PvP has been 'balanced'
" " Funny, you don't HLD, e.g: a majority of players who see little point in gearing a character useful exclusively for a certain subtype of PvP, instead preferring to use their existing effective characters. Oh, and HLD/PvE effective characters also make for Grandmaster-solo viable characters. Not that Grandmasters map drops anything valuable, apparently. They should've spawned in five large chests at the end, considering the level of difficulty. Yet more overhyped features from GGG. It's like they sometimes forget their game is about itemization. Seriously GGG, if itemization or the prospect of itemization (cosmetic or otherwise) isn't offered in one of your game features, then nobody bothers with it. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
" In case you didn't know, all of these balance changes are mostly LLD related. Stupid move from GGG to not consider HLD but what can you do? It's not smart to use HLD as your basis to react negatively to this patch note. Especially when I think the nerf to clever construction is well received by both the LLD and HLD communities (Tommie please clarify me on this, does the HLD community like the CC nerf?) Also another thing, you think top HLD characters are just well-geared PvE characters? Last edited by A222#5299 on Feb 3, 2015, 12:52:09 PM
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" [Removed by Support] try to improve ur throwing excuses skills pls. first time you blamed it on ping, second time you just leaped in circle of arena trying to draw but you cant even do that so you blamed on desync and ragequitted. you are stronger on forums than in game. bye clown. to remain IT: @a222 i playied a pure trapper until 1.3 and i can tell you that a pure trapper isnt viable anymore with 2.5 sec of immunity, because you will have 2 trap skill in ur setup, and by the time you cycle between those the enemy can just destroy and you will have no more traps to throw. another thing is that you need lot of traps to make enemy step into, and imho 2.5 is too low. on the other hand, if i look at lld i see that they use traps more as a support, in combination with a main non trap attack, and in this case i think 5 seconds of immunity is too much. so i dont know exaclty how ggg should have act, but now playing a pure trapper in hld is impossible, due to the low trap throwing speed that you have, even with all nodes on tree and all items that make you throw traps fast, traps are still dodgeable too easy, so the only thing you can do is camp and lure your opponent step on it. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by Kieren_GGG#0000 on Feb 4, 2015, 5:50:37 AM
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If people felt they had a good argument as to why CC should remain at 5 seconds rather than be reduced to 2.5 then they should have posted in the thread I made a couple of weeks back. The fact of the matter is that no one was able to provide a reasonable answer as to why CC should stay at 5 seconds. (Im still waiting btw)
Dont blame GGG for the lack of participation with regards to balance discussion by the [HLD] PvP community . They post a nerf and people come out of the wood works to QQ about it but when someone brings up a legitimate concern and wants to start a discussion about it none of the QQers want to take part. IGN:Dethklok lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 Last edited by Dethklok#2196 on Feb 3, 2015, 7:38:37 PM
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[Removed by Support] while you know for sure that we were both on US server, where i have 260 ping cause im from EU. So i was actually lagging, not you, but still. try to open your eyes. [Removed by Support] @deth i wrote an argument about the nerf 2 posts above yours. if i didnt in ur topic prolly i havent seen that, or at that time i just tought it was unnacessary cause no matter what we write, ggg always do crap things and im tired of this, so i will not waste more words trying to understand their logic. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by Kieren_GGG#0000 on Feb 4, 2015, 5:54:42 AM
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Oh flavio, so full of shit and reeking of desperation.
Its ok lil guy you'll get to high level one day. Until then at least GGG has provided you ez mode build options to help you trudge along. IGN: MullaXul
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inb4 ggg suddenly reverts CC back to 5 seconds due to the ramblings of one person, whereas we constantly see threads from numerous LLD and HLD players about what is really op, ggg don't even bat an eye.
anyone remember flicker strike? | |
OMG, the worst pvp playstyle has been nerfed. QQ and Tears are needed indeed.
No one gonna miss it
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" i can tell you this. before, if you were actively throwing down your traps on cooldown, you would have none to throw offensively, but you would be relatively safe against your own traps turning against you. WHat am I talking about? With the introduction of herald of ash, traps have always had to deal with the risk of this 1 shot feature. Its very easy to die to herald of ash. I find myself unable to keep up with the demand and meleers just 1 shot me in a leapslam because of CC cd reduction. When you fight against good pvpers, they dont eat traps that you throw onto their bodies, they nearly always move out. On top of that, with immortal call, and dodge, the trapping is very weak now. So once I was relatively safe with traps as long as I was making the decision to keep throwing out fresh ones to avoid herald of ash prolifs, now its just not possible. My traps become my worst enemy. perhaps if they want to keep cc this way, they should make traps have 1hp but 75 all resist to minimize the amount of overkill damage 8/8 Overachiever http://twitch.tv/hegemonyTV http://www.youtube.com/user/hegemonypoe Last edited by HegemonyTV#7983 on Feb 4, 2015, 5:06:29 PM
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" are we now witnessing the d2-esque pvp forum battles where people used to save screen shots of everyone they ever killed. good times. good times. |