Kinetic Blast

As you can see in ZiggyD's video, it's confirmed that it's supposed to be that way, not yet if it is.

What you think of the idea of using knockback to have a target be knocked into the AOE?
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
DarkSkills wrote:
1 Suggestion and 1 question:

1. I think it would be more realistic for the lvling of kinetic blast to give +% projectile damage? With so many elemental nodes, the physical roll does nothing for the people playing an elemental build.

At the moment the physical damage increase makes it the same as Power Siphon's leveling progression.
Seeing as the skill has 125 dmg effectiveness it would just be ridiculously broken for ele wanders if it scaled projectile damage instead.
Last edited by matt41647 on Dec 21, 2014, 9:50:19 PM
After playing a while with the skill now I'd say what's really needed is to make one of the explosions center on the target as the single target damage is horrible. Yes I know it's an AOE skill but at the same time it requires a 1H + Shield combo which eliminates a strong single target link as an option.

Edit: To best explain it, the best support and best single target to combine with KB is a wall.
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Last edited by Redblade on Jan 1, 2015, 3:07:02 PM
I don't actually like using this skill even though it looks interesting on paper.Nothing to do with its clear speed,it just doesn't feel good to use.You can kill a ton of enemies at once but once you have enemies spread out it just feels awkward and a secondary single target skill is always going to be a 4L so not that great.
Skill is really great in my opinion. Y, here is some problems when enemies spead out, bot i think thats a nice base for MF, GREAT clear speed and nice damage. Now my char is only 65.
Only 1 problem projectiles fly too far from character, it scares me becouse im afraid to shoot reflect pack 3 screens away from me.
(sorry for bad English)
Last edited by gut123 on Mar 3, 2015, 4:37:15 AM
So conc effect decreaes the distance between the explosions, but does it also decrease the size of the individual explosions? Does each explosion have an individual radius?
Yes, Conc will also reduce the explosion radius.
With Frostwall, Pierce and Inc. AOE, KB will melt your FPS down to 1-2. We need a better MTX or a graphical overhaul of the skill.

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As GGG has decided to nerf this skill by making its single target non-existent since the update to frost wall I recommend a possible change to the skill such as making it work similar to Tornado Shot. Please consider this idea as I want Kinetic Blast to work and be viable as a single target skill as well as being good at AOE as it is now.
Have you ever thought about lowering KBs mana cost? im trying to make a phys KB build work but im at a mana cost of 48 with just a 4L... thats pretty hard to support since all the Wand nodes are in the witch area and far away from any kind of mana leech/on hit.
Last edited by Korsonan on Sep 16, 2016, 5:17:59 PM

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