[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
Posted it some weeks ago in an other thread but if you are interested in windipper builds, here is my go:
Hi, Gear I use:
this gem and a 2nd movespeed flask was the only change for uber
How the build works, some explanations on gear and Tree:
Since I am using accuitys I am focusing my build on beeing critcapped, hence I can get the build working with almost no mana nodes. To have enough mana to still fire without blanks I had to do two things. First I had to use the amu I use, some phys dmg and mana leech; since only berek's grip allows us to leech mana of ele dmg and I think the amu way is better over all (Bereks is an insane ring but a very good rare ring just offers more dmg and the resists I really need). And second I am not using Wrath + Anger and 2 Heralds, but I am using Wrath + HoI both with empower in +1 boots and HoT for a bit of autocursing to generate frenzy! charges. This combo doesn't need as much mana as 2 auras + 2 Heralds and only has a bit less dmg. But it also allowed me to use rats for a great dmg boost and to have 133 mana unreserved (with just 637 total mana). So I can fire 3 shots without hitting anything and with a mana falsk way more. The moment I hit even just 1 opponent I leech more then the 40 mana my shot is consuming, so I can fire endlessly at opponents. My defensive build allows me to play without LL gem in almost all situations. I have 9% phys reduction, 40% evasion + ondars, 40% dodge, 45% spell dodge and the Lightning Coil all that helps me a lot with any hits monsters can deal out. Now the reflect topic: Elemental reflect: with all that evasion and dodge I am not one shotting myself to reflect packs (I tuned my dps a lot to that, eg. using faster attack instead of added cold dmg) the dodge and evasion is even good enough to not die to the first hit on a -max or ele reflect map. And before the 2nd hit the cwdt warlords mark setup from my helmet kicks in and makes me leech my helth back on the 2nd hit and since I am critcapped that leech usually applies instantly. That is if I am not spotting the reflect pack, if I see it before I hit it I can just use Atzi's Promise to leech just right of the first hit. Or I use a normal topaz flask, since my wrath is lvl 26+ the 21 Herald of thunder a bout half my dmg is lightning dmg so the 10% maxres from that flask scale the refelct dmg down a lot. Also the flask is obv great with LC vs physical big hitters or dominus. Running a ele reflect map I usually swap wed for LL, I could turn of auras or herlads or stuff but that is usually not worth it (my HO dps on gmp with LL is 29k so I can clear maps almost with the same speed). Physreflect: Guess what, no problem, in fact it is SUPER save to play physreflect maps, caue everything is cursed with warlords mark all the time. The only situations where I have to be "carefull" is when running in partys with aura bots, my dmg goes through the roof with these players and reflect could be a problem. 150k gmp dmg can happen then, so in partys I usually use LL all the time. And maps with -max and curseimmune could be a problem (I never rerolled that combo and I never died to reflect on them, but you have to be a bit more aware of reflect packs and/or be real quick with your flasks). I have 2 legacy crit mutli rolls on my gear, that is true but not the reason why my dps is high, removing both of these I still have 29k hidoutdps replacing them with soemthing with non legacy multi and wed would be about the same dmg, if you can find them with crit chance you can save many passivpoints on crit as well and get more dmg again. But I have to use them to cap my resits and for the mana leech. My tree:
As you can see I have invested a lot into - resits, cause I need them to wear the LC using a different chest will free these up - accuracy, I couldn't find/afford gear with even one big accuracy roll that would allow different skilling as well - attackspeed it is always a nice dps boost with elemental builds, but I could get more dps with a different way but then each hit would be to big and reflect might be harder to handle again - crit, obv that I want crit cap and that I invest heavy into it, but since my quiver, my amu and one of my rings don't have any cirt chance I still had to take more then better gear would - defenses (ondards, accro, phase acro and close to as much life as I can get) no life on amu, almost none on rings, very low quiver, if you get mirrored or super good gear you can maybe get rid of some of these nodes, but again I can't afford that So with better gear the dps with this build should be super insane, imho. But I will not even try to aim for that, but tbh I invested a lot into the aura gems cause I can use these in many builds. DPS not sure if that matters at all but if you want to check some numbers
all of these numbers are TS, GMP, pcoc, WED, FA, crit dmg in town 13602 in hideout with auras 45879 4 power charges 55557 4 power 3 frenzy cahrges 58795 <- my normal solo maping aoe dps 4 power 3 frenzy cahrges + atziri's promise 67973 4 power 3 frenzy cahrges + atziri's promise + vaal haste 77910 |
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Why does it say getting the Master Fletcher wheel is a bad idea on the passive tree image on page 1?
I have this modified tree and it seems like the only area worth throwing 3 nodes to... I have 184% life and wonder if not these nodes what else? FYI...i need int so that's why i went north to the Written in blood. Thanks Nemrac IGN: SirNemrac Last edited by Nemrac99#0248 on Mar 24, 2015, 8:56:33 PM
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Well, Master Fletcher used to be bad, really. It is ok currently, if you go to duelist area. But there are often better places to spend 3 points. Imho, it can be taken in very late game (90+).
Ranger builds list: /917964 When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... Last edited by Panini_aux_olives#1967 on Mar 25, 2015, 3:51:00 AM
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I think masterfletcher is mostly useless. I have so much dmg that i can make all maps and bosses (uber i dont try because i have no hope) And i like the celebry node more because with it i have 56 % eva and more runspeed what is great for faster clearspeed. |
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@Nemrac99: if you play SC, you could refund the Profane Chemistry cluster to get the remaining crit nodes from Assassination and Depth Perception clusters.
Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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level 75
Resists are up to 75% now and i am still using the thief's torment ring... done a few maps 70 and under and breezing thru... taking out the bosses i couldn't with my ground slam toon... have taken one 30 int node and still need another one to allow my gems to max out... very fun so far! crits are at 50% evade is at 50% running herald of ice and ash and either haste or hatred as needed. working a CoC setup as an alternative to the CoH setup too... Frenzy, CoC, Arc, Fireball |
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I'm level 70 and I have 7.7k dps on Nado shot and have 2.6k hp... am I doing something wrong?
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Great guide.
I use ROA-PCOC-COH-AM on my gloves, feel better than SA-CHAIN-COH-AM. Here is my gear:
My shop in Standard: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/844636
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Hi everyone!
I am currently testing Herald of Thunder + Reduced mana + Curse on hit + Assassins mark and I am loving the power charges. However I kill the monsters much quicker than Herald of Thunder can apply assassins mark to them and I therefore have problems maintaining the power charges. Would this setup work? Cast on critical + A spell which targets the most monsters (lightning that jumps from monster to monster) + curse on hit + Assassins mark. How would the above setup work? What spell would you suggest using? Cheers! |
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" Honestly, I have had the best luck with the guide recommended Assassin's Mark + Curse on Hit + Split Arrow + Chain. Split Arrow hits a number of mobs from the spread, and chain hits the majority of the others in the group. Cast SA a couple times, then go to town with Tornado Shot. |
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