
robmafia wrote:
Xasrai wrote:

If you have two different types of spectres, 1 type supported with 5 support gems and the other type supported with 4 other support gems, you have a net 9 support gems for the cost of one item and 1 minion gem. Surely you can see how that is unfair compared to other builds?

what the hell are you talking about?

if just using 1 type (and your example) - you're suggesting be 4 spectres all with 5 support gems is lesser than some with 5 and some with 4?

what you suggest would be MORE powerful. it's backwards.

i don't think you understand my argument, at all. i'm not talking about switching gear or anything. i'm saying - if we can have 4 spectres with up to 5 support gems (if 6L) for each, why can't we decide which support gems to use for each spectre; in contrast to having all spectres use the same gems? it's the same amount of gems/skills, either way. nothing's being circumvented to gain more slots/skills.

besides, like i already stated and then killed a horse to beat it some more - the obvious result is that we'll all just use the same type of spectre (4 projectile or 4 evangelists or 4 arcers or 4...) , anyway. which then defeats the stated purpose of the change.

there's no 9 support gem crap. it's going to be max 20, either way (4 spectres * up to 5 supports).

i can understand u rob! - hope ggg also understands u! xasrai just thinks different and completly wrong! but i know what his mistakes were - he just thinks everything is additive but this is wrong - everything keeps its own setup and does not add or multi or whatever u think @xasrai!

dunno how u even got there to be honest! :D
Xasrai wrote:

*interesting arguments, worked and explained, even if it could be wrong*

robmafia wrote:

*ur durrr durr durr dur wrong bro*

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Jun 18, 2014, 6:05:44 AM
robmafia wrote:
Xasrai wrote:
robmafia wrote:

...what in the hell are you talking about?

HOW IS THAT A NET GAIN? what you just said is refuted by simply having 4 offensive spectres!

No. If you can have 4 offensive spectres, each puts out a total of 25% dps for a total of 100%.
With me so far?

By removing one spectre it drops to 75%.

If you have 4 Evangelists, removing one of them reduces your defensive capabilities by... nothing. Removing 2 of them reduces your defences by? That's RIGHT, NOTHING. And removing the third reduces the defensive capabilities by, you guessed it: NOTHING.

So 1 Evangelist is as capable as 4 Evangelists.

So, By having 1 Evangelist, and 3 Offensive spectres, you actually get 100% of the defensive capabilities AND 75% of the offensive capabilities for a total of 175% offence + defence capabilities (As compared to going all of one or the other.)

That's the net gain.

really? so 1 evangelist's defense = 4 evangelists' defense? news to me. i'm also curious how you're quantifying defense, and allocating it with the DPS.

175%, eh? wow. hahahahahahahahahahaahaha. wtf are you talking about? did you actually type that crap? that's wonderful. please explain how utility spectres and non-evangelists factor into that? ooooooooops!

let me guess... adding a necromancer for cursing gives you 100% cursing, 100% defense, and 50% offense? wow, that's 250%!!! clearly, that's the best of all!


Lucky for me, it's not my build being 'crushed' by the nerfhammer. The point is if swapping gems wasn't good for you, you wouldn't do it. If it merely gave you a different model to look at, you wouldn't give a fuck.

Because they are making you less powerful, you care that they are changing it.

You just choose to ignore any argument that shows how you were helped by snapshotting your spectres. I've said all I wanted to say. I look forward to August.
Klimentiy wrote:

May I answer?

He is talking about build diversity. The game would be more exciting if one could have various spectres instead of being forced into having only same ones. Changing gems allows for spectre diversity, simple as that.

well said - well said!
Leunam3 wrote:
robmafia wrote:
Xasrai wrote:

If you have two different types of spectres, 1 type supported with 5 support gems and the other type supported with 4 other support gems, you have a net 9 support gems for the cost of one item and 1 minion gem. Surely you can see how that is unfair compared to other builds?

what the hell are you talking about?

if just using 1 type (and your example) - you're suggesting be 4 spectres all with 5 support gems is lesser than some with 5 and some with 4?

what you suggest would be MORE powerful. it's backwards.

i don't think you understand my argument, at all. i'm not talking about switching gear or anything. i'm saying - if we can have 4 spectres with up to 5 support gems (if 6L) for each, why can't we decide which support gems to use for each spectre; in contrast to having all spectres use the same gems? it's the same amount of gems/skills, either way. nothing's being circumvented to gain more slots/skills.

besides, like i already stated and then killed a horse to beat it some more - the obvious result is that we'll all just use the same type of spectre (4 projectile or 4 evangelists or 4 arcers or 4...) , anyway. which then defeats the stated purpose of the change.

there's no 9 support gem crap. it's going to be max 20, either way (4 spectres * up to 5 supports).

i can understand u rob! - hope ggg also understands u! xasrai just thinks different and completly wrong! but i know what his mistakes were - he just thinks everything is additive but this is wrong - everything keeps its own setup and does not add or multi or whatever u think @xasrai!

dunno how u even got there to be honest! :D

Tell me you don't think that we are talking about the Support gems actually adding together, please.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Xasrai wrote:

Lucky for me, it's not my build being 'crushed' by the nerfhammer. The point is if swapping gems wasn't good for you, you wouldn't do it. If it merely gave you a different model to look at, you wouldn't give a fuck. think visuals don't matter in VIDEO games? hahaha, good one!

gee, by that logic - literally no one playing PoE would ever buy a non-stash microtransaction it's why i haven't ever seen a character in town with angel/tentacle wings...

wow, THAT was hard to refute!



check out all those people who totally don't care about the visuals, because why would anyone care about visuals in a VIDEO game?
[Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Last edited by robmafia on Jun 18, 2014, 6:35:31 AM
Well, if you don't like the changes, you should just either leave the game, take a break or play less. It's free to play, so it doesn't hurt you anything economically at all. Just don't drop any money on this game anymore until they make any changes you like. This is not religion, just a game, so we don't have to worship GGG nor Devs and don't have to pay tithing either.

So far, I don't like these changes and am happy that I didn't buy any points for the 24 hour discount marathons because no reason to pay money for the game I might leave or take a break soon. However, we haven't heard about the rests of the new contents in 1.2.0 yet. They might have really good changes for summoners and RF. So we will see. I hope they will have a lot of good news for people who don't like these changes.
Hi, i have a few questions and am not native English speaking.

average player profile
I am an average player, not hardcore, i discovered snapshoting and it really added diversity, enabling the use of spectre, i commited to many idea and try, that now are useless.
I also played other build, i have more than 10 characters, ranging from the melee to the caster and so on... Summoner was my favorite because of the diversity it provided, while being one of the most underpowered (no leech, no tankiness, obligation to run many aura to support your minions..and so on...)

Snapshotting abuse of things like Mon'tregul's Grasp has prevented several cool mechanics and items from finding their way into the game yet.

I dont want to propagate negative feedback, but i really hope you dont miss the fact that player and mostly supporter are human being and dislike to be disrespected.

The Smoke Mine Effect
first i hope you dont reproduce the "smoke mine" fixe and the release of Convocation:
Removing an usefull tool and then leaving player withtout any possible mean to interract and then releasing the tool (made many quit at best quit playing the char they loved, at worse made other quit the game and stop supporting it).

Smoke mine provided the only way to get your stuck/engaged/far away minions back to you. The only alternative was to use a quick silver and run away a few screeen to have them teleport back to you. It also provided a too big defensive buff (blind) and some movement speed.

Convocation was the right answer, balanced and sexy for the player, could instantly recall your minion, no need to lay a mine and bother...

For non summoner, its really simple: imagine you have a skill intended for another use, but using it remove desych... then GGG found that is a bug and that this skill isnt used as intented, then they remove the anti desynch ability of the skill, wait many weeks and release an anti desynch skill.
It's not that i^m against fixing thing, but the order it has be done. Letting us down.. they giving lill bone.

BUT you let us down for many weeks....

I dont write all that in order to make the praise of snapshoting, but to the mechanism behind, not the abusing of some "flaws" in games mechanism,let's looks at smoke mine in order to explain the concerns i want to express.

In some of your post, you say like you dont know if you will be able to give nice things or replacements or have time to rebalance and/or buff.

I hope you prepared well what you'll be doing, as a summoner using trap and remote mine instead of minion damage...looked curious at best..but that was the only way to have decent minion...even with all minions passives and many auras.


Did you understand what you caused with the "smoke mine fix" when you realease the skill WEEKS after broking stuff up?

Do you have alternative set (i know you cannot talk about the expansion now)planned for the release to compensate?

A typical exemple of aura snapshoting: tempest shield:

No gear snapshot, just gems sharing, let's say i put tempset shield in a 4L,
TS + Life Leech + Added Lightning + reduced mana
I hit the skill button, it reserve my mana and is active. If i remove the support, will TS desactivate?

I dont see that as a snapshot, because when i cast a spell it take my mana and check for the support, and cost accordingly, for that tempest shield exemple, it still reserve the same mana as if Life leech and added lightning where in.

questions are over rest is background concerns

As far as i am in the thread i could only fear, speaking about using two different RZ gemme and support mean having at least two 6L dedicated for spectre, providing you cannot get more than 4 spectre at a time and actually, with all passives and perfect summoner gear, snapshoted spectre are the only way to have them do decent damage..and limit only to the evangelist for viable endgames spectres.

BM were too much powerfull, chaos bear also, but the were almost the only viable option for endgame content, and with massives auras.

Actually an unbuffed (no minion passive) AG lv 20 supported by Minion life and a few aura is barely able to stay alive with godly gear using zoning snapshots ( skull head and some summoner gears) in Sarn Mercs.

With full passive it still need snapshots to stay alive, Animated Weapons in the other hand perform way better and actualy deal damaage without needing that much support gems.

You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Sneakypaw wrote:

Tell me you don't think that we are talking about the Support gems actually adding together, please.

from an older quote he wrote that those support gems would be additive! i know its not - but he wrote it like that, and i understood it like that!

since the whole summoner snapshotting thing startet - i startet 1 on my own - and i always run 4 of the same spectres - depending on map! clearspeed and dmg OP imo ^^

but i also get the other point of diversity - when i helped a m8 to lvl or run lower maps - i sometimes raised different types - and in my opinion it is not an advantage! - yeah some type of synergy would be maybe there - but there is also some kind of syndergy when u run 4 of the same!

so dont worry sneaky! :)
Last edited by Leunam3 on Jun 18, 2014, 6:50:50 AM

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