<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [NecropolisSC]

Hi! My name is KageKami and I am interested in joining the guild posted on the forums. I am a new player but I am throughly enjoying the game. Maybe a wee bit addicted lol anyways I play casually as i am still learning alot. Currently lvl 82 RF Inquis and playing 3.19 league. Also i am active everyday atleast 3/4 hours or so after work =) Thank you for your time =)

Playing some PoE and D2R loving both so far =)
Any Character's Name:Smoosheee
How often do you play?: 4+hrs per day.
What do you expect from this guild?: Chill environment to vibe with during league.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: I also am a SC league player
Other Information (Optional): Will be on around nights mostly.
Any Character's Name: sfgsdfsdf
Age: 28
Location: uk
How often do you play?: around 5 hours a day
What do you expect from this guild?: a friendly group of people to group with.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: understood
Other Information (Optional): no
Any Character's Name: Nissus_RFLOK
Age: 45
Location: Austin, TX
How often do you play?: 5-7 hours a day
What do you expect from this guild?: Looking for a group of peeps to share achieves with
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?:Yeppers me too
Other Information (Optional):
Any Character's Name: ChairmanSpark
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
How often do you play?: About 10-15 hours a week
What do you expect from this guild?:Having good time and play with people.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: I understand
Other Information (Optional):
Any Character's Name: ShenanaRF
Age: 28
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
How often do you play?: at the moment a lot. Like 25+hrs a week. This will probably go down though.
What do you expect from this guild?: I don't expect anything, but I would love answers to dumb questions.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional):
Started poe this league and the dude that convinced me to play stopped playing. I liked running as a duo so I'm hoping to find people to do that with, and hopefully someone to answer questions.
Any Character's Name: TadeuszOgórek
Age: 19
Location: Poland
How often do you play?: almost everyday for 2-5 hours
What do you expect from this guild?: Nothing special just poe oriented community
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional):
Hey Boss, Oregon friendly gamer here.
Character Name: Xonger
Location: Oregon, Portland
So I play most days, Just lookin for a guild at the momment because I actually liked being in a guild, I was randomly invited into one bout a month ago and then randomly today I noticed I no longer had one. First season on kalandra, started my first 2 characters on Standard both Zerk's, Not really lookin for a big guild since the one i was in was kinda small and i liked that because I figure there's alot of item movement but who knows "throws his hands up in the air" not me, so anyways I figure since we in the same state I'd give this a shot and learn the rules as I go along and get in. Alright well. Happy halloween Exile!
Any Character's Name: jebanawitchka
Age: 36
Location: Poland
How often do you play?: usually everyday
What do you expect from this guild?: Looking for help in poe mysteries and to lvl up or just to play
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes, I also play sc leagues

<BLÍSS> Recruitment

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