<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

Any Character Name: ArthelaEssence
How often do you play?: A lot.
What do you expect from this guild?: People to play with.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: I delete most of my standard characters. Been regularly playing since beta.
Any Character Name: pHaTe_
Age: 33
Location: Minnesota
How often do you play?: Almost daily
What do you expect from this guild?: To help me learn the game so I can dominate.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Not sure what any of this is yet, but that's fine :)
Any Character Name: Alan
Age: 20
Location: Utah
How often do you play?: Try to play daily.
What do you expect from this guild?: People to play with.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Any Character Name: Omashun
Age: 22
Location: Chicago
How often do you play?: Try to play daily
What do you expect from this guild?: Just want people to talk to about the game, ask questions, and eventually map and blow stupid amounts of currency with
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yea
sorry - please ignore :)
Last edited by shadowqueen_X on Oct 19, 2016, 6:40:49 PM
Any Character Name: Rahowa_
Age: 43
Location: Wisconsin
How often do you play?: I generally play 4-5 hours daily
What do you expect from this guild?: I am an active player who is looking for a friendly, social guild to share my playing experience with. I have been playing POE since Feb. 2013, mostly solo. I mostly enjoy playing the SC temp leagues and usually play the entire league.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes, I also do not play standard league.
Any Character Name: CzelEssenceBF

Age: 31

Location: New Hampshire

How often do you play?: Daily Normally after 6PM EST on weekdays and throughout the weekend.

What do you expect from this guild?: Mapping buddies, friendly guild that enjoys good laughs. Active guild that doesn't stop playing after a couple weeks of an update.

Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes
Any Character Name: Rawrgamius

Age: 30

Location: NY, USA

How often do you play?: about every other day, evenings.

What do you expect from this guild?: a healthy league based community, with active members.

Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes. I only play SC temp leagues as well.

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