1.2.3 Patch Notes

Ahah Carto nerf, since the begining of Rampage, 1 saw 2 cartos in 70+ maps, 1 in a 75 map that dropped a 72 a 70 and a 67... and can't remember the other one, but wasn't really nice too (i would have remembered), I found more carto in Sarn or Lunaris than in maps....

Elreon multiple mod nerf, i'm playing quite a lot even with my job, all week-ends full of POE, evenings from 6pm to 2-3 am. I even sometime play from work during lunch break eating a sandwitch at my desk, got char in rampage : 87 86 80 68 (another deleted 68) 60 and 37, doing a lot of maps, dailies rotation with friend.
Got only 1 master lvl 7, Elreon, pretty far away from 8 but I was hoping to have it lvl 8 before the end of the 2nd month and finaly achieve something I never made in POE in 2years+ of playing : craft a good item !
I tried once to eternal/exalt something because it was in the challenges of nemesis to use those 2 currencies but I never had enought currencies to craft something decent alterning eternal/exalts...

All that to say, I was happy I could have craft something with the masters, even with my thin fortune but now.... 2ex is too much, 1ex I wouldn't have been shocked, even a cost in chaos like 40 or 50, but 2ex...

I understand a lot of people have currencies, but unlucky played like me whose best drop ever is a 5ex bringer in Onslaught, whose never saw something like a Shavronne or Kaoms or other really expensive item drop for anyone in my close friends (about 10-15 ppl playing a lot), I think I'll never craft multiple mods :'(

PS : sorry for my english, I suppose I made mistakes but it's not my first language.
Last edited by NsFuriouss#4941 on Sep 26, 2014, 8:27:46 PM
The QQ train is rolling again lol

Barl wrote:
Mivo wrote:
Kaelub wrote:
From this point forward, I won't support your game any further. Not a single dime will be spent. I will spend my time and money elsewhere (perhaps somewhere I can casually play and achieve goals in a reasonable time).

I say this every time after I realize that Chris successfully sold me something that isn't quite what was advertised, and that I once more fell for the PR hype that he's good at creating. Luckily, I didn't upgrade to the Master supporter pack (I almost did during the 24h sale), because I wanted to wait and see how they handle the crafting/masters issues. Not only did they "address" the issues in the most undesirable way, they also nerfed the flat physical mod chance (completely unrelated to masters, but nevertheless because of them), slapping self-found players in the face not just once, but twice.

I regret that I even spent the ~$100, but at least it was less than I would have spent if GGG returned to listening to the community as they once did, instead of just walking over everyone's concerns. Some comfort in that.

I have been sucked in too many times now. Enough is enough. Never again. Regrets? Yeah, have a few.

E: Not that it makes any difference, they already got from me what they wanted.

ive stopped way earlier - after they more or less said that they like PK at bandits.. then was the legacy fiasco that benefited RMTers the most and after that ive donated Grim Down as i can see they get it better and better with time as opposed to what is happening here..

poe gets better (in some areas) but the direction is all lost. watched state of exile podcast and one of the worst eye-openers: ggg devs dont know the names of skills of the game they balance and create uniques for. no wonder why we get 'good and balanced uniques' from time to time and absurdly broken as f.. pieces of BiS on the other occasion..
Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Sep 26, 2014, 8:30:05 PM
Alabamak wrote:
The price of the "of Crafting" mod (which grants the ability to have multiple crafted mods) has been changed from one Divine Orb to two Exalted Orbs.

2 ex?? cman why sooo expensive? :((

thisssss 1000x

at least make the mods of a higher tier then?

There goes my new bow -.-

€ on a side note: the people that would complain about ruining the "economy" are the ones who look at making profit from the game, rather than enjoying the game itself.
I say... meh. Find another source of profit?
Last edited by anone#5619 on Sep 26, 2014, 8:52:24 PM
Maggsi wrote:
The usual routine in this game :

If the average person is benefitting, that is going to be patched out really fast.

I like changes to missions and looking forward to see new monster! :)

2 EX cost for mod which allows me to craft other mods with a random values for another not a small cost seems to me pretty high. IMO it should be at least on half price in more commonly founded currency (let's say 30-40 chaos). Get Elreon to level 8 is challenging enough.
Yeah, this seems bad.
I only have lvl59 toon with a shitty lvl57 bow (134 pDps) and not much currency (2C).

I hope i'll still be able to get myself later a decent upgrade at an acceptable price.
Still no explanation about flat physical mode change? Increased or decreased?
1. I didn't think carto boxes were rare till reading this thread.

I am a casual player ( lvl 86 now )

So far I have seen 15+ carto boxes.

I have got 23 maps from a single box once while solo (from box in Zana's poorjoy). And now they have buffed it ? wow

2. On the divine and exalt drop rate. I had got 0 of both in 1000 hours play time since closed beta until 2 weeks ago. Then I got 3 exalts in 3 days. Still 0 divines so far.

3. I would like to see Zana's fracture mods removed. I have crashed or DCed so many times in those fracture maps also seen so many others get dc or crash in rotations in this map
Last edited by RocketRandom#3314 on Sep 26, 2014, 9:22:32 PM

Evelyus wrote:

And again a shit nerfing patch, richer did all their "can have multiple mod crafter" before the update, and pooor people will pay 2 ex ... 
GGG, why all your update are for make rich richer and poor poorer?

NsFuriouss wrote:

Got only 1 master lvl 7, Elreon, pretty far away from 8 but I was hoping to have it lvl 8 before the end of the 2nd month and finaly achieve something I never made in POE in 2years+ of playing : craft a good item !
I tried once to eternal/exalt something because it was in the challenges of nemesis to use those 2 currencies but I never had enought currencies to craft something decent alterning eternal/exalts...

All that to say, I was happy I could have craft something with the masters, even with my thin fortune but now....  2ex is too much, 1ex I wouldn't have been shocked, even a cost in chaos like 40 or 50, but 2ex...

I understand a lot of people have currencies, but unlucky played like me whose best drop ever is a 5ex bringer in Onslaught, whose never saw something like a Shavronne or Kaoms or other really expensive item drop for anyone in my close friends (about 10-15 ppl playing a lot), I think I'll never craft multiple mods :'(

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