[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
I think I'll find catalyst and grab that if its only 2 points. So elemental damage would be more beneficial than physical dmg? I might look for rings with +% elemental dmg and attack speed or something. Will those stats be my best bet for damage modifiers?
Thanks for the help! |
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" Honestly, I've found elem to be problematic on maps because so many damn mobs are resistant to it + then you add map modifiers which add further resistance occasionally. My last axe is only a minor step upgrade over the previous, but it's mostly physical as opposed to a large chunk of fire dmg. I find stuff just dies that much faster while the difference is only 10 dps on paper. YMMV but I'd suspect a good +% to melee/+phs dmg weapon will give you a lot more bang for buck unless you're adding an elemental vulnerability curse tailored for your particular brand of damage. |
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" Doubt it. Catalyse is right near our starting point and it is a good chunk of elemental. Only useful with elemental attacks though. Does absolutely nothing for the usual heavy strike + physical weapon setup (which I prefer). Keep us posted on how it goes. :) |
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I know it isn't beneficial for heavy strike or any other purely physical builds but I'm using glacial hammer. So physical is better for passing resists on maps, but will the extra elemental damage boost molten shell enough to make up for it?
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Alright so I've been using this build for a week now and it's been going good, but some questions and thoughts:
1. Why do you level up the immortal call cast on damage taken gem? You can ensure it's cast before enduring cry simply by adjusting the gem positioning. 2. I've been using Warlord's Mark instead of enfeeble for a while now for two reasons. Firstly the extra endurance charges can help add to immortal call which is always good. Secondly I find I run into mana supply problems when I am dealing with only 1 target at a time such as the piety fight. Perhaps I just need to work on building up my DPS though so I can keep up mana on single target with 2% mana leech? 3. I am having success with devouring totem added to cast on damage taken. Adds extra life and mana, plus it cleans up corpses which is useful to deny other devour mobs or summoners. If you have summoners in your party though it could annoy them if you're taking all the corpses. It's sorta like having Vaal Pact, but without the downsides. I might post my gear and stats later, but so far I'm having fun with the Lazy Pally. |
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" http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAhMREckA2I020-fAfBLOiAIFvAnGePE3YjHY62Ow4GjinhJBVwBpZ82aerKr60nKpcH026R0UfNmplYBW42pMNRoyT30oxVFg876nMAHn974UIDboUEdYr3gNvoqpbgHcbEa18qQZcmxuqjWSG_oyCUrI_o8l303jhNmmV2VNbmlY2zGeR36-p1Pfq8XSTZuDrK-9gcAPhO_nkZkrdO1672BLBS1AoCFgnrl08RjbW6_dDfzFVvpnoO4OdEGHdiP2Gtt310p97_DXy38rWki309aKPeJI7hutJ-0ZLtlhVw3SIZ7N1I-53fIv7w77qqC0 What I did: Dropped nodes leading to Purity of Flesh Dropped two shield block nodes (one near beserking, one near testudo) Added two shield block nodes (Aegis and the one leading before it), resulting in overall more shield block %? Added Diamond Skin Added Heart of Gladiator So I gave a bit thought about it, I have decided that Troll's Blood is not worth it because the two reduced crit chance nodes is a waste of points. |
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Hello, and thx for the Guide!
My stats are as follow lvl 58 HP 1900 dps 920 armor 3000 evasion 2800. Anything that looks bad? i did just change to dubble attacks from infernal blow. and not sure what is best yet, what do u think? // Gaabba |
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another thing, should i keep Cast on dmg taken on lvl 1? or lvl it?
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" What I've done and I think it works is don't level that cast on dmg taken gem that you are gonna use on Molten shell for immortal call I leveled it up a little compered to my hp so when i take alot of psy dmg that might 1 shot me *boom* immortal call is activated. Also this way it doesn't blow your endurance charges all the time when you are fighting spell mobs insted of auto-attacking ones. I'm not expert in this game so maybe somebody else will explain it better or give better idea. |
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Maybe it is a good idea to create a trade-thread for cheap or free lazy-pally stuff and link it in the first post?
Edit: I got my hands on a Bringer of Rain and can switch my shield (Padernus) - i need 28% on my shield to get to 75% - to something with more armor/evade and less block chance. I have absolutely no idea if it would be better to take something like the lionseye with 1400+ Armor, or a 28% Buckler with 1400 evasion. Which way shall i go? Last edited by Dangran#2640 on Nov 6, 2013, 11:48:01 AM
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