<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

Any Character's Name: FreakInALake
Age: 40+
Location: US/Central
How often do you play?: 20H/wk
What do you expect from this guild?: Learn more about the game with some social aspect added as well.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional): been playing this game on and off for ages
Any Character's Name: ZombieBeeSpectralExp
Age: 29
Location: Texas
How often do you play?: Most days taking leave usually around the end of the league
What do you expect from this guild?: just a place to chat
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes
Other Information (Optional): Started in Harvest league with 0 knowledge of the game.
Any Character's Name: SpirtsWitch for expedition
Age: 62
Location: Omaha NE
How often do you play?: try to play 2 or more a day
What do you expect from this guild?: help and fun
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?:yes i do play off leagues in between
Other Information (Optional):
Any Character's Name: GladToBleedSplode
Age: 26
Location: NYC
How often do you play?: pretty active at league start (~40 hours a week), tapers off mid-league (~10-15 hours a week, depends if I like the league)
What do you expect from this guild?: POE nerd talk, chill discussion
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yup
Other Information (Optional): been playing since prophecy (skipping a few leagues here and there)
Bump for scourge
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Account Name: BdXtcvfSnv
Character Name: lmao_Flicker (expedition char)
Highest Level: 95?
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Nov 10, 2013 - 3134hrs played on steam
Country/Time Zone: US/CST
Average Hours Played Per Week: ~20+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): SC Trade League only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 5-8 depending on the day, voice chat as well

My discord user is yeetlord#1559 for easier contact than on here, I'm never on these forums.
Last edited by BdXtcvfSnv on Oct 22, 2021, 9:33:31 AM
Username: Ykfeeder_Spiders
Location: Kr
How often do you play?: I would say around 4 hours a day at tops? maybe 3 at times
What do you expect from this guild?: I'm lonely so I want to socialize
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes I never play standard
Other Information (Optional):
Last edited by YKfeeder on Oct 22, 2021, 9:06:14 PM
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Any Character's Name: TRStartMistake
Age: 33
Location: US/Mnt
How often do you play?: Pretty often each league, at least 2 characters, sometimes more. I'd say a good month and a half each league I'll end up playing about 30 hours a week. That tappers off towards the end of the league.
What do you expect from this guild?: Socialization mainly, I'd be interested in rotas and other things.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yep, I only play temp also.
Any Character's Name: AnhTucSB
Location: VietNam
How often do you play?: mostly every day like 3 to 4 hours
What do you expect from this guild?: a community that is active and friendly.PoE gets lonely solo sometimes and always looking for advice from more knowledgeable players and I'd love to find a fun community to be a part of. Discord would be fun. c:
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes.
Other Information (Optional): Have played since breach leauge

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