[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" You can stick with your build if you want, whatever works for you. However, the guide does not take IR for good reasons. We get 40%+ of mitigation AND avoid by using a high evasion shield (that should be clear in the guide, maybe I need to make it more so). The rest of the gear can be straight armour. That's a good balance. Usually the best shield for the build is a 600+ evasion Vaal Buckler. Again, hope that's clear in the guide. The uniques are just either if you can't find a good rare shield, or if you are using Bringer of Rain, then perhaps you can get away with something else in the shield slot as Bringer has quite a bit of evasion, particularly with a high roll. |
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" Hello sdl! Glad you are plowing along there. I think you might be pretty low level to kill Piety yet, think I was a bit higher. I run with a level 17 reduced mana gem and have enough mana left over (not a lot, but enough) for: Heavy strike + melee physical damage + faster attacks + multistrike. That's with 2% mana leech on my ring. You should note that added fire damage does not add to your leech because it is elemental damage. Melee splash is also kind of hard to keep up with mana wise UNLESS you are hitting several foes, then the leech works better. I'd try faster attacks and multistrike when you get it (trade for it if you can so you can choose cast on damage taken in the library quest). Or you can try removing the added fire damage and replacing it with blind for now. |
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Hey Sovyn,
Long time, no see. I took a loooong break from the game and recently came back to my templar. Still following your build though I was shocked with the changes to Auras. While reading the patch notes I was like "what? what? seriously?" because I can only run 2x 60% auras (Grace and Determination with level 17 Reduced Mana link) and it actually reduces the effectiveness of this build. Here is an example; I am running with Faster Attacks-Multistrike-Melee Physical Damage-Heavy Strike and the mana cost is 28, while after %88 reserved mana I have like 45-50 mana left. It is fine for a couple of attacks but apparently %1 mana leech is not enough or I am attacking way too fast for the mana leech to reach my speed. I have tried taking out one of the support gems but I lose like 1100-1200 DPS. So I have a propostion for 80-90 point builds. The upper left section of the passive tree has 3 reduced mana nodes which in total makes %16 (4+4+8) less mana reserved. According to my calculations only the 4+4 nodes are enough as it boosts the mana you have left so you won't hear the "I have no mana left" warning from your warrior of the light. Opinions? IGN: Altorparia
Timezone: GMT +3 |
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" Welcome back, Altorparia! Yes, the aura changes were a shock to the system. However, the trigger gems are so good I'm not missing the extra auras. I run the same attack skill combo as you and I do just fine with 57 free mana and 2% mana leech. If you are not opposed to trading, you can pick up a slightly higher level reduced mana (don't pay for quality, won't help) -- level 18 or 19 should do it. You can pretty easily craft a magic ring as I have done, costs about 100 alts on average to roll the mod, or trade for a cheap "rare" ring with 2% mana leech (cheapest way, on average). I would not spend three valuable nodes on your tree to make up for saving a few alts or chaos to buy a gem and ring. :) That's, for example, the difference between having Berserking or not having it and that DOES make a big difference. Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Nov 5, 2013, 6:02:16 PM
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Guys atm I am only using Heavy Strike. When surrounded by enemies, my character just attacks each enemy surrounding him, he just bounces off every enemy, Heavy Strike becomes like an AoE if I keep the mouse attack button pressed while surrounded but there is one question...
I wonder if I should be using Reave instead of heavy strike to kill faster (as it's an AoE)? Also if I wear a Bringer of Rain, I was planning on going Multistrike + Heavy Strike/Reave + Mana Leech + Life Leech. Is it a good idea? Or should I got Multistrike + Heavy Stike/Reave + Added Fire Damage + any one leech? For information : I already have 3% Life Leech and 2% Mana Leech from Slitherpinch. I rarely run out of Mana, as long as there are enemies to hit, but I wonder.. 1 Eternal = 2 Exalted (ex)
1 Exalted (ex) = 10 Gemcutter's Prism (GCP) = 22 Chaos = 220 Chromatic |
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" I don't think more leech after 2% helps, assuming you are doing plenty of physical damage. That's because mana leech is queued to 12.5% of your maximum mana per second. I don't think Reave does more damage than heavy strike. And you would have to use a sword/dagger/claw. Finding one of those near 300 DPS can be harder than an axe sometimes. Lots of options in terms of what to socket into a Bringer of Rain. Mana leech gem is out unless you do mostly elemental damage, then it may be required. Honestly, the 2% Blood Drinker node is enough for me. With the trigger gem loaded with goodies, I don't get hurt that much anyway. I barely have to use a flask, ever. I'd say for heavy strike on bringer then, I'd put an added fire damage, multistrike and either melee damage on full life or melee splash. Lots of options, but those are fairly standout. |
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Hey everybody! I'm just getting back to the game and thought with my respec points I would try this build with my temp! I'm almost level 50 and when I get there I'm going to be using Glacial Hammer as my main skill, warriors mark for my curse and molten shell on hit. I'm worried about not having enough damage. I'm gonna link GH, splash, weapon elemental dmg, faster attacks and added aoe when I find a 5L. My build is the same as the original build, but I think I'm going to go after a little more dmg on the skill tree.
Should I be grabbing mace nodes, the elemental dmg nodes close to the templar start or something else altogether for damage? Thanks for the help, this build has been awesome so far! |
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" Ah bad luck mate. Vaya con Dios! Edit: And since Sovyn has done such a great job of experimenting and designing this build, it's encouraged me to try and give back a little. So, if some other up and coming lazy pallies are looking for semi decent axes, I've got a few to give away cluttering up my bank! Obviously not GG stuff, but they are in the ballpark. If you do want one, friend me in game and hit me up when you catch me online (I play from about 7 Aust EST). First in, best dressed and all that. And not to derail, but if anyone has a spare multistrike they want to make a deal for, lemme know. Last edited by Saviourself#3486 on Nov 5, 2013, 8:42:44 PM
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" Hello nbriles2000! I'd probably spend two points to grab Catalyse if you use Glacial Hammer exclusively. I don't think you want to alter the build much or you will start to lose key components of the master plan. Fortunately, GH converts half of your physical damage to cold, so no bonuses are lost. Attack speed is always good, and we have that. I'd say GH would be a more advanced build than the default heavy strike as you will have to find a 300 DPS mace for the end game, which would be expensive/hard to find. Up to you, if you want to grab Baptism by Light instead of the two physical nodes at the duelist start, but it's not like we are spending many points on damage, so not really much flexibility there. Need max block and resists and life way over damage nodes as they are really minor. Berserking is probably the best 'damage node' you can get, and we have that. |
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" Good idea. Kudos. :) |
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