<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

Any Character Name: TreRaider
Age: 27
Location: East Coast - USA
How often do you play?: Usually a few hours nightly
What do you expect from this guild?: People to map with and level alts with and active chat.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes
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<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Any Character's Name: CreamCOC
Age: 29
Location: Michigan
How often do you play?: I try to play everyday but sometimes cannot due to work
What do you expect from this guild?: Friendship/in game discussions/help
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes
Other Information (Optional): I have almost zero experience playing SC. this is the first league ive played SC. I've played only hardcore since I started.
Last edited by Kylie_o on Apr 23, 2021, 10:02:45 AM
Last edited by CyrasPoE on May 4, 2021, 4:17:23 AM
Any Character's Name: ConfusedValkyrie
Age: 23
Location: USwest
How often do you play?: everyday
What do you expect from this guild?: social things?
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: ya
Other Information (Optional):

Any Character's Name: VooPooPoo
Location: EST, Ohio
How often do you play?: Daily
What do you expect from this guild?:Chit chat and some laughs
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?:yes
Other Information (Optional): Female, Retired, been playing games since the 80's (yes I am that old), Been playing for 4 years.
Any Character's Name: OrangeSpatula
Age: 29
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA
How often do you play?: few hours a day
What do you expect from this guild?: a sense of community and people to chat with while playing
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional): recently played in conflux private league and joined a guild for the first time there, had a ton of fun with the community but ended up not liking the economy so wanted to try and find a similar experience in SC trade
Any Character's Name: holydinges
Age: 29
How often do you play?:daily
What do you expect from this guild?: an added social aspect ive been missing from playing by myself.
a place to ask questions, awnser questions and just chat/play together.
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional): im still fairly new, only started playing like 2-3 weeks ago but blasting through alot of the contend at the moment.
Any Character's Name: nieprzytonib
Location: uk
How often do you play?: daily
What do you expect from this guild?: help fun
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
Other Information (Optional): h&s relaxing so much

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