How does everyone feel about the new rewards / points required?
"Nice bullshit you got there, keep it coming. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
It's not "bullshit" at all. Step back and visualize the situation from a perspective other than your own very narrow one.
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" I have no problem at all with other players disagreeing with my input so I welcome your thoughts on this matter. Given that I explained my logic and why I came to my conclusion I'd appreciate if you would do the same so I can better understand where we appear to differ in perspective. Are you saying that I'm not an average player? I'd say I'm pretty average in these races where in most cases I'd often place around the top quarter and on the odd occasion I'd actually crack the top 20 by character class. I participated in a little over 40 races in the last season and earned 176 points, placing 389th for the season. Not stellar by any stretch of the imagination. I'd suggest that places me quite firmly in the middle tier of items to be earned and definitely no higher. Typically in previous seasons 135 points was usually the point at which to have earned 6 reward items of low to middle level. I'd say my logic there is pretty reasonable on that point. In regard to BoR being unattainable for the average player, well having a look at the season ladder: it would appear that 100 players earned sufficient points to attain this item. Kudos to them, they earned it with their stellar performance. Now I know there are a bunch of mule accounts out there and other non-playing players but for the sake of logic let's pick 11 points as our base line above which accounts are considered reasonably genuine. 11 points commences at rank 8,113 (or page 82 when sorted by 100 records at a time). So that means the top 1.2% of players earned a BoR item. We can further reduce any duplicate accounts by using 41 points as our benchmark which commenced at rank 2,660. Using that data it would suggest that 3.8% of players earned a BoR item. Either way you look at it, I think it's pretty reasonable to claim that a player who is only doing half decent could not earn the BoR in this season. Perhaps you mis-read my original post and have the impression that I feel I should be entitled to such an item? Let me disabuse you of such a concern as I truly believe that only those with the requisite high level skills should achieve such an item. My primary point I was attempting to communicate was that for an average player like me, I feel it would have been nice to have a few more item that I could have earned. I'm not sure how that may have offended you and earned your vitriol but I stand ready to be educated. |
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I'm terrible at races, can play only 4 hrs a day and got 500 points this season. If we substract 5-10 points from every race where I got carried and basically did nothing to win, it will be still enough for 500.
And yes, you can play T E R R I B L E and still be in top 20 almost every vanilla race easily, because the participation is dumpster. Fun races is other thing, how you play is absolutely doesnt matter there. Amount of your lifetime points doesnt matters, just look at this guys with 200-300 lifetime and getting lvl 38 in sig race easily. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
Thanks for the reply and the additional detail but I feel that perhaps you're underestimating your own skill in this instance, or perhaps you were able to participate in a few races that my own schedule didn't permit.
To come back to my example of participating in about 40 races, to attain 500 points equates to earning 12.5 points per race. Now 40 races was me participating in as many as I was able to but I have 10-12 hours of work in the middle of the day and I really do need to be asleep at 2am in the morning. 40 races for a full time working stiff is still a reasonable commitment I feel. Looking at it by race type: 12 minute burst level 5 = 2 points 1 hour Endless Ledge level 25 = 10 points 1 hour Party level 24 = 10 points 2 hour Fixed seed level 38 = 10 points 2 hour Solo level 36 = 10 points 3 hour Party level 40 = 10 points 90 minute Merveil level 13 = 5 points kill Brutus = 3 points 1 hour Brutus level 17 = 5 points kill Brutus = 3 points 3 hour Oversoul level 22 = 5 points kill Oversoul = 4 points 4 hour Piety level 30 = 5 points kill Piety = 5 points 5 hour Dominus level 34 = 5 points kill Dominus = 5 points So effectively, without getting bonus points for completing a side objective first, or ranking among the top twenty characters per class, I could earn at most about 10 points per race. Having a look at a random sample of those races indicates only a mere handful of players actually achieved the top level requirements for maximum points. For my own personal circumstances I would have to consistently be in the top 20 racers in each of my 40 races to acquire sufficient points to achieve the BoR. I noted in one race I checked (Event 20 - Signature race) that you achieved level 33 and were the #1 Scion earning you 6 points, 10 points and a Demigods Eye. Overall you ranked 23 for the race out of 1,295 participants. You may not be where you would like to be for race performance, but I'd suggest the evidence is pretty conclusive that you're far from terrible at racing! I also note that you achieved all 8 game Challenges, participated in 59 races, were a top 20 character in 47 of those race and with numerous number one positions and many high single digit rankings. You achieved 586 points for the season which certainly exceeds the requirements for the BoR and meant you played the last 7 races just for fun. These are the statistics of a high performing racer, definitely not someone who is doing just half decent. You are obviously highly versed in all the nuances of the game, are well practiced and have made a significant commitment over time which reflects in your skills. Certainly your investment and ability warrants the awarding of the BoR and well done on your excellent performance. I still stand by my original statement though that a merely half decent racer cannot have attained the BoR in this season and I'm confident that the stats I've supplied bear this out. Again though, I have no gripes with this and congratulate the 100 people that did obtain it and the dozen players that achieved sufficient points to receive the Voll's Devotion. That's a pretty illustrious group to belong to. |
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Its nothing special. Once you know how to race (i.e, not die and get at least x points per race), you can easily place within the top rankings if you committed to doing a set number of races weekly.
I hit 428 points with mediocre performance in S6 (which was even more popular than it is now) even with the whole 9-6 working nonsense. S8 was beautiful though, I participated in maybe HALF the D:C races and I still got 400 points lol. Should've been easier this season innit? The racing participation is atrocious right now so getting top 20 class shouldn't be hard at all.. The real strategy for getting the higher tier prizes is not to push for #1. I know people with so-so performance who got most of the prizes simply by being consistent. Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Nov 25, 2014, 7:08:20 AM
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