<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

Hello invites have been sent out and we are now full. You have been added to the waitlist if you haven't been invited (PM me if I missed you).

If the guild expands I will send out invites and you will have 1 day to accept.

<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Invites sent out
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Spots opened up
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
I am curious. I've never actually joined a guild before. Would be nice. Daily player, mostly evenings. No friends play etc!
Hello, I'm a veteran player (or like to think I am) looking for a guild. Never been a part of one but all my friends have stopped playing and I'm looking to find new people to play with.

-IGN: Forsaken_Master
I'm interested. Thanks for the post.

Send a message when there is some room.
ign: Lethalage
Expanded slots & Invites sent out
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
hey I am interested in joining teh guild. Please send inv I love this games
I'm interested in joining. I was away from the game for a while, but I'm really enjoying Rampage and looking to make some friends to game with.

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