[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

weberto wrote:
128,103 peak dps from blade flurry, however, we need to add crimson dance dps, since 100% of our blade flurry attacks cause bleeding and take the 120% more multiplier, which on average, I get 39,573, so my peak damage with my bleed average, sum a total of 167,676 dps (could go a bit lower, could go a bit higher), I'm using Vulnerability Curse on blasphemy, so this damage gets a further increase, but it's a bit more erratic depending on mods, enemies, bosses, etc.

I'm doing a pure physical gladiator in SSF, now, so your build is very interesting to me. I'd like to know more.

You mention Champion a couple times, but your character FlayTheObsceneTheSecond is a Gladiator. Was that a typo?

Can you talk about your skill tree a bit? What order would you take things while leveling?

You took Crimson Dance, but none of the bleed notables (Red Storm, Bloodletting, and Dirty Techniques). Is bleed sort of an add-on to your pure physical damage, rather than the main event? According to the wiki, Attack Physical Damage and Melee Physical Damage don't apply to bleed - did that affect your choices?
Running heists fully zoomed in... because
Last edited by CelticHound on Oct 12, 2017, 9:19:46 PM
That Aegis Aurora is so good I love it ! Its working really well I have about 3.8k life 1k shield and I have 110 ES on block so about 10% of my max es I can most of the time be afk everywhere and be immortal haha !

First of all thanks for the great guide Sovyn
I've started testing with Aegis yesterday (transitioning from budget setup) and I'm curious how to make it 'work'. I have about 4k armour and 600ES with BoR+Aegis and it feels like I need 100% uptime from granite flasks to have enough armour.

The poster above has around 5k armour and 1k ES, is that really enough? Meaning ditching BoR for a hybrid chest + helmet would make the Aegis setup work?
Last edited by DrFaustin on Oct 13, 2017, 3:22:37 AM
Is this build reliable to get high levels (90) on hardcore? Playing solo.

Sorry if my question is dumb, I'm a newbie.
DrFaustin wrote:
The poster above has around 5k armour and 1k ES, is that really enough? Meaning ditching BoR for a hybrid chest + helmet would make the Aegis setup work?

I have 17K armour with granite but still a lot without it, and over 1K ES. Yes, the hybrid armour helps a bit, but maxing your block out is very important also.
v0idpwn wrote:
Is this build reliable to get high levels (90) on hardcore? Playing solo.

Yes, but only if you have experience playing in standard ruleset. This is the case with any build.
Hey Sovyn.

Thirst of all, great build. Never made it that far into the endgame before.

I'm trying to run "The Surrenderer" and am looking for a replacement for damage on full life support. Which (red) gem would you suggest running for most damage increase? Is it worth investing into an empower gem?

Frozen_Vomit wrote:
I'm trying to run "The Surrenderer" and am looking for a replacement for damage on full life support.

For red gems, you could look at added fire, brutality, chance to bleed, life leech, ruthless.
I'm doing a pure physical gladiator in SSF, now, so your build is very interesting to me. I'd like to know more.

You mention Champion a couple times, but your character FlayTheObsceneTheSecond is a Gladiator. Was that a typo?

Can you talk about your skill tree a bit? What order would you take things while leveling?

You took Crimson Dance, but none of the bleed notables (Red Storm, Bloodletting, and Dirty Techniques). Is bleed sort of an add-on to your pure physical damage, rather than the main event? According to the wiki, Attack Physical Damage and Melee Physical Damage don't apply to bleed - did that affect your choices?

Hey CelticHound

1. I went through a couple of changes in that character, started as slayer, then changed to champion, and finally settled in Gladiator, so Gladiator is my final choice, but that's why there's mention of the other ascendancies.

2. I leveled as a slayer mostly, so on the ascendancy points, I don't have leveling experience, but my take would be to go for the spell block first (Versatile Combatant), and then go for Blood in the eyes, as for the main tree, I believe I pushed for Resolute Technique, then getting max block, otherwise, following Sovyn's guide should be good enough, just adjusting the damage nodes differences, if you want less damage nodes and more life it should be ok, just make sure to keep Razor's Edge for crimson dance.

3. Definitely add-on to my damage, with chance to bleed gem, Gladiator Ascendancy and Razor's Edge I have 100% chance to bleed on blade flurry, the blade flurry more damage per stage also applies to bleed damage, I have 39k avg bleed damage with crimson dance, vs around 9k bleed damage withouth crimson dance, so an average of 30k extra damage per second is very nice. I'm confident that this is usually the case since I get up to 7+ attacks per second, so in ~1 second I can do a full charge and release, the release means 6 attacks with 120% more damage that will all cause a bleed, in ~2 seconds all the active bleeds should have that 120% more damage from blade flurry.

I wasn't really planning for the 100% bleed chance, I took chance to bleed support for the added physical damage, and then on gladiator just took the nodes with the highest damage/clearspeed, outmatch and outlast doesn't go well with gratuitious violence and I've never liked violent retaliation, so I went for blood in the eyes, then I just happened to get all the sword damage nodes I could, it was at a later point that I added crimson dance, since it was a nice boost for just those 2 points.

I tested using bloodlust instead of chance to bleed on blade flurry (no crimson dance in that scenario) and then adding chance to bleed to shield charge and counter attacks, you get higher upfront damage, dps is higher but not by much, on the other hand I get more gladiator explosions without bloodlust, improving clearspeed, and don't need to depend on hitting with other skills my enemies, I preferred the crimson dance gameplay.

Last edited by weberto on Oct 18, 2017, 1:40:55 PM
This is just so fantastically detailed! Thank you so much!
rlpowell wrote:
This is just so fantastically detailed! Thank you so much!

You're welcome. Let us know here if you have any questions.

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