[3.1] JUGGERNAUT/BERSERKER 1H+Shield Max Block&Spell Block Tank, Atziri Killer+a BoR version

Great Build! :)
I have a question! I cant find stone of lazhwar, but i have the anvil amber amulet. It will be a good substitute?
Thanks for answer! :)
Dissever wrote:
Been using a variation of this for nearly 2 years.
I took the Berserker ascendancy because this build was already tanky enough for my liking.
Great build!

How do u get almost 100K with 1H if I may ask? I never went over 40K. do you use mirrored weapon?
Last edited by alecs87 on Jun 29, 2016, 4:30:36 PM
I got a better Doryanni, took the damage nodes, etc. Damage is now up to 12,209. Not seeing what I can possibly do to hit 20k+ though.
alecs87 wrote:

How do u get almost 100K with 1H if I may ask? I never went over 40K. do you use mirrored weapon?

No mirrored weapon.
I've always used a legacy Soul Taker. Hatred, herald of ash and warlord's with blasphemy.
Dps with a non legacy soul taker can reach fairly high too. Using an axe means you can pretty much have permanent onslaught.No mana issues due to soul taker so I can stack tons of attack speed.

While using a 1 hander; I find earthquake works incredibly well if you outright ignore the aftershock speed and stack as much attack speed as you can. I generally run conc and no inc aoe gem with it. Aoe suffers a bit but it kills so fast that my clear speed doesn't suffer enough to bother me. I can also swap conc for phys to light and get similar dps. I can run dual reflect maps on him fairly safely with either gem.

I'm also not fully optimized since some of the new totems have came out. I'll eventually use an ancestral warchief or protector.

For high end maps I use a 4l vaal molten shell to help melt bosses.
Last edited by Dissever on Jun 29, 2016, 9:59:58 PM
@Dissever So that legacy Soultaker really boosts dmg that much? 100K is quite good on a max block, not counting the aftershock.

Hi Serge. I've been playing your build for a while now. And I've been very happy with it. I did Atziri and Uber.

However when Izaro is using dual weapons.. I get raped. I've also tried dual boss on t14/15 in party and it worked ok.. but not great. So i was constantly looking to improve it.

Currently I am running Warlords + Hatred and sit around 35K tooltip. However I always felt it needs a small dmg boost. I recently came a cross the following build.


With the 2.3 I'm curious what do you think about Varunastra replacing Doryani, as it could benefit from more damage boost. Also what you think about Marauder vs Duelist with the 2 extra ascendancy points?

I permanently have 90% damage reduce, even without fortify or flasks and I feel like that's a waste of armor. I don't have a duelist available and wanted to find your opinion before I level one to 90+.
This is my current gear. And yes after endless labs I still don't have that damn EQ enchant on helm...

Last edited by alecs87 on Jun 30, 2016, 1:54:35 PM
You are in the same situation as I was. I thought i had too much stacked defenses as well.
One key difference between my build and yours is the ascendancy choice.
I chose berserker. 40% more damage is no joke. It's a massive dps boost for this build.
I'm also using attack speed enchants on both helm and boots. my helm enchant alone turns my blood rage + 3 frenzy charges into a 41% attack speed boost. If i had 2 unset rings i would add a golem and an ancestral protector.

I've respecced to use different weapons several times and always went back to soul taker. Not worrying about mana and the slaugher node + attack speed stacking suits me best I guess. I've tried both doryani's and varunastra.

This is what i'm currently wearing. Still room for slight imporvments but cost vs effect is making it not worth the investment for me.

Last edited by Dissever on Jun 30, 2016, 7:49:44 PM
Thanks for sharing mate. I understand now how you reached that dps. I've also started with the ascendancy path u have but I was dying too much.
The thing is that you have 2 legacy items. All your gear has better life/res than mine and chaos res. And your chest armour is top.
Stacking so much ias + soultaker + warlorlds = constant life leach

I'm currently playing with the gem setups myself and I believe an Unset ring is a great addition.

Is that 2% difference on legacy Aegis worth the price tag?


E: I found it quite hard to swap Meginord's for a rare.
Last edited by alecs87 on Jun 30, 2016, 8:03:05 PM
I was wondering too what to do when I reach 90% armor, with only 5 Endurance Charges I am sitting at 90% almost full time, should I start rolling other stats on gear over armor?
dudson wrote:
Great Build! :)
I have a question! I cant find stone of lazhwar, but i have the anvil amber amulet. It will be a good substitute?
Thanks for answer! :)

It won't, because you will lost most of your spell block.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
Brian9824 wrote:
I got a better Doryanni, took the damage nodes, etc. Damage is now up to 12,209. Not seeing what I can possibly do to hit 20k+ though.

You must be doing something wrong, I can't tell what. Do you have a 6L? Did you check that you're using appropriate links?
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888

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