[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Shanwen222 wrote:
If not could you tell me alternatives for getting more armour and life?

More armour really doesn't make much difference. physical damage doesn't kill me, the stuff in the what will kill you FAQ does. Almost none of that is physical. For Aegis, the big armour chunk is from the shield itself due to all the defenses from equipped shield we have. You get 2% of your armour when you block, so raising your armour by 500 or so from a point spent on an armour node gives you an extra 10 ES regained when you block. Nothing to be concerned with. Regular armour nodes are not that effective. You can get 400 armour on a belt and 500 on gloves, 2000 on chest, 1000 on helm but it costs. Best to use a granite flask of iron skin, now that's a difference. Here's mine, can't make them anymore exactly like that but maybe something like it:

As far as more life, you can take life nodes instead of block nodes and damage nodes if you want, but in almost all situations block is effective life. So it's just one for the other, not much difference. The stuff mentioned in the FAQ what will kill me section will get ya just fine with 3K or 4K or 5K or even 6K life if you took nothing but life nodes, won't matter. The good damage nodes I take improve survivability also, faster stuff dies, less time is has to kill you. It's a balancing act, always is. No way to be 100% safe, have to play carefully regardless.

Is my gear ok? Can i handle T 10+ maps? Im afraid, cause i have 3,600 hp.
Last edited by Bromeek on Apr 2, 2016, 1:38:17 PM
Bromeek wrote:
Is my gear ok? Should i handle Merciless labyrinth of ascendancy? I can pretty much do tier 10-12 maps now. 86 Templar, Inquisitor

Acutally i didn't even try higher tier maps, cause i dont have any. 12t was kinda easy.

Merc lab was very easy for me but I have a bit more life and dps than you just due to better gear and 10 more nodes on the tree. Just use your dps flask and power through izaro.

That said I would upgrade that belt and gloves to something with 80+ life on them. I don't think the extra mana leech from the gloves is necessary. Carry 1 mana flask instead if it is.

I've just finished merci lab, it was close fight with boss, cause of my low hp. I upgraded my helmet in reward room. Should i do lab several times to upgrade my gear?
Last edited by Bromeek on Apr 2, 2016, 1:42:32 PM
Bromeek wrote:
I've just finished merci lab, it was close fight with boss, cause of my low hp. I upgraded my helmet in reward room. Should i do lab several times to upgrade my gear?

That roll on your helm does nothing for static strike, it's for the skill elemental hit. Confusing wording I know. It is difficult to get an enchant that works with a skill you actually use. Lab is meant to farm, probably hundreds of runs. It's easier to get something OK on gloves and actually quite easy to get something good on boots. Helm is the hard one as there are so many skills you don't use.
Last edited by Sovyn on Apr 2, 2016, 2:06:38 PM
what kind of mods for boots and helm should we go for in labs?
Shanwen222 wrote:
what kind of mods for boots and helm should we go for in labs?

A mod that benefits a skill you use for helm, static strike for example. That's rare, 90% of the time you get something useless to you.

On boots anything second tier except maybe the stun avoidance would suffice. I'd be tempted to try again on the reduced mana cost too but it would be useful in some maps. Movement speed may not be what some people want either but it would be OK for overall clear times.

12% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently is best if you want DPS for trash clearing.

Damage Penetrates 8% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently might be good for DPS for some bosses (without adds).

All of the others are strong too, so you choose.

Here's a list: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_boot_enchantment_mods
Is it possible to do Atziri with 4500 life, with this build? How lvl you had, and how much DPS, life you had when you did Atziri for first time?

Sorry for bad english, i didn't lern it, and eng is not my main language.
Level 87

I'm confused and I don't really know if I should replace some of my gear:

In my ho with Hatred, Ash and Flame Golem I have:

35k dps
Capped resists but Chaos ofc
72% block | 65% spell block but I have Tempest Shield on CWDT
9675 armor

I had some lucky drops I sold and I made a bit of currency. I spent some on

and I'm way weaker with it. My armor drops to 3808 which makes me take way more damage and the ES recharge, with my small pool of 810 points, is useless.

What do you think I should do? Replace basically all my gear with ES pieces or just stick to the old Lioneye's Remorse?
Last edited by MrXaros on Apr 3, 2016, 3:32:55 PM
Bromeek wrote:
Is it possible to do Atziri with 4500 life, with this build? How lvl you had, and how much DPS, life you had when you did Atziri for first time?

Yes you can. I had about 4700 life and about 28-30K tooltip dps (no flasks or charges). The build was resolute technique at the time which is why the DPS was so low. I was probably level 92 or 93 or something at the time. Long way from there to 96, at least for a casual player like me. I don't think levels matter much though, as long as your DPS and block/spell block are good which there is no reason they wouldn't be with a little trading under your belt.

Edit, forgot to mention that you can't rely on spell block too much for Atziri but it is just nice to have. You have to learn to manually evade her flame blasts like pretty much everyone else. The rest is easy.

Last edited by Sovyn on Apr 3, 2016, 3:50:34 PM

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