[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

ZerotuL wrote:

Concentrated effect-NS made a mistake.

it's blue gem?
Bucnep90 wrote:
ZerotuL wrote:

Concentrated effect-NS made a mistake.

it's blue gem?

Well, I'm playing SSF in Legacy. So ... the odds of me ever seeing a Lioneye's Fall are so vanishingly small that it's not worth me even planning on taking the tree as presented.

So... instead I'm working on something like ... this:

That's probably as far as I'm likely to get, but I suppose that if I were to get further, I'd pick up the Crit Chance nodes in the Heartseeker cluster.

Or, possibly go for either Weathered Hunter or Survivalist.

I'm also thinking I might eventually drop Quickstep and take the Celerity node instead.

I did something similar in Breach, but I started to have trouble in the 80's. So ... I'm not sure I'll be able to progress much beyond what I've got there.

Currently, I'm using LA, GMP, Pierce and Power Charge on Crit as my main attack. I use Frenzy, GMP, Poacher's Mark and Curse on Hit as a secondary attack (I'll probably switch that to Assassin's Mark at some point). I also have a Barrage, Point Black set up for single target.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
Last edited by Unquietheart#1016 on Mar 19, 2017, 8:19:53 PM
Unquietheart wrote:
Well, I'm playing SSF in Legacy. So ... the odds of me ever seeing a Lioneye's Fall are so vanishingly small that it's not worth me even planning on taking the tree as presented.

From top to bottom:
-Make sure to refund coldhearted calculations when you get enough Int on gear
-No need for power charges
-Jewel socket below power charges is to expensive
-Sniper doesn't worth it.
-Don't take one frenzy duration node since basic frenzy duration is more than enough
-Don't take points after Aspect of the Lynx. Connect your tree by going from starting point to herbalism or from Lethality to Thick skin
-Refund Quickstep when you gain enough movement speed

Your profile is private. Set it public so people could see your char.

Try using gems according to this guide. Your gem setup is a mess. Forget about direct power charge generation. As an option you can attach PCoC to secondary attack like curse spreading one if you can afford it.
Us LA for cursing since it spreads to nearest targets.
Point blank is an enemy to your survivability and clearspeed.
ZerotuL wrote:
Unquietheart wrote:
Well, I'm playing SSF in Legacy. So ... the odds of me ever seeing a Lioneye's Fall are so vanishingly small that it's not worth me even planning on taking the tree as presented.

From top to bottom:
-Make sure to refund coldhearted calculations when you get enough Int on gear
-No need for power charges
-Jewel socket below power charges is to expensive
-Sniper doesn't worth it.
-Don't take one frenzy duration node since basic frenzy duration is more than enough
-Don't take points after Aspect of the Lynx. Connect your tree by going from starting point to herbalism or from Lethality to Thick skin
-Refund Quickstep when you gain enough movement speed

Your profile is private. Set it public so people could see your char.

Try using gems according to this guide. Your gem setup is a mess. Forget about direct power charge generation. As an option you can attach PCoC to secondary attack like curse spreading one if you can afford it.
Us LA for cursing since it spreads to nearest targets.
Point blank is an enemy to your survivability and clearspeed.

Hmm... Thanks for the analysis.

Re: Coldhearted, I guess... it was the Mana regen that I wanted out of that. Looking at it now though I'm not sure why I thought that was a good place to get it.

No Power Charges, okay, I'll work with that.
Skip the third Jewel socket, okay.

Re: Frenzy Duration .. hmm, I found it tended to fall off more often than I liked without the extra duration, but ... I am thinking of taking the Way of the Poacher (on the Raider Ascendendancy, so I suppose you're right about that too).

Re: Skipping Weapon Artistry, yeah.. I suppose you have a good point there too. Although I do like the physical damage and the Attack speed.

I like the speed from Quickstep. Generally, I've found the default tree to be slower than I like. I can see specing out of it later, but probably only if I replace it with Celerity.

I'll try playing around with my gem setup.

Currently, I don't have any way to build Frenzy charges without using Frenzy directly. So, it makes sense to me to be using that to both build charges and distribute curses. But I like the idea of using LA for that, so I'll consider that when I've got Poacher to build charges instead.

At the moment, I feel like my DPS is a bit too low, so I'll try your suggestions and play around with the gems and see how that goes.

Skip point blank on Barrage? Hmm... Barrage seems to have poor accuracy further out anyway, I wasn't really using it at range, but I suppose I can give that a try.

Edit: Also, since I'm doing SSF, it's going to be a while before I can afford even one decent five-link, so ... I'm probably going to be trying to work with 4Ls for the present.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, profile is public now.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
Last edited by Unquietheart#1016 on Mar 20, 2017, 6:54:27 AM
Coldhearted, I guess... it was the Mana regen that I wanted out of that. Looking at it now though I'm not sure why I thought that was a good place to get it.

Any amount of mana regen on gear or jewel will be sufficient to sustain mana pool.
No Power Charges, okay, I'll work with that.
Skip the third Jewel socket, okay.

You'll get another jewel socket by going further into Duelist part of tree-no worries here
Re: Frenzy Duration .. hmm, I found it tended to fall off more often than I liked without the extra duration, but ... I am thinking of taking the Way of the Poacher (on the Raider Ascendendancy, so I suppose you're right about that too).

Frenzy duration scales with movement speed- your ability to move from pack to pack, but if you go Way of Poacher it shouldn't be a problem to sustain constant frenzy charge pool.
Re: Skipping Weapon Artistry, yeah.. I suppose you have a good point there too. Although I do like the physical damage and the Attack speed.

Only 2 stats out of 4 are useful, attack speed is insufficient and physical damage with attack is less effective as physical damage with bows.
I like the speed from Quickstep. Generally, I've found the default tree to be slower than I like. I can see specing out of it later, but probably only if I replace it with Celerity.

Good node for leveling, but not for endgame. Boots with +30% movement speed should solve the issue+ Avatar of the Slaughter gives +2% for each frenzy charge.

SSF is pretty masochistic way to play, so if you are interested in challenging endgame i would recommend start trading otherwise have fun in SSF.
What are your thoughts on converting this to a poison build? I dropped a
and I want to get an Atziri's promise. Flaskfinder for poison on hit and it seems to do decent damage with Frenzy + Added Chaos damage + Void Manipulation (plus a couple others) in a 5L.
ZerotuL wrote:
SSF is pretty masochistic way to play, so if you are interested in challenging endgame i would recommend start trading otherwise have fun in SSF.

Well, yeah.

But it's also a fun challenge. And I primarily play solo anyway.

The main thing I'm losing is trading. I did do a bit of trading during Breach, and so I had better gear then I do now (at this level in Breach).

Anyway, I don't disagree, but I still find it fun.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
I came back after a long pause (10 months), can someone give me an updated tree ? I'm a little bit lost with all of those changes :D
I'm having a hard time getting my dps up. I see the picture posted with 90k dps with tornado shot, how the heck do you get it that high? I started as deadeye and was able to hit 20k with buffs. I swapped to Pathfinder last night to try that out, but ive lost 5k sheet dps. I'd like to think my gear is alright, my jewelry could use an improvement, but i dont see anything i can do to get my dps anywhere near that level.

Also, why take the claw nodes? I can't find anything in the guide about why. did i miss something?
Last edited by JBartowski#0484 on Mar 21, 2017, 10:32:23 AM

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