I'm not sure they are from 1.2, but they might be. If you unlink ass.marks from incr.dur it will cost alot less mana to cast. And the tooltip dps calculate in the crit, if it says that dmg is higher with multi then I would stick with that, it's based on average damage pr.second, including crits.
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Posted byDkodr#6088on Feb 16, 2015, 7:43:15 PM
nEgativezEro89 wrote:
As others have pointed out, generally 2 life potions, one jade, atziri's, and quicksilver are good.
I don't think burn/bleed immunity is a big deal. Freeze is a must, since that can wreck you.
As GrimgnawIsNoSaint showed with his flasks, I think having a high life short recovery time standard flask and a second instant recovery flask is the best combo. Atziri's is great for DPS, chaos res, and some leech. Jade is great to boost the evasion when needed. Quicksilver is good for QOL or getting out of dodge with a nasty pack. Topaz and Ruby aren't necessary, unless you need them againt Dominus (Topaz) or Atziri (Ruby). You can swap out the Quicksilver for those fights, if necessary.
As far as Zana is concerned, it's all random. Sometimes I'll see her multiple times in one night, sometimes I don't see her for a week. Make sure you absolutely have her in your HO to do her dailies though. That's a guaranteed once-a-day mission for her.
Okay, thanks! I'll probably make a Topaz and a Ruby as well, doubt I'll need it for Dominus since I'm overlevelled now, but a Ruby for Atziri is probably smart until I learn her fight. Now I just need to find 29 Baubles. Woot.
Yeah, I've cleared a spot for her in my HO but until I find her again, that's not terribly helpful. Guess I'll just keep clearing maps and hope for the best...
Posted byZephryl#5929on Feb 16, 2015, 8:44:12 PM
Zephryl wrote:
Yeah, I've cleared a spot for her in my HO but until I find her again, that's not terribly helpful. Guess I'll just keep clearing maps and hope for the best...
Go to channel /global 820 , there u will find alot of ppl sharing zana lvl8 missions for free.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Posted byDkodr#6088on Feb 16, 2015, 9:20:40 PM
Dkodr wrote:
Zephryl wrote:
Yeah, I've cleared a spot for her in my HO but until I find her again, that's not terribly helpful. Guess I'll just keep clearing maps and hope for the best...
Go to channel /global 820 , there u will find alot of ppl sharing zana lvl8 missions for free.
Awesome, thanks! I'll do that~ Cleaning out my old gems at the moment. two and a half stashes, and half of my inventory, filled with gems I probably won't ever use... Really wish there was something decent to do with unwanted Gems.
Posted byZephryl#5929on Feb 16, 2015, 10:46:17 PM
Zephryl wrote:
Really wish there was something decent to do with unwanted Gems.
Leveling in off weapon slot in 6s, make q20 and then sell it =)
IGN: DesRaven
Posted byDesm0nt#0330on Feb 17, 2015, 1:55:27 AM
Desm0nt wrote:
Zephryl wrote:
Really wish there was something decent to do with unwanted Gems.
Leveling in off weapon slot in 6s, make q20 and then sell it =)
Only really works for decent gems though. I'd been keeping all of them, and a lot of them are just ones that so very rarely get used it's not worth the effort. Plus I've not even gotten my own gems to 20 or q20 yet.
Posted byZephryl#5929on Feb 17, 2015, 2:48:46 AM
Would it be viable to run with tabula rasa and capping resists from rings boots and belt or would it be more beneficial to run 5 link chest with health and eva?
Posted byhognus#4592on Feb 17, 2015, 9:21:01 AM
Zephryl wrote:
Okay, thanks! I'll probably make a Topaz and a Ruby as well, doubt I'll need it for Dominus since I'm overlevelled now, but a Ruby for Atziri is probably smart until I learn her fight. Now I just need to find 29 Baubles. Woot.
Yeah, I've cleared a spot for her in my HO but until I find her again, that's not terribly helpful. Guess I'll just keep clearing maps and hope for the best...
As long as you've found her once (and completed her quest), she should spawn in the Eternal Laboratory. If you didn't grab the waypoint, the Eternal Laboratory is directly next to the waypoint for Solaris Temple Level 2.
From there, you can invite her to your hideout.
If you haven't been able to complete her quest yet, well then... yeah... keep hoping for her to spawn.
Posted bynEgativezEro89#1596on Feb 17, 2015, 10:51:29 AM
hognus wrote:
Would it be viable to run with tabula rasa and capping resists from rings boots and belt or would it be more beneficial to run 5 link chest with health and eva?
5L is good enough, 6L is just a luxury. You lose a massive amount of survivability by trying to use TR even in 66 maps.
Posted byalexvsevil#7683on Feb 17, 2015, 5:24:47 PM
nEgativezEro89 wrote:
As long as you've found her once (and completed her quest), she should spawn in the Eternal Laboratory. If you didn't grab the waypoint, the Eternal Laboratory is directly next to the waypoint for Solaris Temple Level 2.
From there, you can invite her to your hideout.
If you haven't been able to complete her quest yet, well then... yeah... keep hoping for her to spawn.
Yeah, literally only encountered her once and failed the quest :\
Tagged along with someone else though, so I finally have her in my HO.
Posted byZephryl#5929on Feb 17, 2015, 5:46:06 PM