[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
" You use pierce gem when if you use the Drillneck unique quiver. It's not necessary though. IGN: Mezzovoce
Shop: 958901 GMT (London) |
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Hey, been following your build but died to merc brutus with fire storm, had like 2.8k hp and he pretty much 1-shot me through acro. I know, should have had skele totem with blind equipped but I just dont feel acro is safe enough for hardcore leagues due to how random it is.
So question - since we're not using arrow dodging, do you think that iron reflexes could be used instead acro? Perhaps even paired with grace+arctic armor instead of hatred/herald for harder bosses? The damage felt okay (and would probably be even better later on, with a proper bow) but I felt wayy too squishy to play comfortably on HC. |
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currently level 80 on tempest HC, just started this toon maybe 3 days ago.
I was running with lioneye's and then I luckily crafted a tyrannical harbinger, not the best but it does its job, though I miss the attackspeed from lioneye's. I spend maybe 200 alts on it, whenever I had some alts I tried to chance high phys % dps on it until I got it.
12k dps TS with all buffs up, 5k life. right after crafting it this dropped lol ...
I would really like to run grace and AA, but leaving HoA and hatred out is too much of a dps loss. next step would be to upgrade my rings with more life and find a drillneck. Last edited by danteafk#2688 on Jul 28, 2015, 12:09:07 PM
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Hey guys!
I just want a quick rewiev of my stuff here if you dont mind. What should my next step be? Is there anything I should switch out, or is WRONG in my gear? Tornado shot tooltip dps is: 4453,4 Frenzy dps is : 15 857,3 Running Hatred, AA and vaal Grace. Fire res: 75%(120%) Cold Res: 75%(103%) Lightning Res : 75%(147%) Chaos res: -60% What do you guys feel like is the next step for me? Drillneck with a pierce gem? Give me some tips pls! |
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" You should have put crit on that harbinger not attack speed. Attack speed is meaningless compared to crit. All the crit nodes you pick up on the tree scale off of the crit on the bow, so having a high crit on the bow is incredibly important. |
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Currently running this build with Ice Shot. Its pretty fun. I'm stuck using a Lionseye Glare ATM because crit bows are so expensive, and the semi decent crit bows Ive gotten are always out dps'd by the Lionseye. I know I had one my buddy sold for 1.5 ex that was 1k dps less then I'm doing now with Lionseye. I was using it.
Anyways, I have access to a drillneck, but it just doesnt seem as good as chain. I mean, I almost feel compelled to use it because its there, but when testing it on maps, while it makes my tooltip dps go up 2k, just using pierce leaves stragglers where chain'd Ice Shot destroys the entire screen and then some. I'm pretty torn. I mean its a free, end-game quiver sitting there with 2k more tooltip DPS, but it just feels worse then chaining the entire map down seemingly faster. I dunno, I have to decide soon so my buddy can trade it if I dont use it. It obviously makes me do a ton more dmg, but takes more shots and positioning whatever then just blindly mowing down the entire map with Chain. |
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" There's more to the game than just maximizing tooltip DPS. If you clear faster with Chain than use Chain. Plus it lets you use some great rare quivers. |
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" What Links do you use on IS ? How do you handle the mana cost? |
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How'd the skill tree look like for Windripper? How about the gems? The bonus guide is not yet updated so I'm asking.
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I'm following a very similar build in tempest atm - self made, almost all phys TS builds are the same though.
This guide is really helping with some of the not-tree choices I have to make, thanks! @NeverSink: Can you please change the colour of limegreen to something else, like, light blue? It's hard to see limegreen against yellow in this tree picture: http://i.imgur.com/86F2LXQ.png ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a few things you could add to your guide, if you wish to make it a bit more comprehensive, for leveling: 1. Infractem (pierce) with SA (@L14<)-FA-WED-Add Fire -AND- a total of -15 in elreon jewellery gives a zero mana cost split arrow setup which is brilliant for merciless difficulty. 2. A ranger can run HoA, Hatred, and AA - the snow trail from AA is great at helping you outrun stuff and has saved me countless times, especially since we almost all have at least 60% base move speed. 3. Vaal grace, faster casting, increased duration is great for when you have a ondars moment or find yourself having 10+ goats/flicker strikers attacking you at once. 10 seconds+ of VG. 4. corrupted chests are very easy to get in tempest league - in a corrupted tempest you can get several 6links in a map. So run a life + corrupted eva chest is far better than a tabula and only costs an exalt or lest. This depends on the rolls and seller though. 4. blood dance are amazingly good, they give crazy regen which helps when you take chaos degen and you don't need to run blood rage. Use a 30% blood dance. This is my current TS setup: Weapon swap: For my HC character, I pick up crit multi where I can on gear. This is to make up for grabbing life OVER phys damage on the tree - the outcome is the same in terms of damage. If you pick up both then thornflesh can be very deadly. VG helps with reflect, a lot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the great guide! GL, fellow rangers! -Richard Last edited by RichardFox#2870 on Jul 28, 2015, 4:43:04 PM
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