE WANTS TO HAVE FUN IN PVP. YOU KNOCK THE FUN RIGHT OUT OF HIS SAILS. SO GET THE PICTURE, LOG OUT, AND QUEUE AGAINST SOMEONE YOUR OWN DAMN EXALT-WALLET SIZE." So I believe I was right for calling you a hypocrite. Also no I did not spend one week flipping items and trading to gain wealth. That would have net me 30+ exalts like my other guildmates did who played to get rich. I simply played and had a shop open that sold stuff I looted along the way. I made about 15 exalts in the span of two level 85s, and found 2 exalts which further helped my LLD fund. I do not believe this is unrealistic to any PoE player. Please do not speak to me about respect, when you have repeatedly called me and my fellow pvp-ers people who "ruined" PvP for you, saying we're "fucking pieces of horse shit" and basically telling us to fuck off and just pvp with each other, leaving the queue to what looks like just you, waves, and a handful of other people. @waves
" Tell me first your budget for each character, and then I'll post my reply to you. | |
As long as PvP only refers to 1v1 duels it will never pull in masses. It is boring and stale, too 1 dimensional.
Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. |
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" Nearly all of us agree that teams > singles for PvP, and idk why we only have one CTF event. | |
I spent less than 1ex on both.
I still have less than 2ex in my stash total and I'm trying to save up for a 5link Marohi for my PvE guy. No one has bought anything over 2c from me in roughly a week. |
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