Vaal Summon Skeletons

one thing to note - summoned skeletons are 'immobile' - that is they will not leave the initial area and will not follow you (just like normal skeletons). investing in Increased Duration as such makes little sense as these kill/are killed long before their normal timer runs out

mages cast raging spirits - it looks nice. it also seems that their 'general' can cast auras (im 99% positive i saw one with Anger)

nice skill in general however highly situational as summoners rarely need MORE summons (time-on-target is already very short) and non-summoners lack all the passives/gear needed to make summoners work instead of fizzle..
sidtherat wrote:
one thing to note - summoned skeletons are 'immobile' - that is they will not leave the initial area and will not follow you (just like normal skeletons). investing in Increased Duration as such makes little sense as these kill/are killed long before their normal timer runs out

mages cast raging spirits - it looks nice. it also seems that their 'general' can cast auras (im 99% positive i saw one with Anger)

nice skill in general however highly situational as summoners rarely need MORE summons (time-on-target is already very short) and non-summoners lack all the passives/gear needed to make summoners work instead of fizzle..

Oh wow the immobile part is lame :(
The person ment that they dont follow. You can lure mobs to then and they'll chase.
A large issue I am having with this gem is the way the Vaal Summon Skeletons interacts with regular Summon Skeletons. Both of these gems seem to share the same maximum amount of total skeletons. For example if I have a skeleton totem and then use Vaal Summon Skeletons the skele totem will resummon my vaal skeletons as normal skeletons. I'm not absolutely sure this is what is happening but I consistently notice my General desummoning within one second of casting Vaal SS if I have a skele totem up and there are enemy monsters around.

If it is intended that Vaal SS and regular SS share Vaal SS maximum skeletons value then can it be made so that the General, Casters, and Archer skeletons do not get desummoned. This interaction severely undermines the potential of Vaal SS.
Last edited by OneTooMany on Mar 16, 2014, 4:51:50 AM
This is a hilarious gem to use with my summoner. When I want to open a strongbox I'd prepare fresh corpses for them, and then summon a field of dancing skeletons that completely overwhelm these petty chest guarding monsters... Interesting and intimidating as it is, I feel the actual clearing speed stays the same as with my zombies and spectres solely. Maybe every monster in this whole mess gets confused and doesn't know whom its attack should lay on :)
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap
Would it be possible to have Vaal Summon Skeletons overwrite existing skeletons from Summon Skeletons? As it is, you have to watch your current number of skeletons to make sure you don't lose your General.
IGN: Pastryfighter
the issue i have, i would not waste a 4-link to support the army, besides they seem to overwrite or being overwritten by casted skellies, when i can cast them so seldom. either they need to feel/be powerful without linking them with supports, or i need the chance to summon them more frequently. or at least get souls when killing boss summons.

edit: having the army as tool in normal areas may feel powerful, but as soon as i run into a boss fight, these sockets seem to be wasted since i could have put in some skills not relying on souls which would give me some tactical advantage not feeling like a waste.
Last edited by Pendulu on Mar 17, 2014, 11:04:37 PM
Overall, I think they become more powerful after getting the summoner nodes. They augment whatever summon skills you currently have, not related to skeleton.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
They are on their own separate max minion count from regular Summon Skeletons.

And if you support them, they are a very strong addition to the rest of your minion posse. My fastest cruel piety take-down ever was with their assistance, and I'm playing self-found in Ambush to do it.
Does Queen's Decree increase their duration?

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