Improving Communication: The Development Manifesto (Please Read First!)

GGG if u remove harvest at least start fight with bots more often pls!

soon new league and there will be more bots! also nerfed harvest could be higher chance to spawn... 8% is nothing at all! make 20-30% or more
Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Call "Nerf of Next Week!"
I am a fairly new player to PoE. still have not got the whole game down yet. need some more study to do. like to know how the build of the week works. All I do is try new builds but don't seem to work all well. ( don't like being a copycat). Is there a place to submit a build your working on to see if it will work better a diffrent way? or help improve it?
Last edited by Kaotic-Ouch on Mar 19, 2021, 1:59:40 PM
If you guys say communication is key, whether it’s good or bad, why are you guys deleting posts in the manifesto thread?
Kaotic-Ouch wrote:
I am a fairly new player to PoE. still have not got the whole game down yet. need some more study to do. like to know how the build of the week works. All I do is try new builds but don't seem to work all well. ( don't like being a copycat). Is there a place to submit a build your working on to see if it will work better a diffrent way? or help improve it?

You want to join a friendly discord and you can ask for how you can change your build for it to be better. Of copurse some builds are better than others, but you only need like 1 million single target dps to get through the game.

You can try big ducks discord, people there are very helpful:

Some really good tips for newbies.
Last edited by Thesuffering on Apr 13, 2021, 8:14:51 AM
Next league - SERENITY league.

We all know the many reasons why...
Whatever GGG did to the trade part of the site broke it. The mod reduced reservation of skills is missing, and you cannot search for influenced items easily. If I want a shaped unique, it is nearly impossible to narrow it down after the change. Please fix or revert.
I think the build of the week is fine. Though instead of giving your self so much pressure and tight schedule you should show case a build once a month and have someone in your work group who has the extra time to work on it as a offical ggg project then it wont seem like you guys are in a time crunch.

Maybe even rename it Build of the Month.
Last edited by Maxhero777 on May 17, 2021, 5:30:54 AM
Not sure if this is the right place to make a comment. The main reason I stop playing a league is the random one shots I can't figure out. I get a few of those and I'm just deflated because I couldn't figure out what just happened.

I enjoy the game, it is great for sure. Just my opinion on why I quit, check out other games and wait for a new league.

Still, the game is great and I enjoy the complexity of the builds etc.. I just wish there was an in game info panel that said, "spell" hit you critical etc..

Not trying to be to harsh but I feel a major break off between communication could be due to players not being heard enough. I know there is a lot of trash out there and it should be ignored but when a large amount of people start talking about the same issues then it's really something that needs attention and if it's getting attention then it needs to constant news on that problem whether it's development to fix the problem or that it's something that can't be changed and a discussion needs to happen to find a working solution that pleases both sides.

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