GH nerf LOL are you kidding?

As far as i know they cannot and will not make 3 versions of gems (pve,pvp, CT). Changes to gems in CT or pvp will affect the other. Because of a lack of dream frags or wanderlust in CT races, glacial is very strong. I guess it comes down to which one do we want. Broken GH in CT or nerfed GH in pvp.
IGN: @GreenDude
But I can't help but feel CT is a more casual event while PvP is a more hardcore event. You can't claim they're the same, and thus they might need clear distinctions. If creating these distinctions really is the problem, then maybe the templar needs a different starting gem than glacial hammer, or at least a lower freeze rate and a higher threshold.
Dont put words in my mouth though. I didnt say they are the same. What im saying is they share the same gem version. GGG said in the past that they were not interested in make more than two variations of gems. Otherwise there would be 4: pve/lld/hld/ct which is probably hectic for them.

Im only reminding ppl, im not picking sides here. Personally i think GH Builds sucked even b4 the nerf so that nerf didnt do much to LLD
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude on Jul 9, 2014, 5:23:04 PM
Last edited by AleronDescends on Jul 10, 2014, 8:39:02 AM
FIreskull wrote:
As I have mentioned like 5 times now... One of the reason Glacial Hammer is strong in CT is because of its "delayed hit" time compared to Heavy Strike, where it is possible to hit enemies that are a half screen away. Glacial Hammer also seems to cause 2 people to kill each other at once (More than other skills like Heavy Strike.) because of this bug. This bug has to be fixed first before nerfing GH. I played the 12 hour cutthroat, and I reached a point where I switched to Heavy Strike because people had resists, but no, the fucking Heavy Strike does not have this bug, so I switchted to GH Again, just so I could benefit from this "Commando Range" bug, where people get chilled randomly out of nowhere, or frozen out of nowhere. I would have died easily in the race if this bug was not present.

Seriously the skill is frikn bugged, dont nerf it WITHOUT fixing this lame range bug. It is EXTREMELY noticeable to switch from Glacial Hammer to Heavy Strike in PvP aleready. Most of the kills i,ve seen with Glacial Hammer in CT are obivious, random, commando range "desynch" hits that just... I dont know why no else seems to notice this bullcrap. Glacial Hammer is op at catching people that run away, not at killing, (In long term) which is also why it is "OP" The chill and freeze will be strong for a long time, but this makes a long term Glacial Hammer build unviable, IN LONG TERM, but not on short term, which is just bullshit. I really tried to hit someone with Heavy Strike, but for that you must have Flicker Strike, which you cant get as a Templar unless it drops, for that you must play duelist, which is also a nice spec.

I remmember I once killed someone with Glacial Hammer, WHO was not even on my screen anymore because he ran away, and just got hitted by a random Glacial Hammer hit that "Missed" at first attempt, but then hit him like 7 seconds later and he dies randomly. Fix plz.

Also, I dont get why the skill is nerfed because of short term cutthroat. I mean, that Hurts PvP, and Glacial Hammer wont be op in cutthroat from level 1 to 100, especialy not if this commando range bug is fixed. At least fix the bug before nerfing, instead of nerfing and not fixing bug.

As FireSkull already pointed out before:

The problem with Glacial Hammer is, that when you are for example chilled and temp chained and then start a Glacial Hammer attack on your target while it is in range, it will then hit the target no matter how far away he runs during your super slow attack animation. Normally a melee skill would have to check if the target is still in range when the animation is done, but Glacial Hammer seems to bypass this check.

This is also one of the reasons why its so strong in Cutthroat, because its really hard to run away from it, because unlike any other melee skill it doesn't care whether you're still in range at the end of its animation and still hits and potentially even freezes you while you're out of range.
Last edited by Apokalyxio on Aug 19, 2014, 4:50:24 AM
Dat necro post ^
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude on Aug 19, 2014, 8:15:06 AM
rework glacial hammer so its still viable preaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Does everyone even understand/have noticed during gameplay what me and Apoka is saying?

Since cutthroat has been streamed and plenty of people have played it, it truly amazes me that no one has noticed this bug, and it would not surprise me that people dont yet understand what me and Apoka is saying.

The bug happens in PvE aswell, but not as often due to lack of movement of the monsters that are being attacked. (Happens typically on vaal Snakes, fast skirmish mobs, etc.)

Allright, looks like Glacial Hammer wont be reworked since no one understands/have noticed this bug...

Common guys WTH??? Some of you must have noticed it. Grindcore did you not notice this on your Glacial Hammer dude??

Tired of being nearly the only person reporting this bug... You guys want me to bump this thread forever? (Because I will!)

...And SirEdwards talks about being ignored?

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